Asgardian Booze and Ultron

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I open my door in the bedroom I have in The Avengers Tower. I am in the middle of brushing my teeth, not expecting Natasha to storm in with two bags in hand. I just go to the small bathroom to finish in my dark grey sweats and black tank-top. 

"Nat?" I look down at the two bags curiously after rinsing my mouth out in the bathroom sink. "What are in those?"

Tony had transformed his old Stark Industries Tower into The Avengers Tower after we had stopped the Chitauri and closed the portal in 2014. He had made it the base of The Avengers missions and formed several rooms for us all. They were a good size with a full bed, nightstand, bathroom, and a window of an incredible view of Manhattan, New York. 

"So, Thor told me that nothing is happening between you and Steve," She then stops me before I can speak. "And I know because of your guy's secret mission which Thor obviously knows nothing about. So, I convinced him to give me some money to make sure you look like an "Asgardian queen" as he put it, and make Steve wish he claimed you in the forties."

"You're not kidding, are you?" I ask, shaking my head as she begins to pull out the clothes, shoes, and makeup.  


I look at myself in the mirror of my bathroom, making sure my makeup looks good. It is very natural with nude eyeshadow and eyeliner. I touch up my red lipstick and make sure there are no smudges. I purposely did my hair up like a modern-forties hairdo with the long silver earrings bringing out the shine of my one blue eye and one violet eye. I place the silver locket around my neck and leave to join the party in the main room. 

I walk to the staircase and I stop for a minute as almost all eyes go to me, bringing up my confidence a lot higher. I am glad that Natasha had gone out to buy me an outfit. It may be fancy, but I look damn good. I am wearing a tight, black V-cut, off the shoulder dress that reaches mid-thigh. I am also wearing Jimmy Choo's silver high heels that give me an extra two-inch height. 

I spot all the different faces looking at me. From Thor and Natasha's approving nods to the rest of The Avengers-plus Sam's- agape mouths. But there is only one man's attention I am looking for and I smirk at the effect I have over him. Steve looks up at me and he appears absolutely mesmerized by me. It's almost too much for me to handle. I place my left hand on the railing and begin to gracefully walk down the stairs. 

"You look stunning," Steve compliments me as I luckily make it down without tripping over my feet. I have always hated heels. 

"Thanks," I smile at Steve, purposely walking past him and Sam as they have stopped playing pool to stare at me. I know they are both checking out my butt. I even let out a little giggle as I sense Steve hit Sam lightly for staring. 

"I do not regret spending as much money as I did," Natasha tells me as she meets me at the bar. She is rocking a classic white and black fifties dress and hairdo. 

"How much did you spend?" I ask curiously, knowing it must have been a lot. 

"Not our problem," She shrugs. "It was Thor's."

"Ah," Thor walks up to us and looks me up and down. "Good job Natasha."

"Thank you, Thor," I thank him. 

"My pleasure," Thor nods his head with a broad smile. "Best a million dollars I spent on Earth."

"A million dollars?" I spit out the water I just started drinking. 

"Yes," Thor says, and I laugh more because he does not understand how much that actually is worth on Earth. 

"Nat," I give her an incredulous look. 

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