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It has been two years since the Battle of New York and I am currently living in Washington D.C. with Steve Rogers. Our relationship is very complicated considering the fact that we live together but have only had one kiss. The one in New York when we faced Loki. All I do now is get up early in the morning with him and run. Run for hours. 

"On your left," Steve says at the same time I say, "On your right," To a man jogging. 

"I hate you both," We hear him say from behind us as we run past him yet again around the Washington monument. 

"Need a medic?" Steve asks the man as we find him leaning back against a tree trunk after our run. 

"You two just ran, like, thirteen miles in thirty minutes," Sam breathes out heavily. 

"I beat him by two seconds," I smile cheekily. I am wearing my usual black workout leggings with a blue, long sleeve workout top from Lululemon. 

"What unit are you in?" Steve points at the man's army workout sweater. 

"Fifty-eighth Pararescue," He answers. "Now I'm working down at the VA."

"I'm Maeve Barnes," I reach my hand out for him to shake it. 

"Sam Wilson," He then takes Steve's hand. 

"Steve Rogers," Steve helps him up as he introduces himself. 

"I put that together," Sam says. "Must have freaked you out coming home after the whole defrosting thing."

"Looks like you have another fan," I roll my eyes. 

"She's just jealous because no one knew she was locked up for the same amount of time," Steve nudges me and I know he wants me to try to be polite. "She's always moody in the morning."

"Are you two to-"

"No," Steve and I quickly interrupt Sam at the same time. 

"We gotta go," I show Steve my phone after I receive a mission alert from S.H.E.I.L.D. 

"Duty calls," Steve looks at the other man. "Thanks for the run, Sam."

"Anytime you guys want to stop by the VA, make me look awesome in front of the girl at the front desk. Just let me know," Sam calls out as we begin to make our way toward the curb of the sidewalk. "It was nice to meet you..."

"Maeve," I tell him. 

"Cool eye, by the way," He points at his right eye. 

"Oh," I touch the skin underneath my violet eye. "I sometimes forget it's there. Thank you."

"Hey, guys," Natasha pulls up in her gorgeous Corvette Stingray with the passenger seat window rolled down. "Anyone know where the Smithsonian is? I'm here to pick up a couple of fossils."

"That's hilarious," Steve monotonously tells her as he opens the door for me to get inside one of only two doors that the car has. 

"Hey, Nat," I am happy to see her. "How you've been?"

"Ready for a mission," She says as Steve struggles to fit in the silver black Corvette. 

"Couldn't you take the backseat?" I ask Steve as he still moves around uncomfortably. 

"I'm kinda bigger than you," He points out before I feel his big hands grab my small waist and I am being lifted up a little. 

"What are you..." I begin as he moves me to sit on top of his lap. 

"That's better," I feel him wiggle underneath me as he gets more legroom. 

"Ouch," I say as I hit my head on the roof. "This isn't better."

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