"I Kissed You First"

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I sit by Steve's bedside at the table in the hospital. I anxiously bop my leg up and down as I wait for him to gain consciousness. His quick healing from the serum has already made the swelling on his face go down a significant amount. The bullet is out so it is only a matter of time. 

"Elizabeth," Steve tilts his head to smirk at me the instant he opens his eyes, knowing instantly that I am the one sitting in the room. 

"Steven," I smirk back at him as I walk to place a hand on his cheek. 

"Don't you have a hearing you're late too?" He asks me, bringing his hand up to his face to cover mine. 

"How do you know?" I scrunch my eyebrows together at the other super-soldier. 

"I woke up a bit ago to find you here sleeping," Steve responds. "I know you needed it so don't say anything about me not waking you up," He stops me I can tell him that he should have woken me up. "Nat told me about the hearing."

"Fine," I groan, knowing I won't win right now about staying with him here. 

"Mae," He stops me as I go to leave. "You talk in your sleep. I hope those nightmares go away."

"Thanks," I say, hoping I did not say anything about my missions and the real reason why I usually have reasons over them. 

"Here," He hands out a silver chain with that circular locket. 

"I must have dropped it," I go to take it from him. 

"Nice pictures," He grins at me and I look into his mesmerizing eyes with my own grin. 

"I'll be right back," I tell him. "Don't go anywhere."

"I kind of can't at this moment," He chuckles before I walk out of the room. 


I look up at the committee after I solemnly swear to say the truth and nothing but the truth. I am wearing a black blouse under a black long-sleeve shirt. 

"Why haven't we yet heard from Captain Rogers?" One of the committee members asks me. 

"I don't know what he can possibly say," I honestly answer, locking my hands on top of the desk. "I think the wreck in the middle of the Potomac made his point fairly eloquently."

"He can explain how this country is expected to maintain its national security now that he and you have laid waste to our intelligence apparatus," The man says. 

"HYDRA sent lies and we sought to end it," I tell him. 

"Lies you helped spread," He says. 

"We were all fooled by HYDRA," I look down ashamed before looking confidently back up. "But as you know I faced them in the forties with Captain America himself. We may have made mistakes in our past but we stand up for what we believe in. That is why we are admirable and why you should be thankful for us."

"Those mistakes you've made..." The man begins and I know he has learned about the four terrible missions I was sent on. "Don't you think you should be sent to prison?"

"You won't do that because you need us," I stand up out of my chair, leaning forward on my arms. "You need me. You know damn well we are the ones to avenge this world as we are the only ones capable of doing so. But arrest me if you want. You'll figure out that you need me out here eventually."

"Where are you planning on staying if we don't arrest you?" He asks. 

"As my right, I don't have to tell you," I say before starting to leave. I say as I go, "But, I'll be with the same man I have fought beside since becoming a soldier. You'll find us when you need us."


I walk up to the headstone where Steve and Sam are waiting with Fury. 

"Hello, boys," I grin at them in my spandex leggings and a black long-sleeve shirt under my leather jacket. I leave my hair loose over my shoulders. "Wow," I look down at the headstone with flowers in front of it. "Colonel Nicholas J. Fury."

"We've been data mining HYDRA's files," Fury says as he walks up to us in his hooded disguise. He had ordered us to meet him here. "Looks like a lot of rats didn't go down with the ship. I'm headed to Europe tonight," Fury looks at me. "Wanted to ask if you'd come."

"I..." I look at Steve and I immediately know what I am going to answer. "I don't think so."

"There's something we gotta do first," Steve tells Fury. 

"How about you, Wilson?" Fury asks Sam. "Could use a man with your abilities."

"I'm more of a soldier than a spy," Sam tells him before shaking Fury's hand. 

"Anybody asks for me, tell them they can find me, right here," Fury says to Steve as they shake hands. 

"Nick," I reach my hand out to him. 

"Nope," Fury shakes his head at me for calling him by his first name. "I'll see you again, Agent Barnes, unfortunately."

"Because you adore me and I'm your favorite agent," I remind him after we shake hands. "See you, sir."

"Wow, Mae," Natasha walks up to us with a file in hand, a broad smile plastered on her face. "You called it."

"I called it," I grin at her as she refers to me always talking about how I am Fury's favorite. 

"Are you leaving with him?" Steve asks her as he comes to stand next to me. 

"No," She says. "I'm gonna make a new start somewhere else. All of my covers are blown."

"I think we have a personal mission to work on now," I look up at Steve. 

"Well," Natasha hands me a file. "I got what you two asked for since you'll probably need it."

"Thank you," Steve tells her. 

"See you two around," She says before walking away from where she came from. "Good luck with that."

"You two going after him?" Sam asks us as he looks over our shoulders to notice it is Bucky Barnes' file I hold in my hand. 

"You don't have to go with us," Steve tells him. 

"But, he wants to," I smirk at Sam. 

"Where are you going?" Steve asks me as I begin to walk away from the two men. 

"To get a head start," I shrug. 

"Wait," Steve jogs up to me before grabbing my face and kissing me

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"Wait," Steve jogs up to me before grabbing my face and kissing me. I completely melt into him with how much warmth I feel kissing him. He pulls away with a smirk. "So I can say I kissed you first."

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