The Winter Soldier

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"HYDRA doesn't like leaks," Sitwell tells us as we ride in Sam's Impala Sedan car. I had convinced Steve to let me sit shotgun as he and Natasha have Sitwell in between them in the backseat. 

"Then why don't you try sticking a cork in it?" Sam looks back at Sitwell through the rearview mirror. 

"I'm starting to like you more and more," I smirk at Sam. 

"Insight's launching in sixteen hours," Natasha reminds us. "We're cutting it a little bit close here."

"We'll use him to bypass the DNA scans and access the helicarriers directly," Steve says. 

"What?" Sitwell exclaims. "Are you crazy? That's a terrible-Ah!" He screams after someone lands on the hood of the car and reaches into the window, throwing Sitwell into the busy highway. 

"Oh, shit," I gasp as Sitwell is hit by an oncoming truck. I then put Sam's car in park, making the man who happens to be no other than The Winter Soldier falls off onto the street in front of us. 

The Winter Soldier uses his metal arm to stop from rolling on the ground and he stands up, staring at the car for a few seconds. Something about him makes him seem so familiar but I put it to the back of my mind as a car hits us from behind. The soldier jumps on top of the car as Sam tries to continue driving. The man punches through the hood and rips out the steering wheel. Natasha begins shooting up at him but he jumps off of the car. 

"Stop the car!" I yell at Sam. 

"I can't!" He yells back. 

"Maeve, get Sam out," Steve orders me. "I got Nat."

I grab onto Sam and kick my door open and off its hinges. I grab Sam's arm before jumping out of the car. I groan as I roll on the rough street. Though, I stand up quickly as I take one of my two guns out. 

"Steve!" I exclaim as Bucky shoots an explosive bullet at him, making the super-soldier fly back off of the bridge. I run behind a car, shooting at the HYDRA agents when I can. I dodge one of the explosives as I jump off the bridge in the direction of Steve. 

I notice The Winter Soldier's shadow holding a different rifle before I run completely out from under the bridge. I shoot up from a spot underneath the bridge to hit him without him seeing me. But, he only leans over the bridge and shoots right back at me. I run behind a truck, aiming my wrists at him before energy blasts come out of the bracelets Tony had made me. I start running as fast as I can away from the bridge. 

I hide behind another car after placing a voice recording across the street to distract him. The Winter Soldier creates an unnecessary explosion and I use it to jump on top of him from behind. He struggles to throw me off of him but is eventually successful. He takes his gun out again and I shoot him quickly with an energy blast before sprinting far away from him. 

"Stay out of the way!" I yell at civilians as I sprint. I fall as he shoots me in the back of my left shoulder. I touch it and thank God it's just a graze, so I stand back up as Steve charges at him with his shield. 

The Winter Soldier kicks Steve off of him and begins to shoot. I get up and throw one of my knives at him. It slices his right arm, which is not metal. I run up to him and kick him back. He runs up to me but I catch his metal hand before it can make contact with my face. He is able to punch me with his other hand. I knee him in the abdomen and elbow him in the back. He quickly recovers and pulls out a knife. Steve charges at him from behind him.  I dodge his attempt at stabbing me and try to stab him instead. He is able to also dodge me as he fights off Steve. I get in a good punch before Steve kicks him to the floor. 

I jump forward with my knife out but he grabs my wrist. I curse out how close I was to stab him in his face. I yell as he tightens his grip on my wrist, trying to break it. But, he throws me back as he spots Steve advancing toward him. Steve flips the man over his shoulder, removing his face mask in the process. 

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