The Battle of Wakanda

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I stare up at the sky as some sort of huge bomb hits the invisible barrier that protects Wakanda. It explodes right away but we all know that more will be sent. 

"God," Bucky looks up at the barrier. "I love this place."

"Don't jinx us yet," I tell my brother. 

"We got more incoming outside the dome," Sam says as more come down from the sky. 

"Nice shield," I tell Steve as he comes out of the palace with a brand new vibranium shield. 

"Thanks," He says as he stands next to me. 

"Here," I fix his hair as a strand gets stuck in his eyelash. We look each other in the eyes until Bucky clears his throat. 

"How you hanging, Bruce?" Natasha asks the doctor as he appears in the Hulk Buster Suit made for him since he can't turn back into the actual Hulk. 

"It's like being the Hulk but-Ugh!" I laugh as he trips and lands on his face. 

"Sorry," I still laugh even though everyone gives me a look. I step on a flying thing before Steve so we can head toward the barrier. 

"I'm okay," Bruce gets up before running as we fly. "I'm okay."

"I got two heat signatures breaking through the tree line," Rhodey informs us all as he flies in the air in his War Machine suit. 

I get out of the aircraft and line up in front of the Wakandan warriors beside Steve and Bucky. I look ahead at the two alien creatures walking toward us on the other side of the barrier. 

"They look disgusting," I comment as I see the rock-skinned man and woman with horns coming out of her head. 

"Yeah, I bet they don't get laid as much as you," Bucky tells me. 

"Haha," I sarcastically laugh as Steve looks at us, shaking his head. "Don't look at me like that, Cap. I was your last time I bet too."

"You really think he held out for you in the last two years?" Bucky asks me and I look at Steve, raising my left eyebrow. 

"Let's go," T'Challa begins to walk to the barrier before Steve can answer. 

Steve begins to walk with him and I catch up between the two men as Natasha stays to the other side of Steve. We walk to the barrier where the two creatures are. 

"Where is your other friend?" Natasha asks the woman as we stand close to the invisible barrier. 

"Oh, yeah," I smirk at Natasha. "Didn't you kill him?"

"You will pay for his life with yours," The woman tells us. "Thanos will have that stone."

"That's not gonna happen," Steve tells them. 

"You are in Wakanda now," T'Challa says. "Thanos will have nothing but dust and blood."

"We have blood to spare," The woman says before raising her spear. 


"They surrender?" Bucky asks us once we line up again with him and the others. 

"Not exactly," Steve tells his best friend. 

"We're at war," I state matter of factly. "Oh, shit," I say as creatures emerge out of the trees outside of the barrier. "Those things are uglier than the Chitauri."

"I don't think they're really supposed to be pretty," Natasha tells me. 

"I think we pissed her off," I say. 

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