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"All right, what do you see?" Steve asks Wanda and me as we sit outside of a cafe in Lagos, Nigeria. 

Wanda wears a hat and I wear sunglasses as we are undercover on a mission. It has been roughly two years since we defeated Ultron in Sokovia. 

"Standard beat cops," I begin as I bring my cup of coffee to my lips. "Small station."

"It's a good target," Wanda comments. 

"There's an ATM on the south corner, which means?" Steve asks. 

"Cameras," Wanda answers. 

"Rumlow doesn't care about being seen," I say matter of factly, looking up at the building I know Steve is in. "I always hated him."

"I know," Steve says. "You see that Range Rover halfway up the block?"

"The red one?" Wanda asks and I turn to spot it. 

"It's cute," I comment. 

"It's also bulletproof," Natasha states as she sits at a table behind us undercover too. "Which means private security."

"Making it a headache for us," I groan. 

"You guys know I can move things with my mind, right?" Wanda asks. 

"Thanks for the reminder because I completely forgot," I sarcastically say. 

"Looking over your shoulder starts to become second nature," Natasha says. "Right, Maeve?"

"Anybody ever told you two," Sam begins, referring to Natasha and me. "You're a little paranoid?"

"Not to my face," I respond. 

"Why?" Natasha asks. "Did you hear something?" I smirk as I eat bread. "How are you always hungry?"

"What?" I say, drinking water. "I burn thousands of calories training a day and I have the metabolism of four humans. I'm always starving."

"Eyes on the target, folks," Steve brings us back to focus on the mission. "This is the best target we've had on Rumlow in six months. I don't want to lose him."

"If he sees us coming, that won't be a problem," Sam scoffs. "He hates you."

"And me," Wands smacks my hand down as I start to raise it when I talk. 


I jump off over the Institute of Infectious Disease's wall and land on a truck. I smash the driver's side window and throw the man inside out of it, shooting him before he can draw his gun out. 

"Watch out!" Steve jumps in front of me and blocks another man from shooting me with his shield. "Where's your suit?"

"I'm undercover," I remind him as he throws his shield at the man. I look down at my leggings and a red tank top. My denim jacket allows me to carry a gun and two knives. 

"You're cute," He pecks my lips quickly. 

"I know," I smile up at him. 

"Rumlow's on the fourth floor," Sam says as he lands in his Falcon suit with Wanda coming up next to him. 

"Wanda, just like we practiced," Steve tells her before I jump and kick through the glass window of the fourth floor. 

"We have dinner reservations at eight in Manhattan," Steve reminds me as he enters the floor too. 

"Got it," I blast the three guys running up to us with my bionic eye. 

"Three...: Steve says as we hide behind beams to charge at the ten men in a room. 

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