"Home Is Where You Are"

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I get off my new motorcycle after I pull up to the new Avengers Facility. I wear my usual black spandex leggings and a leather jacket over a dark-purple shirt. My hair hangs loosely over my shoulders as I enter the building. 

"Fury," I smile at the S.H.I.E.L.D. director as he walks up to me. "It's your favorite agent."

"Captain Barnes," I am taken aback by what he calls me. "Tony's creation, Vision, told me to give you a new name. I like the ring to it."

"Me too," I nod, thinking I can get used to being called "Captain." "I like this new facility."

"Yes," He says. "We'll make sure this one doesn't get compromised by HYDRA."

"That would be nice," I agree. "Nick, was I ever compromised by them?"

"No," He says, looking at me concerned. "Why do you ask?"

"No reason," I shrug. 

"Agent Barnes," He says as I begin to walk away from him. 

"It's Captain now," I tell him over my shoulder. 


"Hello, boys," I grin as I walk up to where Steve, Tony, and Thor stand together. 

"Captain Barnes," Steve nods at me. 

"Captain Rogers," I nod back, keeping that grin plastered on my face. 

"So, are you two a thing now?" Tony asks us. 

"I am rather confused now since you've laid together," Thor adds. 

"Um..." I chuckle at him, not expecting Steve to take my hand. 

"We're taking things slow," Steve smiles at me. 

"That sounds lovely," I squeeze his hand. "So...Vision."

"The Vision can keep the mind stone since he can lift my hammer," Thor tells us. 

"He can because he's artificial," Tony points out. 

"Yes," Steve agrees. "Different rules apply."

"You guys," I roll my eyes. "It's not about artificial-" I stop myself from finishing after I take Mjilnor from Thor, not thinking I will be able to hold it. 

"You're lifting it," Tony says shocked. 

"No, I'm not," I immediately drop the hammer on the ground. 

"Maeve," Steve looks at me, eyes bulged out. 

"I..." I look from him to Tony. "...Did not..." I rest my eyes on Thor's frozen face. "...Lift it."

"Fine," Thor picks up his hammer. "We'll forget about it for now."

"Thank you," I nod at him. "Just take it with you."

"Unless he stays," Tony says. 

"I can't," Thor tells us. "The Mind Stone is the fourth of the Infinity Stones to show up in the last few years. It's not a coincidence," He says as we all walk out of the facility. "And once all of these pieces are in position..."

"You think you can figure out what's coming?" Steve asks him. 

"I do," Thor nods before looking at me. "I told you, you could be worthy."

"See you again, Thor," I give him a small smile before he lifts his hammer and is lifted back to Asgard. 

"That man has no regard for lawn maintenance," Tony remarks after Thor leaves a mark on the grass from the light that took him. 

"You'll miss him, though," I tell Tony. 

"And you'll miss me, kiddo," Tony says as Steve and I walk him to his fancy Audi E-Tron GT car. 

"I will," I agree as we stop next to his car. 

"Maybe I'll take a page out of Barton's book," Tony thinks. "Build Pepper a farm."

"The simple life," Steve says. 

"You'll get there one day," Tony tells the super-soldier. 

"I don't know," Steve says, looking at me. 

"Not yet," I state, looking from Steve to Tony. "But, we're home," I stare at the Avengers Facility. 

"Don't get into too much trouble here," Tony says to me as he gets into his car. 

"No promises," I smirk before he speeds away. 

"Home..." Steve stops me from entering the building again. "Is where you are."

"Same for me," I kiss him. "I'm winning."

"Now," He takes my hand after rolling his eyes at me being happy from taking the lead on who kisses who. "Let's go be captains."

"We'll beat them into shape," Natasha states as she catches up to us before we enter a room where Wanda, Sam, Rhodey, and Vision wait for us. 

"Avengers..." I begin. 

Home is Where You Are (Steve Rogers/Captian America)(MCU)Where stories live. Discover now