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Levis POV

"Tsk another assignment Means getting dirty again" I said to my younger cousin.

"For once can you not worry about getting dirty, our job is to get dirty and we've been doing it for years" my cousin replied.

"Tsk shut up" I said looking over the building.

We were waiting for our target to arrive so we could ambush them. Our job was to assignate the target because they have been stealing from the Mafia.

"Oi I'm gonna get into position on the other side of the building, they should be arriving soon" is said grabbing my knife and gun.

She nodded as she kept an eye out.

"Oi and Mikasa remember the signal" I said walking away.

"I know" she replied.

I got into position and not soon after the target has arrived in a car carrying money.

I signaled Mikasa to stealthy remove the guards while I went for the target.

Our plan went into action she took out the guards guarding the building while I took out the men greeting the target. The target was making an escape attempt but I grabbed his arm and threw him against the wall holding my knife to his neck.

"I secured our surroundings" Mikasa said walking up to me.

"Good, now time for business" I replied looking at the man.

"Now tell me what did you think was a good idea to steal from us" I said glaring at him.

"I-im sorry l-levi p-please spare m-me" he said choking on his words.

"You should know me, I don't spare anybody I only have one job....that's to eliminate my targets, nothing else" I said emotionless.

"Please Levi! I beg you!" He cried.

"Oi Levi, Kenny wants us back soon so let's wrap this up" Mikasa said looking at her phone.

"Well times up, I guess we will be going now" I said looking at the man.

"PLEASE LEVI I-" before he could finish I slit his throat.

"Tsk, disgusting" I said as blood got on my hand.

I grabbed my cravet and cleaned my knife and hand.

Mikasa grabbed the money and we headed back to the hideout.

Once we got back we went inside to see our uncle. We walked in where he was playing with his gun in his chair.

I threw the money on the table which got his attention.

"We finished our assignment and got the cash he stolen" I said coldly.

"Ah very good kiddos" he said grinning.

"So what was so urgent that we had to leave" Mikasa said sitting in a chair.

"Oh ya about that we got a major assignment kiddos" he said chuckling.

"The bosses are willing to pay us big cash for this" he said grinning.

"And what's the assignment" I said sighing.

"We are assigned to capture hanji Zoe and Eren jaeger" he said grinning.

My eyes widened "from the wealthiest family, the Zoe's?" I questioned.

"Yes the Zoe's and I'm assigning This task to you and Mikasa" he said.

"Why us?" Mikasa asked.

"Because you both have proven how strong and intelligent y'all are" he said grinning.

"So This is are biggest assignment" I asked.

"Yes, and the boss has given y'all a few months to complete this task" he replied.

"Why so long?" Mikasa asked.

"Well the only way we can get away with this is with is by earning their trust" he said sighing.

"I'm not doing it" I said standing up.

"WHAT WHY?" Kenny asked shocked.

"I'm fine with killing people I dont know but getting to know them and backstabbing them....Im no go" I said about to walk away.

"Wait Levi" Mikasa called out.

Kenny walked up to me "look kid sometimes you gotta do what's best and this is what's best for you, you need to grow up and agree to what your raised to do" he said glaring.

He had me there, I had nothing else in life besides him and Mikasa.

"Tsk, fine..." I said looking away from him.

"Good, now both of you go get rest your leaving Tommorow to your new apartment" he said signaling us to leave.

We both left in shock.

"Hey, Levi are you ok" Mikasa asked.

"Im fine" I said coldly.

We reached our rooms where I laid in bed and stared at the ceiling.

I sigh and drifted off Into a nice slumber before I knew it Mikasa was waking me up.

I got up and got dressed and packed clothes for our new apartment. We left the hideout and went to our apartment. It was a nice apartment with a two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room. We got inside and unpacked our stuff. We only brought clothes because we weren't planning on staying for a long time.

"Tsk we will start our assignment tommorow, I will start my job where Hanji Zoe works and you will work at a cafe where Eren jaeger works. Kenny already got us applied" I said telling her our plan

She nodded before leaving to her room.

I sighed and made us some lunch. She ate lunch in the living room which bugged me while I ate in the kitchen.

After she finished she left her plate on the table in the living room and went to shower.

'Damn you Mikasa" I said cleaning up after her.

After finishing cleaning up I went into my room and laid in bed... I wanted to be alone in my thoughts. Before I knew it I fell asleep.

These few months are gonna be interesting.

(A/N) I hope y'all Like it so far I'll try to post more often anyway good byeeee.

the mafia love strike {leviHan}, {eremika}Where stories live. Discover now