chapter TWO

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Levis POV

I finished my first boring day of work as I was leaving I saw hanji talking to some co-workers. I didn't know if I should talk to her or not. I still had to get to know her but also not get attached. This really was a shitty assignment. I decided to just leave as I was heading out I heard someone yell my name.

"Hey Levi!" I turned around to see the shitty glasses running up to me.

"What do you need?" I sighed.

"Well I'm heading to a cafe wanna come?" She asked.

"Sure why not" I said.

"Ok follow me, I take the bus for right now because car got totalled" she said nervously.

"Its fine I take the bus too" I said getting on the bus.

We sat together and she talks alot, honestly it wasn't that annoying.

After the bus stopped we got off and went into the cafe when I saw my cousin.

Her eyes widened as she walked away to the kitchen.

I saw a brown head boy come out of the kitchen.

"Hanji San!" He yelled.

"Hey Eren" she said smiling.

So this is Eren and I'm guessing he works at this cafe.

"Usual?" He asked.

"Yes and one for my friend here" she said turning to me.

"What would you like sir?" The boy asked politely.

"A black coffee with some creme" I said.

"Coming right up" he said going back to the kitchen.

Me and hanji sat at a booth where we waited for our coffee.

"So you know him? I asked.

"Yes, he's my little cousin I visit him when I'm not busy being well long story" she said smiling.

I nodded.

"Anyway tell me Levi, what do you like to do often" she questioned me.

I was prepared for this "I live with my little cousin and act like a house wife cleaning up after her" I said.

She looked at me funny "you like to clean?" She said curiously.

I nodded my head

"Hmmm I don't really get that kind of vibe from you but I also don't really know you" she giggled.

Her giggle made my heart skip a beat, it was the most beautiful sound I've heard.

Our drinks came and we kept talking. "So hanji what do you admire" I asked.

"Well I admire science the most I wanted to be a scientist when I grew up but it didn't really go the way I wanted" she said chuckling.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"Well my parents are successful business people and they wanted me to be successful like them so I went to private schools learning stuff I wasn't interested in and well that's just that now I'm a semi- successful person living a boring life" she explained.

I just stayed quiet.

"Ofcoarse I wouldn't be here without Erwin, he's the reason I have a semi- successful life....we've been friends for ages and he decided to let me work at his company and so far I've been doing pretty good so far" she said looking down.

So her and Erwin are close....that complicates some things.

"I'm sorry to hear that hanji, but if you really wanted to be a scientist then you should chase your dream" Is said.

If she really knew Me I would tell her to "give up her dream and die" but I'm not gonna say that.

"Thx it's ok I don't have anything to look forward to anyway " she said looking out the window.

I stayed quiet.

"Well I should get going soon, thank you for having coffee with me" she said standing up.

"Your welcome" I said walking with her. We left the cafe and went our separate ways.

I returned to the apartment waiting for Mikasa to return, I made dinner and ate mine then went into my room.

I texted Mikasa dinner was ready when she got home then I stared at the ceiling in bed.

I really have a bad feeling about this....if I get attached it's all over everything will be over. Damn this job but it's in my blood....I'm a killer and I have one purpose and thats to finish jobs and move on.

The only person I attached to is Mikasa because she's my only family member that I care about sometimes Kenny but he's still a bad man compared to us.

I heard the door open and close I peeked out my door it was Mikasa returning from work.

I walked into the kitchen to talk to her.

"So did you get information on Eren" I said looking at her.

She nodded

"And?" I questioned her.

"He's the owner of the cafe and we're hanging out on Saturday with his friend Armin" she said eating her dinner.

"That's good news" I said leaning on the counter.

"What about you, I saw you and hanji hanging out at our cafe today" she said.

"Well yes and we got another big problem....she's friends with a Smith" I said sighing.

Mikasa choked on her water looking at me in shock.

"So we have to be careful also clean up after yourself you look disgusting"  I said crossing my arms cringing.

She glared at me and took her plate to the sink and went into the bathroom.

She knew by now that I was a clean freak and I always made sure she was clean to my standards. I'm gonna rise the standards since we both live in the same apartment.

I went into my room and changed my clothes I didn't bother saying goodnight because I never do.

Tommorow is another day.....

I soon drifted off to sleep.

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