chapter SIXTEEN

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Mikasa's POV

After me and Eren heard gunshots my heart sank and Eren started to panic.... I couldn't loose my only family member the one person I trusted my whole life....

"M-mikasa what happened" Eren said nervously.

I grabbed his hand and held it tight "I.....don't know Eren" I said quietly. I felt his hand hold mine tightly.

All we had to do was wait.....

A few minutes passed then my phone rang, it was Levi!

I quickly answered and talked to him


Slow down kid, I'm fine I'm with hanji they have us aimed out trapped. I need you to cause a distraction so they take their aim on you while me and hanji escape.


Also if all hope is lost make sure to get Eren the hell out of here

What about you and hanji....

I'll let them kill me before they get to her... careful Levi....

You too kid

I hung up and looked at Eren.

"So is Levi and hanji ok?..." He asked.

"Yes for now they are but we need to create a distraction I need your help looking out for any snipers..." I said opening the middle holder and tossed Eren a gun.

I then opened a secret holder under the car mat of the driver's side and pulled out my sniper.

"M-mikasa you have a sniper?" Eren asked quietly.

I nodded and proped it on my window aiming somewhere in the trees to see if I saw anyone.

I then saw movement on the top of a building I zoomed closer and saw a man aiming a sniper at the balcony.

"Eren call Levi now" I said handing him my phone.

He called Levi, and put it on speaker phone.


Ready to haul ass Levi

What do you mean?

I found the sniper on the building aiming at the balcony. I need you and hanji to haul ass down the balcony into the car.


When you hear my gunshot climb like hell down and into the car.

Got it

He hung up as I aimed closer to the guy.

Once I got my shot lined up I was ready "got you" I said before I pulled the trigger.

It was a direct hit. I pulled back my sniper and tossed it to Eren.

"Hold onto that for me babe" I said putting the car into forward. I saw Levi holding hanji as he climbed down. I drove next to them as they got In the car.

As soon as they closed the door I slammed my foot into the pedal and we took off.

Once we reached the road we had company following us. "Hold onto to your hats" I said as I made a sharp turn trying to shake them off.

We kept driving until we reached another car trying to ram us, I quickly manoeuvered passed them.

"Shit" I cussed under my breath as I kept making sharp turns.

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