chapter NINE

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Mikasa's POV

After I said my goodbyes to Eren I rushed home to Levi. After the glanced at me I knew It was bad. I stopped because I saw hanji helping Levi into the apartment. I had to wait till she left....

A few moments pass

I kept waiting till I saw hanji leave she looked worried...I couldn't blame her I was too.

I ran into the apartment and slammed the door open. I saw Levi he looked sad and worried.

I was worried about what he was about to tell me considering he had injuries on his side and face.

"What.... happend" I said quietly.

He signaled me to sit down, I closed the door and took of my shoes off and sat on the couch.

He put his shirt on and sat next to me...

He let out a big sigh "we have two weeks left...." He said quietly.

My eyes widened "what do you mean...." I said with tears in my eyes.

"Kenny said we have two weeks left until we have to bring them in" he sighed.

The tears on my face started coming down faster.... "Did Kenny do that to you..." I said.

" was my fault...I attacked him first" he said looking down.

"Why?...." I asked.

He stayed quiet.

"Levi?" I asked again.

"You can tr-" I was cut off by him.


I was shocked he never raised his voice unless he was furious...

"Levi..." I said.

"Its not fair.....I wanted more time with her.....she is the only person who made me feel....happy...I loved the way she laughed....and the way she was like the warmed my heart seeing her....I....think I love her...." He confessed.

My eyes widened Levi confessed his true feelings....I sighed.

"We both have been love strucked" I said.

He put his face in his hands "yeah....I guess we have been.

I loved Eren just liked Levi loved are we gonna let them go... betray them at worse.

"What are we gonna do..." I said softly.

"What can we do.... I have a trip with her in a few days.... Just make the best you can with Eren ok....and I will make the best with hanji" he said looking at me.

I nodded.

We are ripping out own hearts out and putting them in a is hard....and it will only getd worse.

I sat up and walked to my room. I opened my door then closed it and locked it.... I laid in bed crying into my pillow.... Damn you Kenny... Damn you and this stupid assignment.

I cried and looked at my scarf that was on my bed I grabbed it and I held it close to me....

"I love you Eren"..... I said as I fell asleep crying.....

Levis POV

I finished taking a shower and sat on my bed....all I could think of was her...why?....

Why was I thinking about her all of a I really love her?....

I let out a sigh....I looked at my phone I grabbed it and started texting.

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