chapter ELEVEN

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Levis POV

It was the day of the trip I already had my bag packed so I called hanji on the phone.

Oi fours eyes you ready?


You didn't start packing did you...'ll be ready soon!

Hanji hurry! We have to catch a plane in an hour I'll meet you at your place to pick you up or help you finish packing.

Ok byeee

I hung up and rubbed my head stupid four eyes not even ready for her trip. I got my bag and headed out to my rental car. I got in and drove to Hanjis apartment. When I got there I texted her I was here and she replied she wasn't ready yet.

"Tch were gonna be late" I mumbled getting out of the car.

I went inside the apartment complex to her apartment and knocked on the door telling her it was me. She opened it and let me in.

"You ready shitty glasses" I said looking at her.

"Yes I just finished" she said smiling.

I nodded as I grabbed her suitcase to take it downstairs.

"Levi I can take it if you want" she said.

"No need let's go" I said Walking out the apartment.

She followed me locking her apartment as we got to my car. I put her stuff in the trunk then we got in my car and dove to the airport.

"Relax Levi we will be fine, we still have like 40 minutes" she said smiling.

"Its a 30 minute drive hanji and I refuse to be late" I said angrily.

She laughed as she turned on the radio.

A few moments later

We arrived at the airport we made it just in time.... We aboarded the plane and sat at our seats. I let out a huge sigh of relief because we made it just in time.

"See I told you we would make it" said.

I glared at her "barely...." I said coldly.

"I know I know, it's mostly my fault I get it" she said smiling at me.

I turned and looked out the window of the plane as we started to take off. It was going to be a 2 hour flight because her parents live far. 30 minutes in hanji already fell asleep while I was reading.

I watched her sleep and couldn't help but admire how peaceful she looks as she sleeps.

I continued to read when I felt Hanjis head fall onto my shoulder.... I looked at her still sleeping on my shoulder...tch why are so beautiful four eyes.... I thought to myself.

I let her stay there, then she clinged onto my arm holding onto it as she slept, at this point I gave up on reading and decided to join her.

I closed my book and rested my head on hers as I too fell asleep...

We soon arrived at our destination I woke up to the pilot telling us we have arrived. Hanji was still passed out on my shoulder. I shook her to wake up, she eventually woke up and looked at me. She then turned red realizing she was asleep on my shoulder.

"I-im sorry Levi I didn't mean to fall asleep on your shoulder" she said looking away.

I wanted to kiss her because she looked real cute apologizing.

"Its fine hanji let's go" I said grinning.

She nodded as we grabbed our suitcases. We walked to a rental car hanji rented so we could drive around the city.

We drove around the city exploring it until we reached out hotel. It was a pretty fancy hotel. When we got our room we had a beautiful view of the city.

"Hey Levi! Can we explore the city pleaseeee!" She begged looking at me with puppy eyes.

"Ok, ok we can in a little bit" I said sitting on my bed. She groaned as she plopped next to me.

She then grew quiet. "Oi what's wrong four eyes" I said looking at her.

"Im worried Levi, I'm actually here and I'm actually going to see them....I'm just worried that's all" she said looking at me worried.

I sigh "hanji it will be ok I promise" I said looking at her.

"You will be going with me right..." She said looking down.

I lifted her chin "if that's what you want then yes" I said.

Our faces were close she then began to blush. I just stared into her beautiful hazel eyes.

"Um Levi?" She asked which brought back my attention.

I then looked at her again but this time I pulled her chin to my lips and kissed her....

I felt her kiss back... We kissed for a bit then we broke apart.

I looked into her eyes and grinned "I'm sorry but I couldn't resist loosing a chance like that" I chuckled.

She then began to blush again "yeah right" she said looking away.

I began to kiss her neck and cheek. "Do you not like my kisses hanji...." I said laying my head in her neck.

"L-levi that's not it I was ju-" I cut her off.

"I'm just teasing you Hanji" I said looking at her.

She then looked at me and smiled, I loved her smile so I couldn't resist again, I pulled her into another kiss this time more passionate.

She held my cheeks and broke apart "what was that for" she asked looking at me.

"Well one reason is that I love your smile so it made me wanna kiss you and two is well.... because I love you..." I said.

She looked at me and smiled "I love you too Levi, I always have since you were the only one who made me feel safe and made feel like I can be anyone I want" she said.

I kissed her head "and I will always be here for you" I said hugging her.

She hugged me back and we stayed there just hugging eachother.

This was I could say promises I can't keep....I loved her so much but I was going to loose this point I just want to think about her and only her....

She was the only one for me...

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