chapter EIGHTEEN

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Mikasa's POV

Me and Levi have been stuck in hideout we couldn't leave or make phone calls....good thing I gave my last plan idea to Mr. Smith already....

I have been doing normal checkups on Levi Everytime I see him he always looks more tired....but I never asked him about these things all I cared is that he was safe....

I also did check-ups with hanji and Eren....I wasn't supposed to but I had to help them....

Today when I visited them Eren acted furious....

"Your back again" he said glaring at me.

I nodded as I continued to do what I did...I took some of me and levi's dinner and gave it to them....

Hanji appreciated it but Eren didn't this time he refused to take it....

"Eren please take the food" I begged shoving the food under the cell door into his cell.

"No...." He said turning away from me...

"Please Eren...." I said again.

"Just leave me be Mikasa!" He said raising his voice.

I stayed quiet and nodded "ok..." I said getting up to leave..

"Wait Mikasa I need to ask you something" hanji asked.

"Yes?...." I asked.

"How's Levi...." She said looking down.

"Levis doing fine....he's slowly recovering but that's about it....he seems more depressed than usual but It could be of his lack of sleep" I explained.

She nodded "can you tell him I love him...." She said quietly.

I nodded "ofcoarse..." I said walking away.

I hated seeing hanji and Eren stuck in the cells....I wish this never happened to them......

I reached the infirmary where Levi was and sat next to his bed.... He wasn't asleep so he turned his head my direction.

"Did you give them our food?" He asked quietly.

I nodded but stayed quiet too.

"How are they?" He asked.

"Hanjis alright....but Eren refuses to talk to me the food I give him" I admitted.

"Its ok Mikasa we just need to save them from this many days left until shipment?".... He asked.

"3 days Levi...." I said worriedly...

His eyes widened then looked away "tch, bastard Kenny was planning this all along" he said angrily.

"Did you talk to Smith?" He asked.

I nodded "yes and I gave him the plans..." I said.

"When do we go into action?" He asked.

I sigh "in a month Levi...." I said sadly.

He sat up and groaned from the pain "a month!" He said raising his voice.

I nodded... "We can't attack them here's too risky for them...and we would have to deal with kenny's gang and the higher ups gang..." I explained.

He stayed quiet....

I stayed quiet too then I decided to leave....

"I'm sorry levi" I said quietly exiting the room heading to mine....

When I got to my room I laid in bed....I didn't bother with my clothes all I wanted was some rest.... I started to cry....

I'm sorry Eren....

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