chapter TEN

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Levi's POV

I woke up to hanji moving around in my arms.

"Ah shit..." I mumbled. I looked at my phone and it said 4 am. I sat up with hanji still holding my side. I raised an eyebrow as she didn't let go.

I chuckled as I finally got her to let to let go of me. She moved around on the grass groaning. I sighed waking her up so I could take her home.

She fluttered her eyes "Levi?..." She asked looking at me.

I grin "come on hanji, you fell asleep so I'm taking you home" I said.

She nodded and I helped her up, she was unbalanced because she was half asleep so I let her hold onto my arm.

I asked where she lived and she told me. We kept walking it was dead silent on the streets because of how late it is.

We reached her apartment building and it was a fancy apartment building but not extremely fancy. We reached her apartment. She was too tired to unlock her door so she handed me her key and I unlocked it for her.

The inside of her apartment was a mess, there were paper scattered and clothes everywhere.

I tched at the sight but remembered I had to get hanji to bed. I walked to her room and laid her in her bed. I tucked her in and told her Goodnight.

I was walking away when she mumbled something "please stay..." She said.

My face got red "I can't hanji...I need to get back home and it's not professional" I said.

She groaned "meanieeeee!" Then she slowly fell asleep.

I grinned and left. I locked her door and left through a window.

When I got back home I was exhausted, I plopped on my bed and fell fast asleep...good thing it was the weekend.

The next morning

I woke up to Mikasa yelling me to get up. I look at my phone it was 12 pm, I groaned as I got out of bed. I changed and went into the living room where Mikasa was getting ready to leave.

"I'll be back when you return" she said grabbing her scarf and a suitcase

"Where are you going" I asked curiously.

"That's none of your business" she said putting on her shoes.

I shrugged "alright then see ya in a week" I said grabbing some water.

"Bye, have fun with hanji" she smirked as she left.

I glared at her as she left and made me some brunch.

As I was eating I got a message from hanji.

-oi shorty I have a question

whats that shitty glasses-

-how did I get home again?

I brought you home because you were half asleep-

-oh that makes more sense

Yeah your welcome-

-thanks Levi :)

Anyway wanna go watch a movie today?-

-A movie?, I didn't even know you watched movies lol

-shut up shitty glasses

-lol yeah I'll go watch a movie with you, what time?

How about 2 I'll meet you there-

-ok deal see you then

Ok see ya then-

I turned off my phone and continued to eat I was excited to see her....

Mikasa's POV

I was going on a trip with Eren and Armin because it was our vacation week. Armin always admired the ocean so we were heading to a beach that was near us.

Eren was outside with his car waiting for me. He helped me with my bag then we got in the car and went to armin's house.

Armin came out with a big smile on his face carrying beach stuff and a suitcase. Me and Eren greeted him and helped put his stuff in the car.

It was a 2 hour drive to the beach and us 3 talked about what we were going to do first. Armin said after un-packing we would go to the beach then after we would get dinner.

2 hours later

We arrived at a fancy hotel, hanji tipped in and payed for the hotel for Eren. We went Into our room and there were two king sized beds.

"I'm guessing since you two are dating, are y'all gonna sleep in the same bed together?" Armin smirked.

Me and Eren started blushing "ya I'm fine with that" I said looking at Eren.

"Ok then I am too" he said smiling.

"Well hurry up and get y'all's swim suits, so we can go!" Armin said excitedly.

"Ok, ok" Eren said grabbing his swim trunks.

I grabbed my swimsuit put of my bag "who's changing first?" I asked.

"Lady's first" Armin and eren said at the same time.

I giggled and went into the bathroom to change. When I came out I had a purple bikini on and Eren's jaw dropped.

"Y-you look beautiful m-mikasa" he stuttered.

I giggled "thank you Eren".

"Get a room you two" Armin smirked as he went to go Change.

Me and Eren laughed at his comment and sat on the bed talking to eachother.

Soon we all got changed and went down to the beach, it was perfect because hanji got us a hotel right next to the beach. When we got there we set up a spot and ran into the water.

If I was being honest I haven't gotten a chance to enjoy the beach because of all my missions and work. I got glances of the beach and sometimes would meet up here but that was about it.

I I felt the waves crash onto my legs as I stared into the deep blue sea. I took a deep breath and enjoyed the glorious Moment.

As I was relaxing I felt someone tackle me, it was Eren I was startled then I saw his gleaming face laughing, I smiled and splasher water into his face as I ran to Armin.

I heard Eren chase me down as I reached Armin when Eren tackled us both. We all started laughing as if there was no worry in the world.....

We played in the water, then had a sand castle contest. I won because I made the best sandcastle which made Eren and Armin amazed. It was getting dark so we decided to pick up our stuff.

As we were heading to our hotel, I realized I left my phone so I told them I'll meet them back at the room. They nodded as I ran back to our spot.

I got my phone but as soon as I turned around I saw a man in a black suit in front of me.....

"Mikasa Ackerman?" He said.

I recognized the suit and he was from our group... "Yessir I am mikasa Ackerman why do you ask" I said glaring at him.

"Kenny Ackerman has sent me to give you something" he said.

"And what's that" I replied coldly.

He walked up to me and handed me a note, it was a letter....

"Good day Mrs Ackerman" the man said Leaving without saying anything else.

I looked at the letter.... I sighed and put it in my bag and I headed for the hotel room.

Every good thing in life comes with a price....

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