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Levis POV

I finally saw her....after two years I finally met hanji again...

She stood up and pulled Samson close to her "two years and you decide to show your face at the park...." She said coldly.

I looked down "I'm sorry hanji...." I said.

She looked at her son and back at me "we'll talk private" as she took Samson's hand and signaled me to follow her.

We reached her car and her son got in it and shut the door.

She turned at me and sighed "two fucking years Levi...." She said again.

I stayed quiet "look Hanji....I'm sorry" I said again.

"Shut up don't know what hell me and Mikasa went through....we needed you but we had no way of reaching out to much has changed...." She said on the edge of tears.

I tried to embrace her but she pushed me back...I honestly deserved it....

"Why didn't you say goodbye....what did I do wrong...." She said.

"Hanji you did nothing wrong it was all my fault....I left you when I should have stayed with you....but I figured everything we went through you wouldn't want me I did a stupid thing and left.... everyday I dreamed of holding you and being with you....I'm sorry I caused so much hurt hanji..." I said

She looked at me and stayed quiet "idiot...." she mumbled.

"Your idiot...." I said grinning.

She looked up at me and smirked....."well discuss this later but first let me drop off Samson at home" she said.

"Wait!, Here" I wrote down my apartment address and gave it to her.

She took it and nodded "what time?" She asked.

"How about 5" I said.

"Ok see you then" she said getting in her car.

She drove away and I's been too long my love.... I walked back to my car and drove home.

Hanjis POV

When I was driving Samson stayed quiet....

"Mommy who was he...." He asked nervously.

I sighed "he was your father Samson..." I said.

Samson looked at me shocked "does he not know me...." He said looking down.

"I explain later ok" I said.

He nodded and stared out the window.

We arrived home and we went inside Mikasa was on the couch watching TV. Samson ran to his room and closed his door.

I sighed and Mikasa looked at me worriedly. "What happened?" She asked.

"Mikasa....I met Levi again...." I confessed.

Her eyes widened and she ran up to me and embraced me.....

"How did Samson react....and where is Levi now" she asked.

"I'll have to explain everything to Samson and idk Im meeting him at his apartment later...." I said.

Mikasa nodded "well when you see him please convince him to come back" she said.

I nodded "promise" I said.

I gave her a promising look and went into my room to change.

Few hours later

It reached the address to Levis apartment. I knocked and he let me in.

I sat on his couch and he sat next to me "ok I have a question that is very important hanji" he said quietly.

"Ok" I said.

"Who is Samson's father...." He asked.

I sighed "you Levi...." I admitted.

He looked at me then looked down... "When did you find out..." He asked.

"I noticed after the trip....but I just thought I was under the weather but after you left I took a pregnancy test and it was I raised him by myself with the help of Mikasa and Eren" I sighed.

He looked at me and embraced me "I'm sorry.....this is my fault I should have stayed....I should have stayed and helped you raise him...I'm sorry hanji" he said hugging me tightly.

I rubbed his back "it's ok Levi but I still dont understand.... why did you leave me.... " I asked.

He caressed my's been so long since he's done that....

"I took the bounty off you and Eren's head but in return I kept working for Kenny and I couldn't talk to you anymore.....I agreed because I wanted you safe more than anything....and I was able to free mikasa too...." He said.

"So what now are still working in the mafia...." I asked.

"Not anymore I paid my depth and my uncle decided he didn't need me anymore and spared me...since then Ive been looking for you praying to God you haven't moved on...." He said.

I was speechless....I hugged him again and nuzzled my face in his neck....

"I couldn't move on....I loved you to damn much...every time I read your letter I just cried my heart out hoping one day you would return.. then I started to become angry at you..." I confessed.

He held me tightly "hanji I'm glad you didn't move on....I'm sorry it took so long to find you...when I first found out you had a son my heart sank I thought you moved on...." He said.

" could I move on when someone saved me twice..." I said.

"Twice?" He asked stroking my hair.

"Yes one for saving me from Timothy and two for saving me from my problems..." I said.

He chuckled "I'll always be here hanji....I'm sorry I broke your promises so I just want to ask you this....will you please give me a second chance..." He said holding my hand.

I stared at him and smiled "ofcoarse Levi..." I said.

He looked at me and grinned "thank you Hanji....." He said holding my face pulling me close.

I knew what he was doing so I just helped him half way and kissed him...he kissed back....for so long I wanted to kiss him and give him all my affection that I had been holding.

After we had our moment I cuddled with him...."Levi what do you think of Samson?" I asked.

He smiled "if your worried that I don't like him your wrong...I'm glad you kept him and I will help you raise him...." He said kissing the top of my head.

I smiled and hugged his waist as we watched a movie "since were back together do you wanna move in with me?" I asked.

He looked at me and smiled "if that's what you want then I will" he said caressing my cheek.

We spent the rest of the night watching movies and catching up and ofcoarse sharing love with eachother.

(A/N) heres a happy chapter your welcome.

the mafia love strike {leviHan}, {eremika}Where stories live. Discover now