chapter SIX

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Levis POV

The week has been boring as hell Mikasa has been very distance and she got a gift from that brat Eren. I'm getting really suspicious of them. I also have this weird feeling in me, ever since hanji went on her trip I've been bored. Should I text her?, No it would be weird.

I sat in the couch bored I already cleaned the house twice today and I plan on doing it again tonight. I look at the clock it was 1 o'clock. Mikasa still had like 2 more hours of her job left.

I sighed an decided to go out, maybe I would stop by her cafe and see how she's doing. I know it's wrong to spy but this is business and I don't give two shits what she cares about.

I reached the cafe and walked in, I saw a blonde kid at the counter giving me a big welcoming smile.

"Hello there sir, what can I get you?" He asked.

"One black mocha please" I replied.

"Will that be it?" He said.

"Yes" I replied.

"Ok that will be 5 dollars" he said.

I gave him the cash and sat at a table. I watched carefully as the workers worked all together.

I didn't see Mikasa anywhere, maybe she worked in the kitchen. I kept waiting, then the blonde kid brought my coffee. I thanked him and kept waiting.

30 minutes passed and she still hasn't appeared. I decided to ask the blonde boy.

"Oi kid I need to ask you something" I said Walking up to him.

"Um y-yes sir" he said nervously.

"I'm looking for a girl named Mikasa, Im a relative of her and need to tell her something" I said coldly.

"Oh um shes not at work today, sorry" he apologized.

I rose an eyebrow and nodded. I was even more suspicious. I left the coffee shop seeing Mikasa would be around, I didn't want to go too much into her private business so I decided to head home.

As I was walking home I bumped into a couple, I didn't bother saying anything, until the boy said something to me that made me snap.

"Oi, watch where you going" he said angrily.

I don't know why but it ticked me off a little bit.

I turned around and gave him a death glare, I walked up to him about to grab his collar when someone stepped in front of him.

"Levi don't" I looked into my younger cousins eyes. They were full of anger and she was about to do anything to defend that boy.

I looked back at the boy and I finally recognized him, I remembered him when me and hanji first went to there cafe. This time instead of joy on his face, he had anger.

I narrowed my eyes and looked back at Mikasa. I gave her a disappointed look as I turned around and walked off.

"Fuck you Levi!, Fuck you!" I heard her yell at me.

I stopped and clenched my fists I held in my anger and continued walking. She was going down a bad path, and it's already too late to stop her.

Mikasa's POV

I saw Levi walk off and I was filled with anger and sadness. I turned around to see Eren confused on what happened.

I looked at him "I'm sorry Eren about what happened...." I said quietly.

He just looked at me with comforting eyes. I saw him walk up to me and embrace me. My cheeks turned red, but I accepted the embrace.

"Do you know him?" I heard him ask.

"Yes, he's my older cousin but he has anger issues, so I'm sorry he acted like that" I said hugging him tighter.

"Its alright Mikasa, but why did he give you that disappointed look?" He asked.

My heart stopped, I had to lie because he couldn't know the truth.

"Its something between us, family issues" I said looking away.

"Ok then, you don't have to tell me but just know I'm always here for you" he said with a smile.

I looked up to his comforting smile, I couldn't resist, I did something I was going to regret later.

I pulled his collar and kissed him, I felt him kiss me back. I broke apart and looked into his emerald eyes.

Before I can say anything he did something first.

"I love you Mikasa...." He said smiling.

My eyes were widened I smiled too "me too Eren" I said kissing him again.

This kiss was more passionate, I gave him all my love for him and he accepted it.

He was the first man I have ever fallen for. I hoped he would be the only man I fall for.....

We broke apart smiling at eachother I was happy to have him by my side.

"Hey Mikasa will you go out with me" he said nervously.

I smiled "yes ofcoarse I will" I said

He smiled and grabbed my hand, I intertwined it with his as we walked to my apartment.

When we got there I was nervous to go face Levi, I looked at Eren as he was sad to see me leave.

I gave him a peck on the cheek "I'll see you tomorrow" I said smiling.

He smiled and saw me leave. I walked into my apartment to see Levi on the couch. I took off my shoes and headed for my room.

"Oi, stop right there" I heard him say.

I turned around to see him glaring at me and signaling me to sit next to him.

I walked and sat next to him on the couch.

He sighed "look kid....I'm not gonna stop you from loving him.... because I can't break the love bond between you.... But just know if you don't complete this job.....Kenny will kill you....and can't see you die.....I just can't" he said putting his face in his hands.

"Levi....I'm sorry" I said.

"Don't be sorry....I can't blame is hard....and I think I'm falling down that path too...." He sighed.

My eyes widened.....was Levi in love?

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