chapter THREE

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Levis POV

Today at work was like every other I completed my work early and hanji would either let me go home early or give me more work. Its been a week of this and I haven't made any progress of getting close to hanji. While Mikasa on the other hand is hanging out with Eren almost every weekend. Today was the day I was gonna ask hanji to hangout somewhere.

I finished my work and went into her office. She was finishing paperwork when she looked up at me.

"Oh sorry Levi I was finishing something, anyway did you finish the paperwork?" She asked looking at me.

"Yes I did, do you have anything else for me to work on?" I said putting the paperwork on her desk.

"No that would be it for today, thank you for your hard work today Levi, you may leave early of you want" she said returning to her paperwork.

"Ya um sure" I said making things akward.

She looked back at me and smiled "is there anything else you would like to tell me" she said setting her pencil down.

Come on Levi it's not that hard just fucking ask her if she is doing anything this afternoon.

"Ya um there is, I was wondering if your doing anything this afternoon" I said looking away.

"Hmmm not that I know of, why do you ask?" She said looking at me.

"Well I was wondering if you wanted to go to the park?...." I said.


She smiled "sure I would I love to go just let me finish this paperwork and I'll meet you at the park" she said.

"Ah, about that I don't have your phone number" I said.

"Eh, you dont? How silly of me I guess I forgot to give it to you but here you go" she said giving me her contact information.

"Thanks I'll see you then" I said leaving her office.

"See you then" I heard her say before walking out the office.

I went back home were Mikasa was already home getting ready to go out somewhere.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"I'm meeting Eren and Armin at the movie theaters" she said fixing her hair.

I nodded as I went to grab some water.

"Have you made any progress with Hanji yet?" She asked looking at me.

"Yes, tonight I'm meeting her to the park to hangout" I said before drinking my water.

"Well have fun, knowing fun is the opposite of what you are" she joked.

"Ha ha your so funny" I said sarcastically.

"Well I'm leaving bye" she said Leaving.

"See ya" I replied before she shut the door.

I didn't know what to wear with hanji so I just grabbed a hoodie and some jeans, I fixed my hair and left.

When I got to the park shitty glasses wasn't there yet so I sat on a bench and waited. 10 minutes have passed and I was irritated until she finally arrived.

"Ah sorry I'm late" she said nervously.

She was wearing skinny jeans and t-shirt with a scarf, to me she looked kinda pretty.

"Its fine let's go" I said as she walked next to me.

We walked around the park talking, getting to know each other.

"So Levi do have a hobby you do besides work?" She asked.

"I like to clean if thats a hobby" I sighed.

She started laughing "you enjoy cleaning?" She asked me.

"Yes, I can't stand the filth that my cousin leaves behind so I clean and make sure everything is clean" I said.

"Well we are complete opposites, I'm kind of a slob so I hire a maid to clean for me" she said.

"So your lazy, pretty much" I said sarcastically.

"Yeah I guess but I mean I hire a maid because I suck at cleaning" she laughed.

"We'll get better at it" I said.

"Easy for you to say clean freak" she laughed.

"Eh clean freak? I said annoyed.

"Well It could be that or shorty, your choice" she grinned.

"Tch, if you call me either of those I will beat the shit out of you shitty glasses" I threatened.

"Ooooo someones a little mad, does shorty need a hug" she said in a baby's voice.

"Shut the fuck up four eyes" I said annoyed.

"Oh so now I'm four eyes" she laughed.

"Yep and if you keep talking I'll keep calling you names" I said.

"Are you really saying that to your boss?" She grinned.

"Tch, your not my boss, Erwin is my boss" I said rolling my eyes.

"Well I'm the boss in the department we work in and if I remember Erwin assigned you as my assistant" she said crossing her arms.

Damn she got me there.

"Tch whatever I don't care, I'm still calling you shitty glasses" I glared at her.

She started laughing "only if I could call you shorty" she said.

I glared at her "fine but not at work, deal" I said handing out my hand.

She smiled "deal" she said shaking my hand.

"Well come on I'm hungry so we are going out to eat food, I'll pay" I said walking away.

"Ok?" I heard her say as she caught up with me.

"Where are we eating at?" She asked.

"You'll see so don't ask anymore questions" I said coldly.

We walked until we stopped at a fancy restaurant.

"Before you say anything, yes I can afford this, so let's go" I said Walking in. She stayed quiet as we walked in, we sat at a booth.

"You ok shitty glasses?" I asked because she looked nervous.

"Eh, ya I'm fine" she laughed nervously.

The waitress came by and asked for our drinks. I said mine then hanji said hers then the waitress became wide eyed.

"Are you Hanji Zoe?" The waiter asked.

I saw hanji flinch as she looked up to he lady.

"Yes, I am" she said with a smile.

"Its an honor for you to come to our restaurant, we will give you a free meal it's on the house" the waiter said with a big smile.

"Thank you for the offer, but I-" she was cut of by a man's voice.

"Oi, don't waste your time with her she's a disgrace to the family" the man said turning around.

Her eyes widened "damn it.....what the hell do you want tony" she said angry.

"Why so mean..... Im just greeting my little sister" the man grinned.

(A/N) no lie I suck at writing story's I hope y'all are enjoying it so far because Idk I just hope y'all enjoy reading this during these hard times. But anyway happy new year let's hope 2021 is good......unlike last year.....

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