chapter THIRTEEN

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Levis POV

When we walked in there were tons of people in fancy clothing talking to eachother....I knew how to act in front of these people and by the looks of it hanji did to.

She held my hand tightly as we walked through the crowds. Every now and then someone would walk up to greeting me and hanji.

Hanji was finally relaxing when she talked to some of the people. Some seemed nice and some not so much. I saw alot men giving hanji looks when they did I carefully pulled her closer to me. Everytime she did she gave me a peck on the cheek reminding me she's mine.

We kept walking around until she stopped she pointed to a group of people in front of us.

"That's them" she whispered to me.

"You ready, I will be with you the whole way I promise" I said.

She nodded as we walked to the group of people, they were once talking but now looking at us. Then I saw her parents eyes widened.

"Hanji?..." Her father asks.

Hanji nods and gives them a smile "hey dad" she said.

Her mom and dad set down their drinks and walked up to hug her. I let go of her hand as they had their moment.

After their hug her parents and her started talking to eachother....I just watched and grinned I was happy for her.

Then looked at me "who's he hanji?" Her mother asks.

I bowed "my name is Levi...please to meet you" I said.

"Please to meet you too Mr. Levi" her father says with a smile.

Hanji walks over to me and holds my hand "he also my date here" she said smiling.

Her father rose an eyebrow and chuckled "so my daughter has finally found a man" he said.

Hanji blushed in embarrassment "dad...." She said looking away.

I chuckled "then I am very honored to be hers" I said.

Her parents smiled "well y'all are welcome to join us in our conversations" her dad said to us sitting down.

We nodded as hanji went to go sit down I grabbed her hand "I'll get some drinks" I said and she nodded.

I walked away to the drink table grabbing me and hanji two drinks when a man came up next to me leaning on the table.

"What are you doing here boy" the man asked....

My eyes widened and my blood went cold....

I turn to see Kenny leaning on the table "what the hell do you want Kenny" I said coldly.....

"Hm, nothing boy just enjoying a gala" he said.

"Bullshit" I said angrily.

He chuckled "alright alright, you got me I'm here keeping an eye on you" he said drinking some champagne.

"Well fuck off, I don't need you here" I said coldly.

He smirked "but you do mess up here and you'll die, this is the richest family in the city....they have eyes Watching carefully" he said.

He was right I had to be careful, in all honesty he made me more nervous of my surroundings.

I grabbed me and Hanjis drinks and Walked away without saying anything.

I was on edge....I had to keep high alert for anything....

When I came back to hanji, she was happily laughing with her parents. I smiled as I walked over to her.

"Here's your drink darling" I said handing her drink.

She smiled when someone bumped into me causing me to spill her drink on me and my drink on myself.

My anger started to fill up in my eyes....

"Tch be careful dumbass" the man said Walking away.

I was about to grab him in the collar when hanji grabbed my arm.

Her parents dealt with man while me and hanji went to the restroom. "I'm sorry hanji.....I ruined your dress..." I said quietly.

"Eh, Levi don't worry about it, it wasn't your fault" she said smiling.

I looked at her standing there, then I pulled her into a kiss. She kissed me back turning into a little long kiss.

We broke apart "I love you Hanji...." I said hugging her ignoring the fact we both have wine on our clothing.

She hugged me back " you wanna go back to the hotel" she stroking my hair.

In all honesty I did but this was about her "if you want to then we can leave" she said again.

I loved her so much....I nodded.

She giggled "ok then let's go back I can see them again tommorow" she said holding me close.

I just groaned in her chest acknowledging my ok. We left the bathroom and said our goodbyes to her parents when we were heading to the exit she accidentally bumped into someone.....he had the same coat as Kenny.....

"Oh I'm terribly sorry sir" she said apologizing.

Kenny turned around and grinned "it's quite alright my lady, I apologise for being in the way" he said.

I grimaced at his words "let's go hanji" I said quietly.

She looked back at me and said goodbye to Kenny as we walked out.

"You alright Levi?..." She asked softly caressing my cheek.

I nodded and stayed quiet. We got to the car and returned back to our hotel. The whole way back I didn't say a was a quiet ride back...

When we got back to the hotel I let hanji shower first while I just sat on my bed pondering.

After Hanji finished her shower she had a concerned face on looking at me. I walked up to her and kissed her passionately. She was still in a towel and my hands explored on her.....

We broke our kiss and I just stared into her brown eyes..."I'm fine I promise" I said caressing her cheek.

She nuzzled into my neck "ok...." She said.

"What's wrong now hanji" I said lifting her face to look at me.

"Your such a tease you know that...." She said pouting at me.

I chuckled "after my shower....ok" I said kissing her again.

"Ok" she said breaking our kiss with a smirk.

Tonight was going to be a night where I only think about her.....

(A/N) so um.....yeah I think you can get a hint about what Levi Means....smut but that will be next chapter because I'm in class I need to wrap this up lol but yeah enjoy lol.

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