chapter TWELVE

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Mikasa's POV

Eren and armin haven't gotten suspicious about my letter yet so that was good. I haven't gotten the chance to read it because Im always with them. We were heading downstairs to go eat breakfast when I decided to read it then.

"I'll be down there in a sec I have to deal with some lady....duties.." I said signaling them to not even ask about it.

They both blushed and nodded then left without saying anything. I knew they would because no one wants to know what girls do during their special time of the month....but it's more like hell than special.

After they left I grabbed the letter sat on my bed and opened it. I wanted to know what that dickhead wanted to say.

I looked at the letter took a breath and started to read.

Dear Mikasa,

As you know of you and Levi have 2 weeks left to turn in Eren and hanji but I wanted to give you a warning. I have been watching you two and I have noticed y'all are really close....just you know if you refuse to turn in the subjects we will take them from y'all and you two will get a special treatment when you return. Either way you and levi can't protect those two even if you tried, so give up on any ideas. This is your final warning...


I was shocked...we had no choice besides follow his orders....I crumbled up the letter to burn later so I could destroy the evidence of his presence.

I hid the letter in my suitcase and went downstairs. I messaged Levi that we had to talk when he returned.

When I got there Armin and eren waved at me where they were I smiled and walked over to them. I loved them both because they are my only friends I refused to see anything happen to them was coming fast...

I sat next to Eren and he handed me waffles.

"I made waffles for you" he said smiling.

I smiled and thanked him and ate my waffles I haven't had waffles in ages not even Levi bothered making waffles. They tasted amazing.

"So what are we gonna do today guys" Armin asked excitedly.

"Hmm how about we explore the city we haven't done that yet" Eren suggested.

I nodded to his suggestion.

"Ok then! City it is!" Armin said with gleam in his eyes.

We both kept eating having little chit chats about work. we finished eating and went upstairs to change then headed out to explore this big city.

I was just as excited as Armin because the city looked beautiful....

Levis POV

I woke up to hanji throwing a pillow on my face waking me up.

"Wake up sleepyhead" she said.

I groaned and threw the pillow off my face. I gave her death glare because I didn't want to get up.

She stuck her tounge out at me and smiled.

I reached my arms out so I could hug her, she put her hands on her hips and looked at me.

"Levi we have to get ready we can't cuddle I'm sorry" she said.

I groaned some more.

She sighs "if I cuddle will you get up" she said smiling.

I nodded, then I saw her crawl in bed with me. I wrapped my arms around her and held her close.

I felt her head on my chest giggling, "what's so funny shitty glasses" I asked.

"Oh nothing, I was just thinking about how much of a child you are" she joked.

I tched and held her tighter, "I'm only a child twords you four eyes" I said.

Then she looked up to me and kissed me. "Well I hope that's a good thing" she said nuzzling closer to me.

I kissed the top of her head "yes that means I love you four eyes" I said.

She mumbled in my chest "I wove wu toov wevi".

I chuckled and held her close never wanting to let her go. After a few minutes of cuddling I let her go so we could get dressed. Hanji held a tuxedo for me saying if it was alright if I wore this. I nodded as I put the tuxedo on as she changed into a dress.

When we finished I gelled my hair back making me look fancy. On the other hand hanji looked extremely professional considering shes done this tons of time as I child.

When I looked at her she looked stunning. "Hanji you look absolutely beautiful" I said Walking up to her.

She pecked my lips "thank you Levi" she said hugging me.

"You ready?" I said grabbing her hand.

She nodded as she intertwined her fingers with mine as we left the hotel room and headed outside.

I opened the doors for her and helped her into the car as we soon left to go meet her parents.

Hanji was nervous but I wasn't because I have been undercover before at many fancy places.

"Hanji relax I'll be with you the whole time I promise" I said grabbing her hand.

"I know you will I'm just nervous because we probably won't be the only ones there..." She said.

"What do you mean hanji..." I asked.

"Its most likely going to be a gala because my parents like to throw galas all the time so my old friends will probably be there...." She sighed.

I sighed "like I said before I'll be there with you and I won't leave you I promise" I said squeezing her hand as we arrived at her mansion.

Like she said before there was a gala and her butler let us through the huge gates as we parked in front of her house I got out and let hanji out.

I gave another butler my keys so he could park our car as walked up to the door.

I grabbed Hanjis hand "you ready" I said looking at her.

She looked at me back "im ready" she said as we opened the doors.

This was a big step for her and I was proud....I wasn't Leaving her side until she was ready.

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