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Hanjis POV

I was with Mikasa in the bride's room trying to calm her down because today was the big day she was going to get married....

"Hanji is everything ready? I look ok? Is everyone ready?" She said panicking.

"Mikasa everything is ready and you look beautiful" I said calming her down again.

She nodded "ok sorry....I'm just nervous" she said taking deep breaths.

I laughed "it's ok, it's your big day after all" I said smiling.

She smiled too, the other bridesmaids where people from her and Eren's work. I looked outside and everything outside was fine. Everything was fine besides the bride.

Mikasa kept fixing her hair because she thought it looked bad but I just kept stoping her because again she looked fine and beautiful.

I got her to sit down and brought her some water. I sat down next to her she started to look sad.

"Hm what's wrong Mikasa?" I asked.

She looked at me and gave a weak smile "do you think my parents are proud...after everything?" She asked looking at me.

I smiled "ofcoarse they are why wouldn't they be.... I understand they may not be physically with you but they will always be with you in your heart" I said Trying to comfort her.

She gave me a stronger smile and nodded "I guess your right huh....I miss them sometimes....but atleast I have you, Levi, Eren and my beautiful daughter Luna....." She said.

I smiled "and we will always be with you, we may not be full blood siblings but I'll be your sister in law if you want instead of cousin in law" I said smiling.

She smiled "I would like that"

"Then it's settled I'll be your new sister in law" I said.

She seemed to relax now and was ready to get married to the love of her life.

"You feel better now?" I asked.

She nodded "much better thank you Hanji"

I grinned "anytime" I said smiling.

I checked the time "only 30 minutes left" I said looking at the clock.

She looked at me then at the clock and smiled "I feel more relaxed now thank you Hanji" she said.

I nodded "glad I was able to calm you down" I said.

I fixed her dress and looked at her "you look beautiful mikasa, eren is a lucky man to be marrying you" I said confidently.

She smiled "thanks hanji....for Everything" she said.

I nodded "now let's get you married" I said.

She giggled.

This was going to be an amazing day for her.....

Levis POV

I was a groomsman for the wedding at first when Eren found out I returned he was angry because I made hanji and Mikasa sad but then he soon forgave me and now where good friends....he thanks me for protecting him, hanji and Mikasa from the whips...

I was waiting for the thing to start but I didn't know anyone besides him so I didnt bother talking to the others. I was on my phone when Samson walks up to me in a tuxedo and has his hair gelled back like mine. It was like looking In a mirror.

"Daddy why do I have to wear this weird costume" he asked pouting at me.

I bent down "because it makes you look very handsome and its formal" I explained.

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