chapter FIVE

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Levis POV

I arrived to work today still thinking about what Mikasa said... honestly it is a bad thing I it's a horrible thing.

I walked into my department and hanji wasn't there yet. That shitty glasses was late. I Walked into her office to see a stack of papers with my name on it.

I guess it was work I needed to do, I grabbed the paperwork and walked to my desk I started working when I saw a woman I didn't recognize walk into our department.

She had short blonde hair and she had a letter with her she Walked into Hanjis office and grabbed some of her stuff.

I went into Hanjis office to stop her.

"Oi who are you" I said standing at the door way.

She looked at me then narrowed her eyes "I'm one of Hanjis friends and I'm here picking up some of here stuff she requested" she said.

I nodded "anything else?" I asked.

She looked at me wide-eyed "oh yeah I'm also looking for a Levi?" She said looking at the letter.

"Ya what about him?" I asked.

"Do you think you could give him this letter when you see him" she said handing me the letter.

"Yeah sure" I said taking the letter.

"Ok thanks I'll be going now I need to meet back with hanji" she said Leaving.

She left and I went back to my office I opened the letter and read it

Dear Levi
I know I could have sent a message but I rather written you a letter since my friend was already heading to my office anyway I'll be gone for a week I'm going on a business trip, when u come back I'll have to go on another trip for something else, but I put all your paperwork on my desk. That's a whole weeks worth so once you finish that you don't have to do anything for me until I return.

-hanji Zoe

I finished reading the letter and went straight to work. I wanted to finish everything today so I could deal with my mafia business. I wondered what other trip she was taking was about, but it's not my business to know so I kept working.

A few hours passed and I finished all my work, I decided to go home. When I got home Mikasa was there throwing knifes at a target.

"Why aren't you at work? I asked.

"Today is an off day, and I'm trying to regain my focus" she said as she kept throwing knifes in the middle of the target.

I nodded and took off my shoes and placed them properly on the shoe rack.

"Why are you here early?" She asked sitting down on the couch.

"Because my boss is out of town and I finished all the work she assigned me" I said sitting next to her.

"How are things going with hanji, you seem to never talk about her" Mikasa questioned.

"Its fine honestly and she's gonna be gone for awhile since she has another trip" I sighed.

"Levi you know your making slow progress we almost reached a month and you still haven't made much progress" she said.

"You cant be talking you attached yourself to him and now you are struggling to detach" I said coldly.

She glared at me then got up from the couch.

"Just wait till you get connected, you are going to suffer letting her go" she said coldly back as she left the house.

My eyes widened from her was true I was already feeling connected to her....fuck me....I'm gonna suffer more than I have ever suffered before.

Mikasa's POV

Damn that stupid midget Levi can be so harsh sometimes. I'm used to his snarky comments but for this reason I feel hurt In a different way.

I keep walking not knowing where I'm heading I just want to walk and let out all my emotions.

I kept thinking about what Levi said....I have been attached to Eren...he's the only person who makes me feel safe inside. I hate Being in this stupid mafia group but....I don't have a choice.

I kept walking until I bumped into someone.

I said sorry still keeping my head down when the person called out my name.

"Mikasa?...." He said.....I recognized that voice.

I turned around to see Eren holding a gift.

"Oh shit I'm sorry Eren, I didn't mean to bump into you, I'm just lost in my thoughts" I said.

He smiled "it's ok Mikasa, it was partly my fault too, I was also lost in my thoughts" he said rubbing his neck.

I looked at him then at the gift "who's the gift for" I said pointing at the gift.

He jumped "oh uh heh heh, it's for you but I was planning on giving it to you tomorrow because we have work but I could give it too you now if you want" he said nervously.

My cheeks became warm "t-thank you Eren I can take it now" I said taking the gift.

"I hope you like it" he said with a smile.

I smiled too "what's it for?" I asked.

I saw him blush "oh you know, you've been working hard lately so I decided to get you a gift for your hard work" he said looking away nervously.

I walked up to him and pecked his cheeks "that's a gesture for saying thank you" I said walking away.

I saw his face become a rose. "Y-yeah your welcome" I heard him say.

After I was far away enough I let out a sigh......I can't detach myself from him.

I walked back to the apartment, when I entered Levi was taking a shower. I took off my shoes and went into my room.

I sat on my bed and looked at the gift. I opened it and inside was a red scarf..... I wrapped it around my neck. It was the softest thing I have ever worn. I began to tear up....

Why is this world so cruel.....

(A/N) sorry for alot of the Grammer mistakes Im a lazy ass person so I half ass the spell check but I hope you still like it also I'm putting a journeys end on hold because Im still thinking about what to write for it.

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