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Hanjis POV

2 years have passed and so much has changed.... Mikasa and Eren are getting married soon due to Mikasa getting pregnant....

I have a Two year old son named Samson....he was my joy....he looked alot like Levi....his eyes and hair was Levis but he had my personality....

He got an undercut like Levis and it was his favorite hurt that he hasn't even met his father....

Me Mikasa, and Eren still lived together and Mikasa loved taking care of Samson....I would work more often so Mikasa was always home taking care of Samson.

I had just finished my last week of work and I get to have my vacation week.

Me, Eren and Mikasa decided to spend it together.

We were going to to the beach since Samson hasn't really been to the beach before and we all loved the beach.

When I got home Samson ran into my arms....I was amazed he could already run being so young.

"Mommy, mommy guess what I did today" he said with his eyes gleaning with joy.

"What?" I asked picking him up.

"I built this amazing statue out of blocks then it broke...." He said looking down.

I kissed his cheek "I bet it was an amazing statue" I said caressing his cheek.

Mikasa walked in holding her stomach. It has been a few months (about nine) since she got pregnant and she was expecting a girl.

She was looking more tired everyday Eren was working at the shop and he wanted Mikasa to stay home and rest.

"You ok Mikasa?" I asked.

"Just tired....but welcome back Hanji San" she said smiling.

"Thanks....but Mikasa I think you should go back to resting I'll bring you some food" I said.

She nodded and went into her room Samson was in the living room playing with blocks and Watching TV.

I got Mikasa some food when I heard her scream.

"HANJI!" she yelled.

I ran to her and saw her dripping.

"MY WATER BROKE" she yelled.

I nodded I helped her down.

"Mommy what's wrong with aunt Mikasa?" Samson asked worriedly.

"Samson I'll explain later but will you please put on some shoes and go to the car" I asked taking Mikasa outside.

He nodded and ran to his room.

I helped Mikasa in the car and Samson ran out the door into the car.

I locked the door got in my car and we took off.

I called Eren


Meet me at the hospital Mikasa's water broke

IT DID!? ok I'll be there ASAP

Ok bye see you there.

We reached the hospital I helped Mikasa out and first aid nurses put her on a roller bed and rushed her to a room.

Eren was there and he ran with her. I stayed with Samson.

He tugged on my sleeve, "will aunt Mikasa be alright" he said tearing up.

I picked him up "yes ofcoarse she will be alright she is umm ummm she is getting a baby" I said coming up with a lie.

"What's a baby" Samson said as we walked to the car.

"A baby is a little version of you" I said poking his nose.

He giggled "mommy where do babies come from?" He asked.

SHIT I knew he was gonna ask that...."um well when a mommy and daddy fall in love they get a baby from a um stork" that was a terrible lie but again he's only 2.

He nodded then looked at me "mommy do I have a daddy?" He asked....

I knew this day would come...."Samson I'll tell you when we get home" I said putting him in his safety seat in the car.

I got in the car and we started driving heart am I gonna tell Samson about Levi....I held back my tears because I wanted to be strong for Samson.

When we got home I set him down on the couch and we sat next to eachother....

"Samson your father was a good man....but unfortunately he left us behind....he's somewhere in the world living his normal life....I don't know where but I know he is fine where he is now...." I explained I didn't expect Samson to understand but her just nodded.

"Does daddy hate us...." He said tearing up.

I pulled him close "ofcoarse not honey" I said kissing the top of his forehead.

"Do you miss him mommy...." He said.

"Yes....I miss him with every Inch of my heart" I said tearing up as well.

We stayed together I held Samson in my arms as I put on a movie for him. He soon fell asleep and I decided to lay him in his bed until dinner.

After laying him in bed I went to my room....I opened my drawer and pulled out the letter Levi gave me two years ago.

I re-read it and started crying....I wanted to hold Levi again....I wanted him to comfort me like he did when I had my mental breakdowns at work....I can't raise this child without a father figure....Levi wherever you are please come back to me....

I held the letter close and laid down in my bed crying my heart out because I couldn't show Samson how hurt I am....

I finally fell into a deep slumber to be woken up by my beautiful son....

"Mommy...can I sleep with you tonight after dinner..." He said.

I nodded "ofcoarse Samson" I said kissing his forehead.

He smiled and ran downstairs, I got out of bed and went downstairs to make dinner for us. I got a message from Eren saying him and Mikasa will be coming home the next day.

After dinner Samson crawled in bed with me....he cuddled into my chest holding his teddy bear and fell asleep.

I stroked his hair as he fell asleep...I couldn't sleep I just kept thinking about everything....then before I knew it my eyelids got heavy and I drifted to sleep holding Samson close to me....

(A/N) hmmmmm is this sad enough..... probably not ok then let's keep going hehe

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