chapter FIFTEEN

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Levi's POV

I woke up to the sunlight beaming on my face and I felt hanji moving around next to me. I grinned as I felt her presence next to me.

She started to open her eyes and look at me "morning Levi" she said with a smile.

I grinned "morning hanji" I said playing with her hair.... She put her head on my chest and stayed there.

"I think I can get used to waking up next to you more often" she said.

I pat her head "me too hanji" I said.

We then proceeded with our day I let hanji visit her parents in peace while I drove around the city not minding everything that's gonna happen soon....I only had a week left with to make it the best week of her life.

Time skip to Hanji and Levi returning home.

I messaged Mikasa telling her I'm on my way back and she replied with she had to talk to me....

Me and hanji arrived back at home and I first dropped her off at her apartment...I helped her with her stuff and kissed her goodbye.... I hugged her not wanting to let go.

"I don't want to leave you...." I said hugging her tightly.

she giggled "Levi I'm not going anywhere you can visit anytime you want ok" she said kissing my cheek.

I finally let go and left I drove back to my apartment and Walked in to see Mikasa drinking some coffee.

"Welcome back" she said waving at me.

I grunted to her welcome and Walked to her. "You wanted to talk to me about something" I asked crossing my arms.

She put down her coffee and went into her room. When she came out she had a letter with her.

She handed me the letter "Kenny is up to something...." She said.

I read the letter and my eyes widened...."that bastard" I said clenching my fists.

I looked at Mikasa "we have two choices now Mikasa.... 1. We give up and hand hanji and Eren to Kenny or 2. We take them to our safehouse and keep them there until we deal with Kenny...." I said coldly.

I looked at Mikasa who was wide eyed "are you serious Levi...." She said.

"Do I look like I'm joking" I said glaring at her.

She stayed quiet " Choice 2...." She said quietly.

I nodded "we exicute This plan tonight" I said Walking away.

"W-what tonight" she said.

"Kenny is always a step ahead of us if we wait tommorow he will already be ready for it but he wouldn't expect it tonight...." I explained.

She sighed "how are we gonna tell them..." She said.

"Kenny's men is Watching us so send them a message and when we go pick them up I'm coming with you making sure y'all are safe" I said opening a draw and pulling out a gun.

"Get your gun and knife and message Eren" I said messaging hanji.

She nodded and ran to her room.

Hanji agreed and it was all I needed

Tonight if I die, I wouldn't care as long as hanji is safe....

Later that night

Me and Mikasa stared at the door "ready kid" I said.

She nodded.

I cocked my gun and opened the door we had our coats on and she had her mask hiding her face.

We got in the car and drove to Eren's house. When we got there I walked out with Mikasa to Eren's door, Eren came out and stared at me.

"Let's go kid we don't have much time" I said walking away.

I heard Mikasa talking to him as he got in the car with us.

"Um sir where are we going" he asked.

I sigh "to a safe place where you and your cousin will be staying" I said.

He didn't respond he just stayed quiet as we reached Hanjis apartment. I had a feeling we where being watched....

"Oi Mikasa keep the car running and stay alert....they are already here" I said exiting the car.

I'll protect you Hanji.....if it's the last thing I do.

I reached Hanjis door and knocked. She opened it and looked at me.

"Ready" I asked sternly.

She nodded just before we left I heard a crack noise....

"HANJI GET DOWN!" I said tackling her, as soon as I did a gunshot shot and missed her but hit me in the shoulder.

"LEVI!" Hanji yelled as I pulled her inside and closed the door.

I groaned as the pain in my shoulder got worse.

"Levi what's going on" hanji said treating my wound.

"Hanji I need to get you to my car.... I'm fine we need to hurry more are coming" I said standing up.

"Levi your not have a bullet in your shoulder" she said worriedly.

"That's the least of my only concern is getting you out of her unharmed" I said caressing her cheek.

She nodded "you have a balcony?" I asked.

She nodded again as she showed me the balcony I looked outside and saw my car.

"Shit...." I mumbled in my breath.

"Levi what's wrong" she asked.

"We can't go through the balcony...there are most likely snipers aiming at the balcony....but we need a distraction" I said grabbing my phone.

I called Mikasa.

LEVI! are you ok what's happening?

"Slow down kid, I'm fine I'm with hanji they have us aimed out trapped. I need you to cause a distraction so they take their aim on you while me and hanji escape."


"Also if all hope is lost make sure to get Eren the hell out of here"

I saw Hanjis eyes widened when I mentioned Eren's name.

What about you and hanji....

I sighed "I'll let them kill me before they get to her..." careful Levi...

You too kid

I hung up and looked at hanji....

"What's Eren doing here Levi....." I heard a bit of venom in her voice.

"You and Eren are being hunted as we speak.... Right now me and my cousin are protecting y'all....and you know her...she's Eren's girlfriend" I explained.

Hanjis eyes widened more. "About you saying you dying....Levi I don't want you to leave me" she said quietly.

I grabbed her and held her close.... "Hanji that's if everything priority is to keep you and your cousin safe and ofcoarse my cousin..." I said kissing her cheek.

She nodded in my chest as I kept holdings her in my arms....

All we can do now is pray that Mikasa can get us an opening....

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