Chapter EIGHT

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Levis POV

I waited for hanji to finish her assignment before we left to the cafe. As I kept Watching her work I noticed how she looks really beautiful....

I shook my head and brought myself back to reality I couldn't fall for her.... It would just break me inside....I looked away and stared out the window.

After awhile she let out a huge sigh.

"Finished?" I asked looking at her.

She nodded "ok let's go" she said with a smile on her face.

I nodded and we left the building. We were walking and I looked over to see hanji excited.

"What are you excited about shitty glasses" I asked coldly.

"Im excited because Eren has been single his whole life I never thought he would fall in love honestly" she joked.

I lifted an eyebrow is this girl really that important....

We arrived the cafe and I saw Eren talking to the girl, couldn't see her yet because of the angle but as soon as we walked in I saw Mikasa talking to Eren....

I knew it....she glanced at us and her eyes widened when she saw me, I didn't react I just kept following hanji. I saw her become calm as we sat down.

"Hanji-san! Glad you could come" Eren said joyfully.

"I couldn't miss this for the world" hanji smiled.

Eren glanced at me and gave me a cold stare....

"So who did you bring hanji-san?" Eren asked looking at me.

I was surprised...he knew it was me but he didn't say anything about it.

"Oh is it ok if I brought him?, We wanted to have coffee together" hanji said smiling.

Eren nodded.

"So Eren introduce me to your beautiful girlfriend" hanji said smiling.

I glanced at Mikasa who blushed a little by the comment.

"Yes, anyway this is Mikasa, Mikasa this is hanji" Eren said.

"Hello" Mikasa said nervously.

"Hi there I'm hanji Zoe pleased to meet you" hanji said reaching out her hand.

Mikasa took it and shook her hand "pleased to meet you too" Mikasa said.

"Oh and Eren and Mikasa this is Levi" she said pointing to me.

"Pleased to meet you" Eren said while Mikasa nodded.

I nodded "likewise" I said drinking my coffee.

The three kept talking while I stayed silent. I listened but I didn't say anything because I didn't want to interrupt them. Then I got a message from my phone i was suspicious because I only had three contacts....Mikasa, hanji and Kenny.....

I turned on my phone to see it was from eyes widened but I stayed calm he never contacted us unless it was important.

I set my coffee down and I stood up, hanji looked at me weirdly.

"Where you going Levi?" She asked.

"I need to go do something, thank you for the coffee and it was nice meeting you Eren" I said before leaving hanji grabbed my arm.

I glanced at Mikasa then she realized where I was going.

"Do you want me to come?" She asked worriedly.

"'s fine you stay here please" I said, she let go of my arm and I left.

I'm sorry hanji but this is gonna be dangerous....

I reached the destination where Kenny wanted me to meet he was sitting on a bench smoking a cigarette.

"I thought I told you to stop smoking dumbass" I said coldly.

"Nice to see you too Levi" he said dropping the cigarette on the ground stepping on it putting it out.

"What do you want Kenny" I said.

"Well I got some bad news or good news for you and Mikasa" he sighed.

"And that is?" I asked.

"The higher ups are becoming impatient, so you have two weeks to bring in hanji and Eren" he said grinning.

My eyes widened I clenched my fists....

"You.....son of a bitch!" I yelled reaching my knife out to slash at him.

He doged it and grabbed my arm, I used my other arm and punched him in the side. He then grabbed me and slammed me into a wall, I felt my back shoot with pain. I got up and before I could react he kicked me in the face. I coughed out blood and looked down.

"What was that boy!, have I taught you nothing?" He said disappointed.

He then kicked me in the stomach knocking the air out of me, he grabbed me by the hair and made me look at him.

"2 weeks boy, get your shit together or I will" he said letting go of me and Leaving.

I panted and stayed there my stomach hurt....and my heart ached I didn't want to say goodbye....I didn't want to betray her....and Mikasa this will shatter her....

So many thoughts rushed into my head, I ignored them all. I finally got up and headed back home. I was clenching my side where he kicked me and wiped the blood off my mouth.

When I arrived at my apartment my eyes widened...she was there waiting for me....she saw me and she ran twords me.

"Hanji...." I said falling to my knees.

She caught me and held me close. I felt her warmth on me and it comforted me.

"Levi....what happened" she said stroking my hair.

"Nothing...I just got in a fight with someone....don't worry about it" I said quietly.

She held me closer, then helped me stand on my feet. We walked into my apartment and she unlocked the door. I guided her to my room where she laid me on my bed.

"Thank you Hanji.... I can take care of myself from now on" I said sitting up.

"Are you sure?" She asked giving me a worried look.

"Yes, and hanji I'll be fine I promise" I said grabbing her hand.

She nodded and left I heard the front door close and I let out a sigh. I looked at the hand I grabbed hers with and sighed again.

Is it already to late for me too?.... I thought, then I let out a tear... I am the worst person ever....

I got up and went into the bathroom to treat my wounds after I finished treating myself, I went into the living room and saw Mikasa burst through the front door.

I gave her a sad look and looked down. This was going to be a sad night....

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