chapter FOURTEEN

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(A/N) sigh.... Ok let's get this over with and if your wondering yes this is a smut scene soooo if you want you can skip to Mikasa's POV for it to be over, but other than that enjoy.....I'm listening to bamboleo as I write this lol ANYWAY ILL STOP TALKING

Levis POV

I finished my shower as I walked out to the small living room where I saw hanji on a bed waiting for me.

She gave me a sly smile as I walked over to her. I gazed into her beautiful brown eyes as I pushed her down and got on top of her on the bed.... I started to kiss her passionately then I paused for a moment

"are you sure hanji...I Want full permission..." I whispered.

"Yes Levi....Im positive.... I want you" she said lustfully.

That's all I needed before I kept on kissing her...I started giving her gentle kisses on her neck Leaving marks showing she's mine..... I heard her moaning my name as I kissed her neck even more....

I then proceeded to remove her shirt revealing her bra... I kissed the valley between her breasts...

"L-levi..." She moaned as I kept on kissing her.

I loved hearing her moan my name as I kept kissing her. I then removed my shirt revealing my abs....

As I was kissing her I felt her hands roam around my chest touching my body....

I unclipped her bra kissing her breasts passionately as she started to moan a little louder.... I pulled down her pants revealing her panties I put my hands on her thighs as I kissed her passionately...

I rubbed her clit making her moan everytime I touched it, I then removed my pants and boxers...I also removed her panties.

I started to thrust into her slowly not wanting to hurt my precious hanji....

She wrapped her legs around my waist tightly then wrapped her arms around my shoulders holding them closely... I began to go in rythem... I kept thrusting into her enjoying every moment....

"Ah.. ah Levi" she moaned digging her nails into my shoulders...

I groaned as she kept digging her nails into my shoulders but I didn't care....

"Levi harder...." She moaned.

And just like that I thrusted into harder than I was before making her squeel it was such an enjoyable noise she made.....

"F-faster Levi..." She moaned digging her nails into me harder....

I began picking up speed I enjoyed every moment of this.... Then she started to reach her climax.

"L-levi I'm close!" She moaned

I kept thrusting into her harder and faster.... I felt her realise but I ignored that I just kept thrusting into her....

I soon after realised into her...I started to slow down because I was reaching my climax....

I soon stopped and pulled myself out of her... I kissed her passionately before laying next to her..... We were both exauasted from it, all there was the sound of us panting....

I grabbed hanji and held her close nuzzling my head in her neck....

"I love you Hanji...." I said.

"I love you too Levi" she replied

We soon drifted into sleep me holding her close... I never wanted to let go of her....

Damn it four eyes.....I love you so damn much....

Mikasa's POV

This morning we have to return back early than expected because because there was an emergency back at home for Armin.

While we were driving back I kept glancing at armin who was sweating like crazy.

"Armin are you ok?" I asked worriedly.

He jumped then gave me a weak smile "y-yeah of course" he said then quickly looked back forward.

I knew he was lying because he was still sweating like crazy... Armin was easy to crack under pressure so I just asked him again.

"Are you sure armin because you are sweating like crazy" I said again.

He then snapped "OK OK ILL TELL YOU!" he finally admitted.

Me and Eren snickered a little bit.

"I can hear y'all, you assholes" Armin said.

"Ok spill Armin what's wrong" I said looking at him.

He sighed "I got annie pregnant...." He confessed.

My jaw dropped and I saw Eren shocked as well but he to keep his eyes on the road.

"WHAT!???" I said.

" I need to go be with her and work this out" he said.

I smirked "you'll be ok Armin, just talk to her" I said.

"I KNEW IT, I WAS DAMN RIGHT!" Eren finally yelled.

"What do you mean Eren?..." Armin asked nervously.

"I knew you and Annie had a thing it was kinda obvious but now I know for sure" he said grinning.

Me and Armin laughed as me and Eren did our best to relax armin's nerves.

We reached Annie's house where Armin grabbed his suitcase and waved us goodbye.

We waved our goodbyes and left.

"So you want me to drop you off at your apartment?" Eren asked.

I nodded, we arrived at my apartment Eren helped me grab my suitcase and walked me to my door. He then gave me sad look and a passionate kiss.

"I'm gonna miss holding you.." he said holding my hands.

I caressed his cheek "you can stay if you roommate is out of town for a few days" I said smiling.

His eyes lit up "really!?, I can stay" he said smiling.

I nodded "ofcoarse you can" I said kissing his cheek.

He ran to his car to grab his suitcase as I unlocked my door and Walked in taking my stuff to my room. I heard Eren walk in and I showed him around.

After we finished the tour we laid in bed together. I felt him hold me close as held his arms close to me.

He nuzzled his head into my shoulder "I love you Mikasa" he said quietly.

I held his hand close to me "I love you too Eren" I said.

We soon both drifted into sleep....I loved having Eren with me....I smiled as Eren held me tighter.

I hoped we could stay together....

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