chapter FOUR

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Levis POV

That's her brother?, I mean she does live in a wealthy family I'm not surprised she has siblings.

"Piss off, I don't want to see your smug face ever again" she said to the man.

She turned to me "I'm sorry to end this dinner early Levi, but I'm not welcomed here" she said with a weak smile.

"Oi I'm coming with you" I said getting up. I put down some cash for the waiter because we haven't spent anything besides drinks.

Me and hanji were leaving when her brother yelled something at us.

"Leaving already little sis?, We haven't even had a time to chit chat don't you miss your older brother?" He said with a smug smile.

"JUST SHUT UP TONY!" She yelled, now everyone was looking at us, stoping where she was.

"Don't raise your voice at me, your causing a scene, because that's all you ever do, you make a mess for us to pick up after you" he said annoyed.

"Tony leave me alone Im not in the mood to deal with your bull shit" she said still having her back turned to him.

"Why should I, you know how much shit I'm dealing with BECAUSE OF YOU!" he started to raise his voice.

Hanji stayed quiet.


Hanji was on the edge of tears.

I whispered to her "you alright hanji?".

"And you" I saw him point to me.

"I would stay away from her, she's a disgrace and will only give you fake shit about everything" he said sternly.

I gave him a death glare "I don't give a shit" I said to him.

Hanji looked at me.

"She's still a human and probably has her reasons why she did what she did" I said coldly.

"Alright then smart ass why don't you ask her why she left, ASK HER WHY SHE RAN AWAY!" Her brother yelled.

I looked at hanji who had tears streaming down her face.

I was furious he was hurting Hanjis feelings for no reason.

"Listen hear asshole I don't give a shit what her reasons are she's still my friend and that's all I care about so if you excuse us we are leaving" I said grabbing Hanjis hand.

I heard her brother cussing us out as we left, I kept pulling hanji away from the restaurant when she stopped and pulled her hand away.

"Why did you say that?" She asked softly.

"Eh what do you mean" I asked.

"Why did you stick up for me?" She said.

"Oh well because one he was being a dickhead and two I was about to punch him in the face because he ruined my dinner" I said annoyed.

She giggled and smiled, "thank you Levi".

My cheeks felt a little warm so I looked away.

"Ya don't mention it shitty glasses" I said.

"Well I guess I'll be heading back home thank you for a great evening shorty" she said smiling.

"Who said I wasn't gonna walk you back shitty glasses" I said glaring at her.

"Eh Levi you don't have to I already put you through enough trouble" she said nervously.

"I don't care I need to make sure my boss is safe so I can get paid so let's go" I said.

She sighed"ok then follow me".

We walked for a bit until we reached an apartment it was pretty fancy but not extremely fancy.

"Well thank you for walking me here, I'll see you Monday at work ok" she said smiling.

"Ya sure" I said walking away.

When she went inside I let out a sigh of relief. I don't know why I was feeling all this emotions right now.

I feel funny.....for once I feel a little Happy.

Mikasa's POV

I got back to the apartment to see Levi not there I guess he was still out with hanji. But I had bad news for him and I need his help.

I made some noodles since Levi usually cooks for me.

I started watching TV because I rarely ever do and Armin has hooked me onto anime and I can't stop watching an anime called "hunter x hunter".

I soon heard the front door open and Levi entered.

"Welcome back" I greeted him.

He nodded to my presence and Walked into his room.

I was nervous of telling him my problems but he is the only person I could talk to about it.

I walked to his door and knocked.

"What do you want brat" he said annoyed.

"Can I talk to you?" I said.

"About what?" He questioned still with the door shut.

"About the assignment" I sighed.

I heard him let out a huge sigh "alright come in" he said.

I came in and he was sitting in his chair glaring at me.

He pointed at the bed "sit" he said.

I sat on his bed and looked down.

"Alright so what's wrong with you" he sighed.

I was holding back tears "Levi I don't know if I can take this anymore" I said.

"Why what happened?" He said sitting next to me.


He sighed "so you got attached?".

I nodded still crying.

He felt him pull me Into a side hug.

"Look kid, I won't tell Kenny but you need To figure something out before the two months end, because if you screw anything up Kenny will probably beat you" he said.

I knew the consequences that come with being in a mafia, I couldn't have friends or love anyone.

"What about you Levi don't you feel bad" I said quietly.

He stayed quiet.

"Levi?" I asked seeing if he would reply.

"Yes....I do feel bad" he said quietly.

"She's the only person I have ever met that makes me feel.... Happy" he said.

"But I can't get attached or it will hurt even more....Mikasa you need to detach yourself with them or your gonna hurt yourself More" he said with worry in his eyes.

"I will try..." I said tearing up some more.

We stayed quiet for awhile....

(A/N) I'm sorry if this seems a little sad but hey we will get a happy ending just bare with me.... Anyway byeeeee.

the mafia love strike {leviHan}, {eremika}Where stories live. Discover now