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~2 years later
Today would be my college graduation day. I was nervous, excited and sad. Tomorrow, I'd leave Chicago. I'd leave the USA and go back to Korea with Jungkook. I would be able to see Yuna whenever I'd want and I'd live with Jungkook in Seoul. Tomorrow, a new chapter in my life would begin. Of course, I'd miss my friends I had here, but at the same time, I'd see my old ones again.

I looked into the mirror. I had changed over the years. I wasn't as vulnerable anymore, nor did I look like I did a few years back. I liked the new me. I had grown from the experience I had and now, I knew who I was and what I wanted.

Jungkook and I had been living together in Chicago for the past two years. Because of his job, he had  traveled a lot, but we managed to survive it. I had continued my studies in college. I was really proud of my GPA. I honestly had studied a lot. Almost every time Jungkook was away. As long as I hadn't done do anything with my friends, to be exact.
I wanted to have a good job in Korea, but at the same time, I wanted to work with Jungkook. I didn't know what to choose, but I was sure that as soon as I'd be in back in Korea, my heart would surely know the answer.
He had told me to concentrate on my studies and that he'd teach me some things when we'd be back in Korea.

"You look beautiful." I heard a husky voice say. I turned around to see Jungkook standing in the doorframe.
His hair was in curls and he was wearing a suit which fitted his muscles perfectly.
"Thanks. You look pretty good yourself."
He chuckled and walked up to me, before wrapping his arms around my waist.
Jungkook leaned forward, our lips almost touching.
"You always look gorgeous. Especially those lips of yours. They always awake the desire in me of kissing them." He whispered seductively into my ear.
Jungkook leaned backwards. Now, our faces were inches apart, still close to eachother, but at the same time, there was more difference than before. I could clearly the smirk on Jungkook's face. Two can play this game.

I leaned forward, our lips almost touching, but I turned my head to the side. Now, my lips were almost touching his ear.
"I bet..." I started off.
"That your whole body is yearning for my lips to touch it anywhere."
I started tracing my fingers over his toned abs. I could feel Jungkook sucking in a breath. Now, a smirk was making its way towards my face.
"But sadly,"
I continued, before stepping backwards.
"It won't get what it wants."

Jungkook started walking towards me. Each step he'd take towards me, I'd take backwards, until I was hitting a wall.
Jungkook put his hands on each side of me.
"Doesn't your body yearn for my kisses, too?" He whispered into my ear.

I leaned forward and started kissing him passionately. Our tongues were leading eachother. My heart was beating fast, as if it was the first time I had kissed him. I could never get tired of his kisses.

After the kiss ended, our foreheads touched and we were enjoying just that. Eachother's  simple touch could make everything better, could do magic.

"We need to get going, we don't want to miss out on your ceremony now, do we?" He said and kissed my forehead.

We walked towards his garage, while holding hands and got into a black Mercedes.

"Are you nervous?" Jungkook asked. He was currently driving towards my college. Only fifteen minutes were left till we'd arrive there. Jungkook held my left hand in his right hand while still driving. I surely was nervous. A lot of people would be there and it would be the last time I'd see some of my friends, but luckily, Jungkook was calming my nerves a tiny bit.

"Yes." I replied to  the question that had been previously asked.
"Everything will be fine." Jungkook said, trying to calm my nerves.
"I hope so." I stated, looking at my finger nails. Everything would be fine, and yes, even though I'd miss some people, sometimes, you have to leave people behind in life.

After what felt like an hour, we finally arrived. I could see Maddie running towards me. She engulfed me in a hug.
"I'm so happy you're here." I whispered into her ear.
" I'll miss you." Maddie stated.
"I'll miss you, too." I replied.
Maddie pulled away from the hug.
"Let's go. I don't want my baby do miss her graduation." She said.

I threw away my shoes and went towards the bathroom and took a shower. The graduationhad  went unexpectedly really good. A lot of tears had fallen. Mostly from Maddie and I. After I had gotten my college certificate, my friends, jungkook and I had went towards a Chinese restaurant. I had been happy to enjoy my last few moments with my friends in such a lovely atmosphere. Everybody had had fun. As the evening had come to an ending, the atmosphere saddened. Saying goodbye to People you love is always difficult and it would never get easier.

I spread the shampoo in my hair. Jungkook was outside, making some calls. He seemed to be stressed about us going back to Korea. I wondered what the reason was. It certainly didn't seem as if it would be something simple.

I walked towards the king sized bed which was placed in the middle of the room and laid down. Today had been an exhausting day and all I wanted to do was sleep. I felt my eyelids slowly closing and my mind drifting to sleep. I felt warming arms wrapping themselves around myself. I smiled in my head. Now, I'd certainly have a good sleep.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock ringing. Today was the day of our departure and there was a plane that needed to be caught.
I walked towards the closet and grabbed some clothes. Jungkook was already out of bed. He either was packing some last things or handling business.

After surround 30 minutes, I was finally ready to go.
"Jungkook" I yelled, while walking down the stairs with my suitcase.

As I was walking towards the exit, I noticed Jungkook smiling and standing next to the door, while looking at me.
"Let me help you." He said, before taking my suitcase and carrying it towards the car.

I woke up to Jungkook shaking my body.
"We're here." He said.
"Already?" I questioned.
Jungkook nodded.
I looked out of the airplane window, seeing that we indeed were landing.
"I haven't been here since so long." I stated, while looking at Seoul's airport. It hadn't changed one bit. It was still the same as it had been five years ago.

~?? Pov
I was watching them walking around the airport. They were holding hands, while smiling.
I chuckled. How pathetic. Their happiness would soon be over. Jungkook didn't deserve happiness and after what my best friend had to go through, neither did she. I hated both of them. Alone the fact they were together. I chuckled again. It would make everything easier. Just wait Jeon Jungkook and Lee y/n. Your happiness soon will be over. Don't worry, you'll never find it again. They won't see it coming.

Teach me hell - Jeon Jungkook/ Bts FF (Mafia)Where stories live. Discover now