8. Chapter

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"How can you afford that car?" I said almost speechless"I got my ways" he replied. Seriously? If he didn't want to tell me, why did he choose this car in first place? Like dude! Come on! I will find everything out. I bet. Spiing is my specialty. Still, I could feel my anger burning. Suddenly I felt his hand intervining with mine. I calmed down at once. "Let's get going." He suggested.

"You need to explain it soon though" I mumbled to myself, not knowing he heard everything.

Gentlemenlike he opened the door and helped me get in. He started the engine. The ride was silent. I was playing with my fingers while jungkook drove concentrated. Suddenly I started to observe him. His perfect facials, movements and not to forget his muscles. His jawline was so hot. His eyes were so sparkly. His hair was so fluffy that she just wanted to touch it. He was the perfect catch, but something seemed so wrong abou him. I didn't know what, but a voice in my head told me to stay far away. As if he was really dangerous.

But isn't dangerous somehow fun. Well as long as he isn't a series killer or something like that, I'm sure it'll be just fine

~A while later

We were sitting in this fancy restaurant with an amazing view. I still couldn't believe that it'd ever be able to see such beauty. I was having the best steak I've ever eaten in my entire life. I also was drinking alcohol, not too much though. I mean I didn't want to get to drunk since I was about to sleep in the same room as jk. Me and Jungkook were talking about life and stuff like that. He also asked me what my longest relationship was and why it ended. I told him that it have been two years and that he had cheated on me. As I was telling him what he did, my eyes were watery. Even tough

I was over him, it still hurt me. Especially what Hyuna said.


I was going to surprise my boyfriend. It was our two years anniversary. I told him that I needed to "visit my old aunt in the hospital and that she was really sick". Instead, I was home, preparing the gifts for him. I thought that this day would be so great and that he would be really happy. But little did I know what was going to happen.

When I arrived at his home, I took the spare keys and crept into his house. But something was off. I heard loud moans. "Ah~ Sehun " WTF! It sounded like he was having šėx with another girl. I quietly put down my things and walked to his bedroom. I opened the door and....


I saw my best friend and my boyfriend, sorry ex-boyfriend naked on his bed. They were clearly having sex with eachother. "Sorry Y/N, but nobody loves you. See, your mother left you and your father slaps you. What did you expect? That somebody could really love you? Oh dear! You were so wrong. We were using you the whole time. You little bitch didn't really believe that somebody that gorgeous could fall for you?" Hyuna said. My eyes started to water. "Aw... see she's hurt. I thought sluts don't have feelings." She laughed. "Oh believe me, you are the only slut in this room."

I slammed the door and stormed out.

"I'm sorry " he said.

"Don't apologize. It's not your fault."

"But I wasn't there for you"

I chuckled "How could you've been there for me? I didn't even know you and plus I didn't tell anyone yet." He looked me in the eyes. "Does this mean I'm special to you?" I rolled my eyes and bit my lip. "No~" I denied.

Jk pov:

My blood boiled after what she had told me. How could he hurt my precious baby? He surely will pay for this shit. I tried to look as calm as I could. She is my angel. So stupid boy, he made such a big mistake.

"Does this mean I'm special to you?" I saw her rolling her eyes and biting her lip. And damm she looked hot. How much I wanted to kiss those lips. How much I wanted to taste her touch. She was the most important thing in my life. But I haven't even put a finger on her.

"No~" I knew she tried to hide it, but I could clearly see a blush crossing her face. She didn't know how much her teasing affected me. I was already falling for her so deeply. And she looked so freaking hot in the dress I gave her. Iwanted to make love with her. I wanted to give her everything. Dear lord! Jungkook get your act together.

Back to Y/N perspective:

We finished our food. Jungkook and I went outside to his car.

"I loved tonight" said Jungkook.

"I enjoyed it quite much too. Thanks for inviting me."

"Thanks for coming." He smiled. I chuckled. Why was he making my heart beat so fast? I've never experienced something like this before. Was he perhaps my soulmate? Well, we'll find out somewhen. "No need to thank me for that." I finally said. "But I want to". Gosh. Stop already jungkook. Otherwise I'll be blushing really hard or worse I'll be getting really hot.

~in jks room

"I'm so tired." I groaned.

"Should I change first or you?" He asked.

"You. I'm gonna relax till then on your bed." He chuckled. "Alright."

I heard the shower go off and laid on his bed. Boy was he hot. And boy did I fall for him. Every single time I saw him, I got those magical butterflys in my stomach. I heard the shower go off. He came out with just boxers. "Your sleepwear is in the bathroom."

I quickly ran inside it, showerd and changed.

I quickly ran inside it, showerd and changed

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Jungkook pov:

I was sitting on my bed with my phone. Suddenly I heard the bathroomdoor open. Y/N stepped out. "Don't you think it is a bit revealing."

"No it is perfect." I replied. "You look hot."

She had the perfect curves, in the best places. I licked my lips and I couldn't take it anymore.

I took her waist and placed her on my lap.

"Are you ready for the night of your life?"


Late merry Christmas ❤️

Teach me hell - Jeon Jungkook/ Bts FF (Mafia)Where stories live. Discover now