30. Chapter

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I don't know why nor how, but I ended up getting dressed for a party I was about to attend. Somehow, in an unbelievable way, because I don't know how I could agree to this, Rosé convinced me to go with her. She had already organised a dress for me and told me she'd do my hair and makeup.
The dress she chose for me was really pretty. The red colour was fitting me perfectly. The cut of the dress showed my curves, yet it didn't reveal them to much, Just a bit.

Three hours later, I was finally ready to go. Rosé did a great job with my hair and makeup and looked amazing herself. I wish I had her talent with styling, but sadly, I didn't.
"Let's go." Rosé said, grabbing my hand and leading me to the car.

After surround 15 minutes of driving, we finally arrived. The loud music was hurting my ears. How could anyone think turning up the volume was a good idea?

I stepped out of the car, instantly being hit with the smell of alcohol. Great. It doesn't only hurt my ears, but my nose had to keep up with this shitty smell, too.
"Aren't you excited?" Rosé squealed. I sighed.
"If you want me to." I answered.
"You're gonna like it. I promise you won't regret it. You just have to let go and your whole life will be better." Rosé tried making me excited.
"It's only gonna be one night though." I stated.
"But it's going to be the best night of your life." Rosé said.
I just rolled my eyes. Let's get this over with as fast as possible.

On our way to the entrance, I could already see people making out and throwing up. I felt slightly disgusted, but that seemed to be party life. I was lucky though that I couldn't smell the puke, because the smell of alcohol was way more better and way more evident.

Inside the house was a pretty similar sight as outside, only that a few people were dancing and more people were there in general.

Rosé held my hand and dragged me across the room.
"Where are we going?" I questioned.
"where less people are." She explained through the loud music.
I was glad we wouldn't be staying here.
Rosé led me to a staircase that led downstairs.

As we entered the room, I noticed that only five people were there, a bar, a pool table and some other games you could play.
"You came." A red hair squealed before hugging rosé.
"And you must be y/n. Rosé talked about bringing you. It's so good to finally see you. I'm Olivia." She said to me
"Nice to meet your, too." I replied, smiling politely.
"Let's drink some alcohol." Rosé suggested.
"Yay, finally. I've been waiting for you the whole time. I didn't want to get drunk without you." Olivia stated.

We walked towards the bar. As rosé and I sat down, Olivia walked behind the counter.
"So what would you ladies like to drink?" She questioned with a wink.
"Let's all take a shot of Vodka." Rosé replied. Olivia smiled, taking out three small glasses and filling them up with works. After that, she walked towards us and sat down on another bar stool.
"3...2...1" Rosé counted down. At one, everybody gulped down their drink. At first, it tasted a bit weird, but after a few seconds, I got used to the bitter taste.
"Another round." Rosé yelled. I looked at her with wide eyes.
"If we're gonna do this a few more times, we'll be drunk." I negotiated.
"That's the point. I told you that you'll be free from all your worries. You'll notice soon, y/n. Just a few more shots and then it'll do it's magic." Rosé explained. I furrowed my eyebrows. I wasn't as fond as rosé was by the idea of getting drunk.
"C'mon. Just trust me with this. I promise you won't regret it." She said with puppy eyes.  I just nodded my head. Maybe a few more shots wouldn't hurt that much.

"3..2..1.." rosé counted down. We all gulped down the vodka. I had stopped counting how many shots I already had, if I was still able to count. I just gulped down on after another. I drank as many as rosé and Olivia, but since I wasn't really familiar with alcohol it might have had a stronger effect on me then the others. I felt a bit dizzy and my visions got blurry, but decided to not say anything. It was probably normal, when getting drunk.

I was on my way towards the toilet, when I suddenly bumped into a wall, or something like that. I almost fell onto the ground, but a strong arm grabbed me.
"Are you fine?" The person asked me. I looked up to see a handsome boy who seemed to be around my age.
"Yes." I answered shortly. I hoped, that he wouldn't notice the nervousness laced in my voice.
"Really? Where were you heading anyways?" He asked me. Suddenly, my head started to hurt.
"I actually don't remember." I replied, touching my forehead.
"Do you need something for your head?" He questioned.
"No. It's alright." I answered.
"Do you want to dance with me then?" He offered.
"Sure." I replied.
I had totally forgotten that the stranger had held me the entire time, till we started walking up the stairs, towards the music and crowd.

He took my hand and led me towards where all the other people were dancing.
I put my arms around his neck, not being to sure of what I was doing, nor of what I was supposed to do.
"So what's your name, pretty?" The boy asked. I chuckled at what he had called  me.
"Y/n. And what's your name, handsome?" I questioned.
"Hyunjin." He replied.
"You have a beautiful name, y/n." He added. My name sounded so good coming out of his mouth. I really liked hyunjin.
"Thanks, yours is beautiful, too, hyunjin."
I stated.
"I could get lost in your eyes forever." Hyunjin confessed. I bit my lip. I wish I could see his eyes clearly. But the circumstances made it really difficult for me. 
"I honestly wish I could say the same about yours. But I was never able to see them clearly." I said honestly. People say sober thoughts are drunken words. If I was sober, I surely would have said I think the same about yours, even if I wasn't able to see them clearly. But since I was drunk, I just told him straight ahead what I thought.
I heard hyunjin chuckle.
"I think you drank a bit to much." He said.
"Na. I don't think so. I can still talk to you." I said, sending him a wink. Sudden confident boost, check.
"Then do you know how many drinks you had?" He questioned.
"Why would I count that?" I exclaimed.
Hyunjin chuckled.
"Alright. Whatever you say, my lady."

We were dancing for a long time, I couldn't tell how long though. I couldn't read the clock anymore nor did I have any sense of time left in my body.
"Do you want me to drive you home?" Hyunjin questioned.

He led me to his car. The way there was a bit difficult. I almost tripped, but luckily, hyunjin held me steady. Before I could enter the vehicle, hyunjin asked me for my number, which I gladly gave him, or more likely my phone. It was already difficult to find that, and I surely wasn't in a state of mind where I would remember my phone number. So hyunjin just typed in his and called his phone so that he could have mine, too.

Hyunjin and I talked a lot during the ride. I told him a lot about my childhood, when everything was still good. A tear almost escaped my eyes, as I thought about how it was now. I wasn't sad about the fact I lost my stepmother, but about the fact, that I lost my father and mother.
I really missed them and the good old times. When we would go to the playground together and get some ice cream. I'd always take my favourite stuffed animal with me. It was perfect, till everything shattered into a million pieces and my whole world broke.

"Thanks for the ride." I said, as I got out of the car.
"Are you sure you're going to be able to walk to your apartment by your own?" Hyunjin questioned as he saw me stumble, again.
I shrugged. I actually didn't care wether he was going to go there with me or not. I wasn't afraid of him. I trusted him.
"I'm going to come with you." He stated, as I tripped and almost fell on the floor.

"It was lovely to meet you." I said, looking into his eyes. We were standing in front of the door. Maddie was probably sleeping already or was somewhere else. I honestly didn't know wether she had told me anything. My mind was just some chaos.
"It was lovely to meet you, too. " Hyunjin replied. We both chuckled, before looking into each other's eyes again. Even though I couldn't see them clearly, I still found them very pretty. I wondered how he'd look when he wasn't that blurry. God. He already looked so good now. My eyes travelled down to his lips. They were really pretty.
Before I could stop myself from what I was doing,
I kissed him.

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