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~Jk pov

Suga Hyung came rushing into the room.
"Her phone is in a lake. But here are the
coordinations." He said.
"Fuck." I cursed. Somebody smart kidnapped her. Pretty smart.
"Do you know where the phone was before?" I asked.
"It was probably taken away in an alley close to the studio and then it was brought there." He explained.
"Let's go there." I said

~Y/N pov
"I'm back." A familiar voice chirmed.
I looked at the guy from earlier.
"Here's your food. Later on the bosses second hand will come so be a good girl and don't do anything stupid."
I sent him a death glare. Hell, I won't do anything they want me to.

I was blankly looking at the floor. I didn't have any sleep since I got here. I lost track of time. Suddenly, the door flung open. I couldn't believe my eyes. What was he doing here? I moved my head to the other side. I hoped that the lord had heard my prayers.
"Y/N, long time not seen."

~Jk pov
After we went to the alley, we sent the evidence into our labour. It was long after midnight, yet, there was no clue to where she was. I was beyond frustrated and worried. I should have looked out for her more. I should have sent my men to look after her. On the other hand, I didn't want to invade her privacy.

"We're gonna find her." Suga said.
"How can you be so sure? What if one of my enemies got her, she'd be in so much danger." I looked at my wine glass. It was my third today.
"First of all, you should stop drinking. What if you get drunk? Then you can't do anything anymore." I put the glass aside. He was right. Me drinking alcohol wasn't going to get her back. It was the opposite.
"I wouldn't forgive myself, if she'd get hurt, Hyung." I said with tears in my eyes.
"I know, but she's a strong woman, she'll get through it."

~Y/N pov

"Y/N, long time not seen." And there he was. The biggest asshole I've ever met in my entire life. Oh Sehun.
"I miss the old times. Hyuna was a good fuck, I admit that, but you were such a great girlfriend." I glared daggers at him. How dare he says that into my face.
"Now, you see, I've got control over you." He traced his finger along my cheekbone.
"Should I maybe just kidnap you and bring you to a secret cabin?" Now his finger was tracing down my jaw line. I felt disgusted by his touch.
"Wait.. you're already kidnapped." He whispered into my ear.
"I'll see what I can do about us. After all, I'm the bosses best friend. He wouldn't deny me." With that, he left. I wanted to scream so badly and punch the fuck out of his face.

Of course, I still had a little place in my heart that wanted him back, but as I said, a little place. I loved him, we were the perfect couple, until he fucked everything up within a matter of seconds. It hurt, badly. I felt unworthy, unloved. My own family had turned their back against me and then my boyfriend did, too.

I screamed. Somebody had splashed ice cold water on my face.
"You're finally awake, princess. I've got the approval. I'll get you dressed."
Sehun untied me from the chair, yet the other ropes were still there to prevent me from moving. He put a fabric infront of my eyes, so that I wouldn't be able to see anything.

After a few minutes, he opened the ropes.
"This is our room, princess."
The bed was in a dark blue colour, as most of the other furniture. It was clear, that it was a room from a boy.
"Now, I'm going to change you and you won't resist me." He put away the tape from my mouth.
"My princess is finally able to speak to me." Sehun whispered in my ear.
"Stop calling me princess." I hissed.
"Don't resist me and don't fight back, otherwise you'll get punished and the tape is back. Did I make myself clear?"
He asked, anger slowly building up inside of him. I nodded my head.
"Use your words, princess."
"I almost forgot. You have to call me daddy." Sehun added.
I was beyond disgusted. What. The. Heck. What was wrong with this guy? He's got this weird daddy kink and expects me to play along? He's crazy!
"Say it." He demanded.
"I'd rather die than doing that." I said fiercely.
"Do you want to get spanked?"
I'd rather call him daddy than letting him touch my butt.
"Yes, daddy." I spat.
"We'll work on your attitude, but for now, we've got different things to do."
I rolled my eyes.
"Don't do that. I'm going to get you changed, babygirl." Sehun stated. He surely was a psycho and I was his target.
"No. I don't want you to change me." I replied.
"What was that, sorry. Do you want to get spanked?" He asked.
"No, fine, do it."
"Since this is your first day, I'm going to let it slide, but next time, I won't be nice." He whispered in my ear. I wanted to resist, but the outcome would be worse. A tear slipped down my face. This couldn't be my life, right? Jungkook will come and safe me, right? I'm going to be alright, right? As much as I told myself that everything would be fine, I knew that was a lie. No matter how long I'd be with him, it would still have an impact on me.

Sehun untied my hands and slowly pulled my shirt up. More and more tears were flowding down my face. He reached for my skirt and pulled it down. I was left in my underwear, standing infront of the man, I hated the most.
"You look so beautiful." Sehun said huskyly.
He reached for a dress and made me wear it. I cried.

Sehun took my hand and led me to his car.
"Be a good girl and don't try anything stupid."
"Use your words."
"Yes,..... Daddy"
"My babygirl is learning. I'm so proud." He said and kissed my head. If it would have been another person, I'd might have been comforting, but in this case, it did the opposite.

Teach me hell - Jeon Jungkook/ Bts FF (Mafia)Where stories live. Discover now