1. The new Teacher

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~1 week later
I was just getting into class when Yuna approached me: "Y/N did your hear the rumours? Mr Smith (our Math teacher) quit his job. And do you know what they say about the new one?" She looked at me as if she was waiting for an answer. I just shook my head. "They said that he is young and extremely hot. If it's true, I'll crave for detention." I just laughed at her comment." Y/N I'm being serious!" She punched me slightly on my shoulder. We were both heading to our seats.
I packed out my stuff. You should always make a good impression. Especially with teachers. I was playing with my pencil while Yuna was punching my arm on repeat and scream whispering: "He can come any minute... Omg. He probably is really hot." I just kept on rolling my eyes at her behaviour. Like a little child in a candy store. That's how she acted. We were both outsiders, so it didn't matter, that everybody was looking at us as if we were crazy. I mean I wouldn't deny it though. The bell rang. It's still ten minutes till the lesson starts, so I decided to write some stuff in my notebook. I was so concentrated that I didn't even notice our new teacher walking in class. Yuna screamed in my ear: "Oh my god..., Y/N, our Math teacher really is a bomb." I looked up, only to find him staring at me. His eyes... I could have sworn that I've seen them somewhere. He was good looking, I had to admit, but all the girls screaming made me hate him. I don't like drooling over somebody. Especially if he's my teacher. I could feel his intense gaze all the time on me. Why does he do that? A little cough of him brought me back to reality."Hello class, I'm your new math teacher Mr Jeon. I hope we will have a great time the rest of the year and that you'll all try your best. Now let's start with a quick recap." No girl concentrated at all, they were all talking about how handsome and good looking our teacher was. I was just concentrating on my writing as Mr Jeon snapped away my book: "Miss Y/N, you should pay more attention to class. I'm going to keep your book till the end of the day and you're about to get detention today." I scoffed. Never has a teacher ever given me detention. They all knew I didn't pay attention to their class, but as long as I was quiet and having good grades, they didn't care! But this shameless motherf*cker gave me a punishment even though every single soul was talking. How could he do that? He'll regret that for sure!

Me and Yuna sat down on our usual spot in the cafeteria. I had a cheese Sandwich and she one with ham. "I really can't believe he gave you detention. Do you think he'll read your notebook... I mean, we both know what you wrote in that.." "Shut up Yuna! I'm trying to think of a revenge. What would be good to show him that he shouldn't mess with me?" I was deep in my thoughts. I didn't take a single bite of my sandwich. Suddenly Mr Jeon came to our table."You should start eating Miss Y/N." "I can't believe you gave her detention! Can I at least have detention, too?" Yuna stood up for me. He gave her a death glare. "No, she should face the concequenses and being with you sure won't be a punishment. Bye ladies!" Argh! That jerk! Who does he think he is? Does he think he's god or lucifer? I felt my anger boiling in my blood. I could scream right now and without a word I left.
I walked into the washroom and screamed my soul out. "I WILL KILL YOU ONE DAY JEON JUNGKOOK! JUST WAIT FOR IT!" I hit my hand on the bathroom sink several times. It was already bloody.

Teach me hell - Jeon Jungkook/ Bts FF (Mafia)Where stories live. Discover now