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~Jk pov.
I was slowly opening my eyes. I looked at my surroundings. It was already dark outside. I looked further around the room. I was in a hospital. Why was I in a hospital?  I had never been in this hospital. It was a weird feeling. An uncomfortable feeling. Out of nowhere, everything that had happened came back to my mind. Y/n and I both were in Chicago. Finally, I knew where she was. I was happy, my heart felt so warm and a smile started to form on my lips. I was pretty sure she'd forgive me. I may have doubted it, but she loved me. I just needed to remind her why she fell in love with me. It might would take some time, but it would surely be worth it, having her in my arms again. I needed to find her! That was everything my mind told me. Everything I could think abour. I quickly stood up and ran towards the door.

Just as I was about to turn the doorknob, someone entered the room. I looked at the people that came into my way. My hyungs were standing in front of me with big smiles on their faces. This situation somehow seemed weird. Since when were they smiling so much?
"I'm so happy you are awake." Taehyung was the first one to say something.
"Where's y/n?" I questioned, eager to see herm
"In her apartment. But you need to rest, you lost your conscious." Suga explained.
I frowned a bit, after hearing what he said. I was clearly fine. Well, physically I was, my mental health was something else.
"The doctor has to do a check-up." Hobi added. I groaned. I didn't need one.
"How long have I been here?" I asked.
"One day." Jimin answered.
I thought about wether it was a long time or wether it was short. Considering that I could have been in a coma for months, probably rather less.
Suddenly, the door flew open and the doctor stepped into the room.
"You're awake, Mr. Jeon. Now we can start with your examination." He said.

After surround an hour, I was finally allowed to leave the hospital. I got some pills and the results of my check-up. It was only a panic attack, as expected. I had a few since y/n left me, but never to that extent. The doctor suggested for  me to go to the psychiatrist to check, wether I had anxiety. But why should I go to the psychiatrist? To get diagnosed as psycho? Maybe even diagnose with other mental illnessesm Definitely not. So going there was not going to happen. Instead I could use my time for better things. More important things, or better said, a person.

I had only one thing I wanted to do and that was to see y/n and get her back.
I'm coming for you, love.

~y/n pov.
I woke up to the sound of my ringing alarm. Should I just skip school? At the end of the day, we didn't have much to do today and I was really tired. Wait, no. Why was I even thinking like that? I needed to keep my good grades and my good reputation in order to keep being offered a scholarship. But it would just be once. But what if we'd suddenly do something important today and I wasn't there?
I groaned, but quickly composed myself and went into the shower.

After showering, I went to work. Everything seemed normal. Ben and I were talking as usual. The costumers were as always. Some extremely rude, some just not showing any emotion and some overly nice ones. The incident yesterday wasn't even crossing my mind anymore. Since I dealt with similar things a few time already, I knew how to handle it in a way. Plus, Suga had helped me get through it in a way, I guys. I actually had never talked with the people that helped me. Maybe suga and I could be friends. I mean, we were getting along pretty well.

Since the morning, I was having a weird feeling in my stomach, as if something was going to happen today. While working, I wondered what it could be. Wether something like yesterday would happen again. Maybe I should be a bit more careful today, just in case. But I never had this weird gut feeling when something like that happened. What would be different today? Guess I just needed to wait.

As I arrived at college, it was awfully empty. Only a few students were there, where it usually would be really crowded. Weird. I searched on campus for my friends, but sadly, I was unlucky.  Where were they?

I went to the front door of the building. That's when I noticed a sheet of paper.
'Closed today'
Somehow, this didn't fit well with me. The school has never been closed before when there should be lessons. So why was it closed now? There was simply no reason for it. The fact that they didn't even tell us before, made me even more sceptical. It would mean, that they didn't plan or know about closing school, till shortly before it started. Definitely weird.
I walked back home, texting Maddie, that I'd be home early today.

After taking a shower, I ate some ice cream, while watching TV. Surround two hours later, I decided that I should cook something for the two of us, since Maddie was away and since she usually cooked dinner or bought food for the two of us. I looked at the ingredients we had and decided to cook some Thai curry.

Shortly after I was finished, I heard the door open.
"Smells good." Maddie complimented.
"Thanks. You're right on time." I replied.
While eating, we talked about how our day was. Maddie found it pretty weird that our college was closed so spontaneously, too. But she thought that they would have their reasons, which I agreed with. They wouldn't just close without a reason, right?
After dinner, I studied for school, till I decided that it was time to go to bed.

I was sleeping peacefully, till I felt someone shaking me. I groaned.
"Stop it, Maddie." I said.
She kept shaking me. I slowly opened my eyes. It was dark outside. Why would Maddie wake me up that early?
I looked at the person standing in my room, only to be greeted by the same brown eyes I fell in love with a few years back.
"What are you doing here, Jungkook?"

Teach me hell - Jeon Jungkook/ Bts FF (Mafia)Where stories live. Discover now