25. Chapter

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~y/n pov
It had already been three years since the incident. After I had arrived in Chicago, I started working at a small café and going to college. I had missed Jungkook, but sometimes you just have to let go of a person. It's for the better. In these years, I haven't dated. I was still really young, so I didn't have to worry about not having a boyfriend. I was still living in the same flat as Maddie. We both had become really close. Yuna had visited me a few times throughout the years. I hadn't been in Korea once though. I wouldn't be able to face him. I never talked with Yuna about Jungkook. You can't let go if you always get reminded of them.

I took my back and left to work. I hadn't had breakfast, but I drank a coffee and that was all I needed till the end of work.

I walked to the small business. It was only a fifteen minutes walk anyways and a bit of sport wouldn't hurt. The sun was shining and the sky was blue. It was overall a wonderful day.

As I stepped into the shop, I was greeted by my coworker. He was really tall compared to me. He'd always mock me about my height, but whenever he went to far, he'd try everything to make it up to me. He was a wonderful person, but just a friend. I just didn't have any romantic feelings towards him.
"Your early, I'm surprised." I stated.
"I woke up to early." He explained. Usually, he would always come to late. It was really funny. Our manager freaked out completely. I needed to hold in my laughter a lot of the time. "Table seven wants to order, Ben." Yup, that was his name. Ben. Ben was two years older and was in his last year for college. Sadly though, his college wasn't the same as mine. We still did a lot together. I wore my apron and started serving the costumers.

After work, I went back home again and changed into the clothes I'd wear for college. It was one pm, college would start in two hours and I still hadn't eaten anything. Lucky me, Maddie had bought us some Chinese food from the takeaway which was stationed right around the corner.

After lunch, I packed my back and learned for college. I wanted to be good in school and I needed two. I wouldn't be able to afford it otherwise and I was really thankful for the opportunity given to me. I was one of the best students in my class, so I was really proud of myself.

I packed all my things and walked to the train station. My college was a few stations aways, so to go by food would unfortunately take to long.

I went down the stairs which led to the platform. It was really quiet. Not many people were taking the same train as I and especially not from this station. At times it was really scary, especially whenever I had the feeling that someone was following me. The fact that the lights were dimmed made everything worse, but I was used to it by now.

As I entered my college, I was already greeted by my friends. We were a group of five that would always hang around on campus. Rosé, Taeyeon, yugyeom, Seonghwa and I.

As I entered the classroom, I noticed bambam who was already waiting for me. He was really popular, but a total asshole. Sadly, I was his next prey. It annoyed me to the core. He'd always be around and when I'd tell him to leave me, he'd ask me why he couldn't be with his girlfriend. Freaking annoying since I obviously wasn't his girlfriend, but if course, he never stopped. He placed his arm around my body.
"Get your filthy hands away from me." I hissed.
"You know I like feisty, baby." He said smirking.
"If your not gonna stop bothering me, I'm gonna kick you in the nuts and report you to the office, would you want that?" I questioned. I used his weakness to my advantage. His father was the principal and hated the way his son behaved.

After school, I went home. Since it was summer, it wasn't dark outside yet. I bought some kimchi at the small supermarket next to the train station which was located really close to my school.

As I stepped out of the train, the same uncomfortable feeling as always got to me. Almost no one was in sight, but I could hear footsteps from behind. I quickend my pace. The footsteps got louder and louder till they suddenly stopped. I thought whoever it was had taken a different direction, but soon after, my assumptions were proofed wrong.

A hand harshly dragged me into an alley. It was dark and no one was there. Whatever this person wanted to do was bad. I sure as hell knew that. I couldn't see the person's face.

Suddenly, my mouth was being taped.
"Now you can't scream." A male voice said.  A tear was threatening to escape my eye, but I didn't want to show  the person that I was weak. I could feel the males hand going down to my trousers.
"Let her go!" Another voice yelled. I could see a person in a hoodie coming towards us.
"Why would I?"
The man in the hoddie started punching the other one, till he was unconscious.
He then went up to me and removed the tape.
"Thanks." I whispered.
"Your welcome. He was a dick. I'll accompany you home, if it's okay. I don't want another man trying to take advantage of you. I smiled. He seemed nice.

~Jk pov
Three years. Three years since she left me and I still hadn't found her. I was frustrated. She was gone and it was all my fault. And what was I doing now? I was fucking girls one by one and getting more brutal within my already brutal job. I knew that it was wrong and that she wouldn't like it. But it wasn't my decision. She left me. She made me this person. Without the heartbreak, I wouldn't do this.

"Where are you going?" One of my sluts asked. They all were so attached. It was so annoying. I told them every single time that they were just fucks, but they never understood it. They all thought the could change me, that they had changed me and that I'd love them. But there was only one person constantly on my mind. The one person I tried to forget the most.

I got into my car and drove to the warehouse. Someone had betrayed me and he'd surely get punished for that.

As I arrived, all of my men were greeting me with a lot of respect. Whoever didn't think I was scary before was now afraid of me. After y/n left, I made a deal with the police. I practically owned this country now and everyone in South Korea knew my name. I was the most powerful person within the country. The feeling was great.

One of my man led me to the room the soon to be dead person was in.
"Where's my money." I demanded to know as soon as I stepped into the room.
"I don't have it." He stuttered.
"Where's my money." I said dangerously, taking a knife into my hand.
"I don't have it." He again stuttered. I held the knife to his throat.
"Where. Is. My. Money." I demanded.
"Please, I beg you don't kill me. I have a daughter." He begged.
"Then if you don't want her dead tell me where my money is."
He looked scared, but to his luck, he quickly answered me.
"Some guy in Chicago ordered me to give it  to him. He only gave me a bit of it."
He explained.
"Michael something." I chuckled darkly. I knew who he was talking about. He tried to play me a few times now.  Maybe I should pay him a visit, I thought, before cutting off the man's head.

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