12. Chapter

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There was Jungkook bridely smirking at me.
"You didn't think I would leave you, did you?"

I looked him in his eyes. They were sooooo beautiful. No! Do not think that way about him. I headed to the door where he was standing. As I was trying to open it, Jungkook grabbed my wrists and pinned me against the wall.
"Why would you leave me?" He whispered, trailing his fingers down my cheeks. I stayed quiet, not daring to look into his eyes.
"We were perfect."
I gulped. His fingers were now on my lips. They were so soft....
"We love each other."
I stayed quiet. In the position in which we were, I couldn't lie.
"Tell me."
It was quiet. The silence took in the whole room. You could hear a pin falling down. I sucked in a breath, not to let any sound leave my mouth.
"I know the reason" he said calmly.
My eyes widened... No. He can't! How? He was bluffing.
"I just want wanted to hear it from you." He continued.
"We are getting some food." He stated.
I just stood there like a statue, not daring to move just a tiny bit. He took my hand and was about to walk out, when he noticed my state.
"Since you're in such a trance, I'll just carry you."
With that, he lifted me up in bridal style, opened the door and walked outside to his car.
"Aren't you worried, that people will see us?" I whispered, almost inaudible.
"I got everything figured out. Don't worry about that, babe." He replied huskyly in my ear.
"And I like that we are back at talking. I've already started missing this angelic voice of yours." He added.
A blush started creating its way to my cheeks, so I tried to think of something else.

As we arrived at his car, I was confused by the fact, that it was a different one. How many cars does this guy have?
How can he afford that... As a teacher?
I slightly frowned, because my head hurt. This thing was just to complicated for my mind. As if he knew, what I was thinking about, Jungkook said.
"You'll find out soon."
He opened the passenger seat, sat me down and bucked my belt. He went to the other side of the car and drove off.
I put on the radio, listening to the radio and singing to the lyrics.
"Your voice sounds so amazing when you're singing." Jungkook stated.
A small 'thanks' left my mouth, not to mention that blush. What was this guy doing to me...like seriously.

After a good 15 minutes drive, we arrived at the place. It seemed like some café. It looked really cute and I quite liked the outside appearance.

As we entered, a bell chimed. I looked around the place. There was a lot pink and some bear posters. It looked like some place for cute girls, or princesses. Because it looked so expensive, cute and simple at the same time. We went to the counter and I looked at the menu.
There were a lot of good things on this list.
"What would you like to order?"
A boy around my age asked. From the corner of my eye. I could see jungkook staring daggers and the poor waiter.
"I'd like a lemon green tea and a blueberry muffin, please." I smiled assuringly.
"And for me a black tea latte and a chocolate cake." He said rudely. The boy wrote it down, Jungkook payed and we sat down.
"What was that about?" I asked
"What?" He shrugged.
"Jungkook..." I started.
"He was looking at what's mine."
He simply said.
Omg.... Did he just... Did he just call me his. How romantic, awesome, amazing. Just like in those books I read. As I was drooling over him in my mind, my smart badass side came along. Are you stupid. He just claimed you. You are not a object. Plus what was that with the break up again. You told yourself you'd never talk-

I was snapped out of my thoughts, when Jungkook waved his hand in front of me.
"Are you fine?" He asked.
I quickly nodded. Maybe to eager, but who cares.

Short after, our food arrived. Wow... The smell was already so amazing. I was so excited to finally dig in.
Jungkook looked at me and let out a small chuckle.
"What's so funny?" I pouted.
"It's not funny. It's just cute... The way you looked at your food. I should have taken a picture to then hang it up in my house." He said, still amused by my actions.
"I'm not cute." I said squeezing my eyes. "I'm badess."
"Sure, baby girl. But the way you currently act is the cutest thing, I've ever seen. Plus.. when were you ever a badass" Jungkook winked.
"We are here to eat, not to talk."
I said, acting hurt and trying to end this conversation as soon as possible.
As my tongue started to consume the food, I couldn't help but moan a little. God! This tastet so good. I swear, that I've heard a groan from the opposite side of the table, but I chose to rather ignore it.

We finished our food and went inside the car. Again, the radio was on. This time with some slow music. I felt tired and drifted into my dream land.

~Jungkook pov.
There was the file. I've installed cameras all over her place, but she doesn't need to know. I played the video.

And there it was. Her stepmother hurting my baby and threatening her to leave me. I sighed. I should have seen this coming and I should have been there for here. Protecting her.
This bitch surely will pay. For everything that she has done.

As Y/N was in school, I drove to her house, to confront the witch. Of course, there were some of my men with me.
I opened the door and stepped in.
"Are you here to get pleased, handsome?"
Ugly face said. I wanted to throw up so bad at this point. I nodded as a signal for my men to tie her hands.
"What are you doing?" She asked confused.
"Bring her in the torture room"
I said.

After a while, it was finally time to reconnect with my baby.

As I was walking in school, I saw her going to the toilet.
That's my chance
I followed her and locked the door.
The moment she looked at me, my heart went warm. She brought the best out of me. I pinned her against the wall and smelled her scent. It's so addicting.
Even though I knew the truth, I wanted to hear it out of her mouth. It would mean, that she completely trusted me.

Of course though, she didn't tell me. After what the witch did to her, I don't blame my baby.

After that I went to get some food with her. It was quite an expensive café, as always. As we ordered, I could see the guy smiling at her. In that moment, I just wanted to kill him.

As we sat down, we had a discussion wether Y/N was cute or not. It was really amusing. Her pout was so adorable though...
And then I drove her home.

Hi guys, I hope you liked this chapter. It is a bit longer this time. Go and check out my other stories.
1. Badboys obsession, which is a Park Jimin Fan fiction.
2. My dirty Stephbrother, which is a MCND minjae fan fiction.
Btw. I love the choreography of Itzy's wannabe.

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