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"Will you do me the honor and go on a date with me?"
I almost chocked on my own saliva as the words left his mouth. I never imagined him having feelings in that way for me. I always knew we were close, but not that close.

I didn't know what to say. Did I like him in that way? I was unsure of my own feelings, especially after what had happened a few days ago. My mind was a total chaos. I took a deep breath before answering him.
"Look, Logan. I really like you, but I don't know wether I like you the way you like me. I think I need some time to clear my mind before giving you an answer, because right now, I really don't know what I feel. It's bad timing."
I could clearly see the sadness in his eyes, but at least I didn't completely decline, right?
"See you soon." I said, before leaving the gym awkwardly.

As I entered the flat, I was greeted by the great smell of kimchi.

"How was boxing?" Maddie asked.
"Alright." I answered sighing.
"I get the feeling something happened." She stated, putting the food on the table.
"Logan asked me out." I explained honestly. She'd know if I was lying anyways, so why not getting straight to the point.
"What did you say?" She wanted to know.
"No. I don't know if I like him like that." I replied.
"Or maybe you just like someone else." Maddie said, wiggling her eyebrows.
"I don't like anyone." I stated.
"You sure?" She questioned to which I nodded.
"I don't want to hurt you with what I'm going to say, because I know that it's an open wound. But I get the feeling that you still love him. I know he hurt you, but please be honest with yourself at least. You haven't dated all these years and you probably won't date any time soon. I noticed yesterday, that you were hurt, but I also noticed the love in your eyes. The way you both looked at each other was like you were meant for eachother."
I gulped. Was I still in love with Jungkook? What if I was? Would I straight ahead get back with him? Probably not. Would I give him a chance? Maybe. But what he pulled wasn't the nicest. But wasn't it somehow my fault, too. I left him without a single word. He broke me and I broke him.

A tear fell down my cheek. The thought of me being the cause of his pain hurt more than the betrayal I felt years ago.
"I think I'm going to bed." I said, leaving the room.

As I walked towards my chamber, something seemed off. Wasn't the window closes before? My eyes trailed down to my bed, only to be met with a red rose.

I picked it up. There was a note attached to it.

-You'll marry me anyways, Mrs. Jeon

I furrowed my eyebrows. Did Jungkook seriously break into my apartment and left a rose with a note on my bed. If I wouldn't have known who placed it there, I'd be freaking out. I trusted Jungkook not to hurt me physically, yet this was scary. If it would have been with someone I didn't know, I'd surely get nightmares for days. I just hoped he wouldn't do it again. I didn't want another scary suprise.
I threw the rose into the trash bin, before making my way towards the  shower.

I woke up from the bright sunlight shining through my windows. I stretched my whole body and adjusted my eyes to the light. A tired yarn left my mouth. I luckily didn't have anything planned today, so I could just relax, or do something with my friends.

I walked into the kitchen, taking out a strawberry milkshake.
I sat down on the couch, drinking it, while checking my phone.
Logan had asked me wether I had already decided or not.
I didn't really have any messages, besides Rosé trying to convince me to go to a college party. I wasn't really a fan of party's nor alcohol. I didn't want to loose control and  wake up next to a stranger, in worst case naked.
I once went on a party, because rosé kept nagging me and just wouldn't stop, so I gave in. But when we arrived there, she straight ahead left me and I felt really uncomfortable. This one drunk boy came up to me. He was really creepy. He started touching me while we were talking. When I tried leaving, he'd block my way. To my luck, Seonghwa was there and helped me out of the situation. I didn't even want to imagine what could have happened if he wasn't there.

I went into my room to change my clothes, when I noticed another rose laying on my bed. I picked it up and read the note.

-don't ever throw away the roses I'm sending you, love
See you soon.

I sighed. Should I throw this one away or should I cherish it.
I thought about it for a while, before settling on the second option.
I don't mind having a bouquet of roses. At the end of the way it would be wasting these beautiful plants by throwing them away.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed a vase, filled it with water, brought it into my room and placed it on my nightstand, before putting the rose into the vessel.

I heard the sound of a message being sent to me on my phone, so I checked to know what was going on.
Taeyeon had asked wether we all wanted to go to the cinema together, and since everyone else said yes, I agreed, too. I was watching movies the whole time anyways. So why not spent quality time with my friends, watching a film on a big screen, while eating popcorn.

As I left the house, I felt as if someone was watching me but whenever I'd turn around, there was nobody in sight. It kinda freaked me out. What if there really was a person following me and every time I'd look behind, this person would quickly hide. At the end of the day, I was probably just paranoid. Something like that only happens  in movies anyways.

As I entered the cinema, I was getting greeted by everyone else. Yep, I was the late one of the group. Almost every single time, I was the last one to arrive, but I got used to it. Or better said, I didn't really care.

After the movie ended, Rosé and I were talking on our way out.
"You seem really tensed." She commented.
"Is it that obvious?" I questioned, to which she only nodded.
"You know about the party..."
"I don't go to partys." I cut her off, I knew what she was gonna say anyways.
"It really helps if you're tensed, alcohol. You'll feel free of all your worries and you seem to worry a lot. I promise, I won't leave you again." She suggested, looking at me with her puppy eyes. She was just to cute for this world.
"So is this a yes?"

Teach me hell - Jeon Jungkook/ Bts FF (Mafia)Where stories live. Discover now