20. Chapter

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~Jk pov.
Suga had hacked their security system. Well, most parts of it. They didn't have security systems in the basement. I guess they didn't want people to know who they had captured. We made a plan based on where their men were.
We drove as fast as we could. Every second counted. 

I went out of the car as soon, as we were near their building. I nodded at my men to signal them, that now was the time.

Everybody positioned themselves.
"Now." I said into my earphone.
We entered the house. Gun shots could be heard, but none of my men died. We took them by suprise. They wouldn't have thought that so many people would come. I walked into the building and checked every room. Nothing. There was nobody. Sadness and anger rushed through my body. I'll kill those bastards.

I ran into the office. There, I saw Kai, the third command.
"Where is she?" I yelled. He chuckled.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Kai stated. I grabbed him by his collar and slammed him against the wall.
"You know exactly what I'm talking about." I said. Kai chuckled again.
"You seem to really love her."
"Tell. Me. The. Fuck. Where. She. Is." I demanded, pointing my gun at his head.
"She left."
"I already know that she's not here anymore, so where is she and who took her." I glared angrily at him and loaded my gun.
"She left with Sehun, but I won't tell you where she is. I'd rather die." I pulled the trigger. I'm going to find out where she left.

~y/n pov.

I slowly reached my hand out to the handle. I opened the door and jumped out. I prayed to God. I didn't want to die now.

My body rolled down the mountain. That was the last thing I remember before I got unconscious.

I slowly opened my eyes. Every single muscle hurt. I noticed that I was in an unknown room, laying on an unknown bed. I tried to stand up, but my body was to weak.
"Lay back down, dear." A middle aged woman said.
"Where am I?" I questioned.
"My son found you. He brought you here. We're living in the woods near Yeosu." She explained.
"I'm bada." The woman intrudced herself.
"y/n" I replied.
"I'm back home." A young, male voice yelled.
"You're awake." The boy stated.
"I'm Felix."
"Do you want something to eat?" Felix asked.
"That would be nice." I replied.
"I'm going to make a Thai-Curry." He said and walked into the kitchen.
"I'm going to help you."
"No, it's fine. You can lay back down." Felix argued.
"But I want to." I insisted.

~Jk pov
I took Kai's phone to see if any hint was on it.  'jackpot.' i thought. There was a message from Sehun. I opened it.
I've lost her. She jumped out of my car.

I know what you're thinking.
1. They are pretty dumb. I mean yeah. I already knew Kai's code or better said I used his finger. And who the hell would think that saving  the name backwards is a smart thing to do.
2. She what?! I'm hoping that my baby's safe and that we'll be able to find her before Sehun does.

I went outside of the building. Everybody else was already there. Jin looked at me like he wanted to know what to was going on.
"Sehun took her somewhere, but she seemed to have jumped out Here's Kai's phone. I hope you can track Sehun." I explained.

"Do you think that she's safe?" Taehyung asked me as we were driving back home.
"I think so. She's a strong girl." Jimin replied.
"I think so, too. I have a feeling that she is." I said.

After a few hours, Suga Hyung came into my room.
"I  also tracked his car. So it seems like he stopped at the Barkstone Highlands for a few minutes, but continued driving to his home at the river." He explained
"Let's go to the place where he stopped. We may be able to find her there."
Jumping out of a car was one thing, but jumping out of a car on mountain was another thing.

~y/n pov
The family were I was living was really nice. They lived at a pretty lonely place, but I liked that. It felt safer and the nature was really pretty. I thought about calling Jungkook, but I was afraid. Afraid of that Sehun would find me if I did.
"What are you thinking about?" Felix asked. We were eating soup as dinner.
"About my boyfriend." I replied shortly.
"Do you know his phone number. You could call him if you'd like to." He offered.
"I thought about that, too. But-" I stopped at what I wanted to say. Should I tell them or shouldn't I.
"You don't have to tell me, if you don't want to." Felix said.
"No, It's fine. I kinda was kidnapped and jumped out of the car. I am afraid that he'll find me." I explained. Felix nodded.
"I don't think that he'll be more able to find you, when you'll call your boyfriend. Plus, you've got me." I chuckled.
"You're right."

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