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I looked at the front saying 'Seoul boxing' and stepped into the building. As I entered, I saw people crowding around the boxing ring. I went there and saw two people fighting. People were cheering and placing bets. My eyes focused on the blonde haired guy. He was pretty amazing at fighting. The man easily blocked the attacks of the other male. I must say that I really enjoyed watching them.

At the end, the blond male won, as expected. Everybody had already left the area around the ring and went to do something else, but I was still standing there, almost in a trance.
"Did you enjoy the fight?" The blond guy took me out of my trance.
"I must admit, that I quite did." I answered. He chuckled.
"I'm Jimin. " He intrudced himself.
"Y/N" I replied and we both shook our hands.
"So what brings such a good looking woman into such kind of a place?"
"I want to learn boxing." I stated.
"Any reason for that?" He asked. I bit my lip.
"I just really want to learn it." I lied.
He raised one of his eyebrows.
"I can teach you. You can try it out today and if you like, you can come more often."
He led me to a punching back and shower me some simple blows. Jimin also explained me some ways to have a stronger blow.

After around one hour, the training was hour. I was really exhausted and decided to get myself some food from McDonald's. I went into the store and bought a big Mac and a mango smoothie.

After that, I was walking home. It was already dark outside and in the area I was walking around, there weren't that many people. Especially at this time.

I felt watched, like in those horror movies. I turned around, but there was nobody in sight. I frowned. Should I call Yuna for safety purpose? I sighed and fastened my pace.

I turned into the next alley. All of the sudden,  a cloth was placed on my mouth. My eyes widened. What was happening? Or better said, why? I struggled to breath. The air was slowly getting thinner and thinner. I attempted to grab the person's arm, to somehow escape the muscular man, but there was no use. He was to strong. I attempted to scream, but no. That didn't work either. Tears were slipping down my face. What was about to happen next? And then, I got unconscious. Slowly falling. Everything went black.

~Jk pov

I was getting really worried.  Y/N was out of reach. She didn't answer my texts, nor did she pick up my calls. Y/N had never done anything like that before. I was getting really impatient. What had happened?

After a few minutes, I decided to call Yuna.
"Hello?" She asked.
"Yuna, do you know why Y/N doesn't answer my texts?"
"No. I couldn't reach her since after school either, but maybe she just wants to be alone. Or she already went to bed."

I quickly ended the call and drove to my baby's house. As I arrived, I quickly rushed inside. There was no sign of her. It seemed like the last time she was here, was this morning.

I searched through the whole house, but there was no sign of her.

I went back home to check the security footage of the school. I saw how Hyuna bet her up, that bitch would surely pay for it, but not today. I first needed to find my girl.

I called Suga, my hacker, to track down her phone and went inside the building of my gang.

~Y/N pov
I heard voices and suddenly everything came back into my mind. My eyes instantly shot open.
"Oh... You're awake." A boy said.
I couldn't talk because of the fabric covering my mouth, but I still tried.
"Don't try to hard." The same person stated.
"You can't escape this hell."
"Let's leave." Another voice told the guy Infront of me.
"See you later, princess."

~jk pov

I saw my best friends sitting on the couch, waiting for me. Well, except Yoongi. He was trying his best to find my princess.
"What's going on?" Taehyung asked. He was my second hand, just like Jimin.
"My girlfriend is missing." I stated.
"Another fling?" Jimin asked. He angered me even more than I already was.
"No. I wouldn't be so worried if it was so. She's my world. So don't ever call her that again.", I hissed.
"I'm glad you finally settled." Jin said. He was managing everything.
"I never thought that would happen." Rm   joked. He was the one making all the plans, the smart one.
"Don't worry, Jungkook. She'll be fine." J-hope said. He was the one producing the weapons and teaching people how to use them.
"How can you say that. If she'll even have a scratch, I'll be mad. We need to find her as soon as possible." I stated.
"Do you have a picture of her?" Jin asked.
I showed one of the many to them.
"I saw that girl today." Jimin said. All eyes were on him now.
"She came to the boxing studio. I thought her some moves." He explained.
"When did she leave?" I asked.
"8pm or something like that."
"Do you know where she went afterwards?"
He shook his head.
"Let's check the security camera." Rm suggested.

She left the studio, but she didn't take the  way home. Where did she go?

~Y/N pov

It felt like hours since the guys left. A thousand thoughts were on my mind. So many questions. I was in some kind of basement. There was no window, nor was there any light. I tried moving, somehow getting out of the ropes, but it didn't work. It was a lost case. There was no escape. I desperately wished for help. Somebody. Anybody. I was still young. I finally found my happiness. But it seemed as if I wasn't allowed to be happy. I was meant to be suffering. As if it was my only reason to live. My only reason to exist. My ticket away from death, was pain. But the question was, what was better? Suffering or dieing.
"I'm back." A familiar voice chirmed.

Teach me hell - Jeon Jungkook/ Bts FF (Mafia)Where stories live. Discover now