24. Chapter

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Yuna and I arrived at the airport. So this would be it. I was sad that I'd leave behind my life I had here. But things needed to change. A new start was something I needed since years. I took a deep breath. I'd miss living here.
"Goodbye, y/n. I'll miss you." Yuna said.
"I'll miss you, too." I replied. Tears started to form in both our eyes.
"Remember to call me when you'll arrive." Yuna reminded me.
"I surely will."
We both hugged one last time, before I went through the  security check.

After hours of flying, the plane finally landed in Chicago. I stepped out of the plane into the busy halls. Everyone was either trying to catch their plane or a car.

I looked at the clock. It was 12pm. I decided to get myself something to eat.
I bought a hotdog and called Yuna to tell her I had safely arrived. I was happy to hear her voice, it reminded me of home. I knew that I was gonna miss Jungkook, but I needed to do this.

After having eaten it, I went outside. I waved a taxi and told the driver the address. I texted Maddie, the girl I was going to stay with, that I was arriving soon.

A solid 20 minutes later, I finally arrived at the building. I thanked the driver and payed him.

I took my suitcase and went to the entrance, where a blonde girl stood.
"Hi, I'm Maddie. You must be y/n, am I right?" She intrudced herself. I nodded as a response.
"Nice to meet you." I added.
"Nice to meet you, too." She smiled at me.

~Jk pov.
Y/n hasn't responded to the messages I had sent her since two weeks. I started getting frustrated. I knew she needed time, but I couldn't stand being away from her anymore.

After she had left, everything I could do was cry. She was the source of my happiness. Without I didn't feel alive.
"What should I do, Hyung?" I asked Namjoon. I really needed his advice right now. I wanted her back at any cost, but at the same time, I didn't want to force myself onto her. Namjoon thought about it, before answering me.
"Plan something special to remind her why she loves you and to show her that you're truly sorry."
That was such a simple, yet useful advice. I didn't know, why I hadn't thought of that before.

The rest of the day, I had worked on my master plan. There was no way she would say no, right? Tomorrow, I would go and suprise her, beg her for forgiveness and we'd both life happily together again, exactly how it should be.

I woke up with a big smile plastered on my face. Very soon, my baby would be laying next to me and I'd wake up seeing her face, everyday.

I took the flower bouquet and left the house.

I rang the doorbell of yuna's house. I knew, that y/n was staying there. Yuna opened the door. I smiled brightly at her. Somehow she looked as if she felt guilty.
"Could I please speak to y/n?" I said.
Her eyes showed pity. Why were her eyes showing pity? What had happened? What had I missed out?
"Jungkook..." She started. My smile slowly started to leave my face. Something was awfully wrong.
"She left." Sadness started overcoming me. I tried to stay positive. Maybe, she just went to her old house, right? She wouldn't leave this city without telling me, right?
"Where to?" I questioned.
"She left the country." In that moment, my whole world crashed. It felt as if I was dying. My heart hurt. The love of my life had left without a single word. How? Why? These questions were running through my head. Was it that bad? Did I fuck up that much? I needed her. She was the air I needed to breath. She was my everything and yet, I was left with nothing but a broken heart. She'd soon return, right? She loves me, right?
"I'm sorry, but I think you should leave." Yuna said and closed the door. I sat down on the floor. Tears were falling down my face. My heart ached. I was lonely, heartbroken. Before I had met her, I never believed in love, but the moment I saw her, I knew she was the one. I knew I had to have her, I knew I needed her. Every time she smiled, I was happy, every time she looked at me, my heart skipped a beat. I needed to find her. I wouldn't be able to live without her.

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