4. Closer

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"uhm... I just wanted to... To get some pills" I stutterd. "For what?" He asked. "I-I have a headache." He smiled."You could have just asked. Come with me." He led me down the hallway to an elevator. When we entered it was all quiet. "You don't have to act shy around me. It's fine. If I'd would make you feel better, you can call me Jungkook." I nodded. The elevator opened and suddenly the whole aria looked different. It looked all so expensive even when we entered his room

"I didn't know teachers could afford something like that" I chuckled. "Well then you don't know me good enough." He smiled at me. "Sit down on my bed." He demanded. I do as he said and he went to a shelf getting out something that looks like a first aid kid. He sat next to me and looked at my head. "Why do you have so many bruises in your face?" He asked. "Oh, that is nothing." I answered nervously. "I don't think it's just nothing. If anything like that happens again, tell me." I nodded. He put some cream on my wounds and looked at my hands. "Good, it healed." He gave me some pills and I felt better."You want to play playstation?" He offered. "You can true to defeat me." I scoffed. "We'll see about that." He said. After 5 rounds, it was 3 to 2 for Jungkook. I was tired, too tired to go down. "You can sleep here." He offered and before I could say anything, I was already asleep.

~Next morning
"Y/N, wake up. You need to go down for breakfast" I heard a sweet voice calling me. Was I in heaven? I slowly opened my eyes and remembered last night. Shut. It wasn't normal for a student to play computer games with their teacher. "You can go take a shower, if you want. I'm already ready. And if you need clothes, there are some in my closet. I nodded and went to the closet to find an outfit. After I showerd, I wore this.

"You look good" I blushed at Jungkooks comment. "You too" I quickly answered.
We went out of the room and talked a bit about some of games. Especially Overwatch.
~In the dining room
I went to Yuna who was already waiting for me. "Where were you young lady" She looked me in the eyes. "A slept at Jungkooks, but it was just, because he helped me with my headache." She looked shocked. "You mean Mr. Jeon?" I nodded. "Omg, I knew it. He likes you" What did Yuna just say? He liked me? No way. He's a teacher and I'm a student. Can't be. "Let's get some food." I quickly changed the theme. "You like him, too." Yuna whispered. I ignored her and went to the waffle section where Mr. Jeon was standing right now. "We can play games again today, if you want. Just come at 1am to the elevator. You remember it?" I nodded. "I would love to have some revenge on you." I smirked. He just smiled. "We'll see about that. Btw you can also get an bikini for today from me, if you want." I looked him in the eyes."How do you even get all this money?" He shrugged. "Guess you have to find out, cause I won't tell you that easily." And hush, was he away. I looked after him. How could he. I will kill him tonight. "How was the talk with your dearest lover?" Yuna came from behind. "He is not my boyfriend." I said harshly. "Not yet" she added. I sighed. There was no winning in this conversation. I went to our seats and ate my yummy waffles. After a while Mr. Jeon stood up and said: "Good morning class, today we will walk a bit at the beach and then we'll go swimming there. So bring good clothes. We will leave at ten and come back at 6pm."
I needed to clean our table, so we kinda were last. When we left a hand hold onto my wrist. "Could we talk for a minute, miss Y/N." I nodded and signaled Yuna to leave, while she was just winking at me like crazy. "What do you want to talk about?" I asked. "I wanted to give you your bikini." He looked me in the eyes. "I don't need one." "But otherwise you won't get your revenge." He said calmly as ever. I frowned. "Fine" He took my hand and we went to his room. He gave me this

"It's really beautiful, thank you." I said. "You're welcome. How about you come here directly after dinner" "That'll be great." I smiled. I bowed and left.
When I got into my room, Yuna was already awaiting me. She wanted an answer. "I was just using the bathroom. You know. Girl problems." She looked scary. "I don't believe you. Where do you have that bikini from? It looks really expensive." She was right. It looked really expensive. But how did Jungkook get all that money? "I forgot it in the bathroom." I lied. "Right, the bathroom is Mr. Jeon's room since when?" I sighed. She defeated me, again. I had no chance against her. "Alright. He gave me it. But to clerify it, there is nothing going on between us." She chuckled. "But you both like eachother. It is clear. I'll ship you."
I went to the bathroom. I couldn't say anything anymore to this. After a while, I came back into the room. Yuna jumped around and sang "love is in the air". I graped my bag. "Come on, we're already late." I demanded. "Alright, Mrs. Jeon." She smirked. I hate love this childish girl. We went to the hallway. Everybody was already awaiting us. We went inside the bus and were doing the usual stuff.

~At the beach
Everybody was in the weather, except me and Yuna. "Y/N, I know you don't want to go swimming right now, but maybe later. Anyways, I will just go swimming." She left me, so it was just me and Jungkook. He walked to me. "You want some?", He asked while holding a bag with chips. I chuckled. "Indeed." I filled my mouth with the food. It tasted quite good. "Why are you not swimming?" He wanted to know. "Well... I don't feel comfortable with all those people looking at me." He chuckled. "You don't have to. You're beautiful anyway." I blushed. Did he really just say that?
I felt my body heaten up

Teach me hell - Jeon Jungkook/ Bts FF (Mafia)Where stories live. Discover now