7. chapter

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We left the building and straight ahead went to a Starbucks. While walking, I couldn't keep my eyes away of his looks. What was I really to him? He doesn't really like me, right? I mean just look at me. I'm just a really ugly bitch. Even my own family doesn't accept me. So why please would such a hot man like me? I didn't get it. Every single girl looked at him I'm awe and yet he chose me. This isn't real. He probably is just using me. Boys just throw us away like toys. They don't really think about our feelings. So what was the meaning behind all this nonsense? Right, it was all just I big lie. I sighed. "What's wrong babe?" Jungkook asked. "Nothing." He suddenly stopped his tracks, turned me to face him and replied: "Y/N don't try to hide it. I can clearly see, how frustrated you are. I mean you furrowed a lot just now. And yet you still stand here and tell me you're fine. I care for you and all I could ever wish  for is you being happy. So tell me. Whatever would make you feel I can make it happen." Did he really mean what he just said? Does he really care for me? But why? I'm just so weak and lonely. After a long discussion with myself I decide to speak up: "Why do you like me?" He kissed me passionately and then answered: "You are special. The first time I saw you, I could see so much in your eyes. It was a beautiful sparkle which I loved the moment I met you. Some people would call it love at first sight. I didn't believe it at the beginning, but you showed me different. I can't  imagine myself with a different woman than you, cause you are the world for me." I was quite shocked by what he just has said. Nobody ever told me that serious and long how they feel about me. And especially how much they like or love me. "Anyways, you want to do anything special?" He wanted to know. I shook my head. "Well then I guess it'll be a surprise for you." We both smiled. He was the best that has ever happened to me. Honestly. He just made me so happy, made me feel really comfortable and welcomed and he somehow spread so much warmth.

~At Starbucks
When we entered, I noticed, that it was pretty empty. It somehow confused me. From the outside it looked so normal, but  in the inside it didn't. Maybe it was just the way the people acted or maybe it was just the misteryous atmosphere. I myself couldn't explain it, but something seemed pretty wrong. Everybody looked really stressed. Not the usual stress, rather being terrified. Something like being afraid to death, like one mistake could easily kill you. But why? Is it dangerous to be here? What has honestly happend to this world, it used to be so peaceful, but now. I can't even put it in words anymore. Jungkook ordered and  we sat down. "Hope you like the frappuccino." He said softly. "Yes. It's actually my favourite drink from here." I replied excited. He chuckled. "So what's the plan for today?" I broke the silence. "Honestly... I don't have a plan. I thought we could just walk around and see then what we want to do. Maybe we can go shopping." Jungkook shrugged. "Jungkook, seriously? First of all, you act like you have a plan and reality you don't. Was your plan for us to walk around like some lost kids. And second when will we be back? You know that we need to leave tomorrow." I laughed at him. "Alright Y/N. Maybe I am a child but then you are a baby. And I'm sure we'll find some great activity." I smiled. "As you say."

We were  on our way to the main part of the city. We were walking around like every other couple. Holding hands and talking as if we were in love. It was an unknown feeling. Being loved. He gave me this feeling. I was afraid he would break my heart but at the same time I trusted him that he wouldn't.
"Do you want to try out this park?" He pointed towards a park for little kids. "Yes kiddo." We both laughed. It's fun acting young. We entered, took our shoes of and did some weird stuff. I don't know why but we started playing catch. He needed to catch me. I ran for my life while he was running extra slow. Why am I so lame? "Got you" he said as he hugged my waist and kissed my cheek. I was now blushing like a crazy red tomato. "Aw~ you're so cute when you blush." He said. I punched him slightly. "Stop that" He smirked. "Give me a reason why I would." I rolled my eyes. "Cuz you are a nice person." Again, he chuckled. "Since when babe." He started kissing my neck. I pulled away and quickly left the building.
When he came out he said"You're no fun babe" I leaned into his ear and whispered seductively "Well not yet, but in bed" His eyes widened. Jungkook didn't expect that at all from me. "You're driving me crazy" he finally said.

~in the evening
We were currently in Jungkooks room. After the amusement park we went for a walk on the beach and ate some waffles. We wanted to go out for dinner and Jungkook gave me a dress to wear.

 We wanted to go out for dinner and Jungkook gave me a dress to wear

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It was beautiful and seductive. Not that I wanted to have sex with him tonight though. I wanted things to go slow, but still teasing him was fun. I took my purse and left the room. He was standing outside busy with his phone. As he noticed me he looked up. "You look.... Beautiful tonight." I kissed him. "Thanks. Same goes for you." He took my hand and let me down the stairs. The other students were currently at dinner so we didn't need to worry about them.
We left the building and outside was a red Lamborghini. How much I wished to once in my life be in a car like that. Suddenly I noticed that he walked to the expensive car and opened it. "Is that yours? How can you afford that?"

Teach me hell - Jeon Jungkook/ Bts FF (Mafia)Where stories live. Discover now