26. Chapter

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~Jk pov.
I was on my flight to Chicago. I've never been there before. Maybe I should take a look at the city. I'd be finished really quickly with Michael anyways. But was the city really worth it? Well, I needed to get my money back first anyways.

I sipped on my coffee, when Jimin entered.
"We'll soon arrive." He explained.
"What about Suga? Did he find him?" I questioned. Jimin gulped. Something was awfully off.
"Is something wrong?" I investigated.
"No. No, not at all. Suga just hasn't found him yet."
I raised an eyebrow.
Jimin nodded as a response, gulping again.
Somehow, I didn't believe a single word he said. At the end, I didn't care though.

I left the plane, already being greeted by some of  my men that were already in Chicago. They all bowed to me in respect, while I just nodded my head.
"How long do you think it'll take for suga Hyung to find him?" I asked RM.
"There's a problem." He responded.
"What problem?"
"He kinda got distracted." RM explained. I stopped in my tracks. Things were getting weirder and weirder around here.
"How." I demanded to know. RM gulped.
"Just fucking tell me what's going on!" I yelled, making everyone flinch.
"He found someone."
"If it's not Michael, who did he find?"
RM seemed to think for a while. I swear to god, if he's gonna tell me a lie, imma rip his throat off.
"Well you see, he kinda found the love of his life. Just like you and y/n."
I hit the wall next to me. Her name. It reminded me of so much. So much pain, yet so much love at the same time. I couldn't stand it. Her not being with me. Getting reminded of her.
"What. Did. I. Say. About. Saying. Her. Name." I stated through gritted teeth, trying to somehow calm down.
"Not to say it?" RM questioned, gulping.
"Exactly. And what did you do?"
"Look, I'm really sorry. I truly am. But you gotta have to let go of her. Even if you are going to find her. What are you going to do? Asking her for forgiveness? Do you think she will forgive you? How do you know she doesn't have a new lover?"
I had enough of his talk. I couldn't hear it anymore. It felt like cuts in my heart. It hurt, but more evidently, my anger took over me. I grabbed Namjoon by the collar.
"I don't want you say her name nor do I want you do ruin my mood nor talk about her, understood." I yelled, tears starting to fall down my face.
"Suga found her." He whispered. I slowly relaxed.
"He what?" I questioned. Did Namjoon really say that or did I just imagine things.
"No. Say it again. Suga found her. That's exactly what you said, right? She lives here and you tried to keep it away from me. Why? You know how much I love her. How much I miss her. And yet you weren't gonna tell me, or were you?"
"I know that you love her, but you have to let her go. How do you think she'd react to the person you've become. She hasn't dated anyone since and what were you doing? You were fucking girl after girl? Wouldn't it make her feel worthless? Like she was just one of you sluts?"
He was right. I fucked up. But she would accept me, right? She would forgive me, right? She needed to. I couldn't live without her. I felt dead and was breaking more and more every moment she wasn't there. My heart beated for her and only her. Not even for myself.

I started breaking down. Falling to the floor, while having an anxiety attack. What if she wouldn't accept me? What if she'd never forgive me? What if she hated me? What would I do then? Jump down a bridge? Keep her locked up in my room? No, that would be torture. At least she was happy, right? But without me... She won't ever need me. I'm just some fool. Why would she want me? I'm just bad for her. She didn't need someone like me in her life, bit I needed her. Badly. My breath started getting slower and slower, while my visions got more and more blurry, till everything was black.

~y/n pov.
I invited my saviour into our flat.
"Do you perhaps want some hot chocolate?" I questioned. He chuckled.
"Sure, why not."

I went into the kitchen to prepare both our drinks. After that, I went into the living room and put them down onto a table.
"So what's your name?" I asked.
"Suga, what about you?"
"I'm y/n. Nice to meet you." I said extending my hand.
"Nice to meet you, too." He replied shaking my hand.
"Does something like that happen often do you?" Suga wanted to know. I bit my lip. In my opinion, it happened to often. Not only at night time, but also at day light. Not only in an alley, but also in college. It felt like no place was safe for me, for a woman. The man often came in groups. How should I fight against it? At the end of the day, I had never been raped. But there were a few times where I thought, that that was it. Luckily people noticed before it was to late. At times I was able to safe myself, but what if one day, I wasn't and no person would be near. I was afraid. More like terrified. Every time I got into a situation like that I was. I always questioned how it would be if I wouldn't be able to escape? If mentality could take it.
"It happens rarely. What were you doing in that alley?" I questioned.
"I was walking towards the shop, I had forgotten something. Then I heard some screams and I thought I'd look into it. Do you perhaps know someone called Michael?"
"Michael who?"
"Michael Rodriguez."
"I don't personally know him." I explained.
"What do you mean?" Suga asked.
"I've heard stories about him. He's- how do I put this? Really bad. I don't know what you want from him, but the things I've heard are terrible, so better stay away. I don't think that even you could do something against him." I explained.
"What terrible things has he done?" Suga wanted to know.
"Have you never heard of him before?"
"I only heard that he's selling drugs and rarely killing people." He told me.
"So you're not from this side of the city, I guess."
He shook his head.
"I'm pretty new here."
"People talk a lot about him, but no one likes saying his name. It's like a bad luck thing, but i don't believe in it anyway. Some people even saw him killing people. Yes, he lives in Chicago, but he kills all around the world, brutally. There are a few killing stories. Some of them more psychotic and some off them less. There is a lot of rape in this part of the city. Now guess why. Everyone gets told of him raping women, even underaged girls. After that, he ties them to a chair and let's some of his man fuck the women. Then he starts cutting their inner thigh and going downwards to their feet. He does the same to the arms, the back and to the belly. After that he poisons the females. Before showing them the pictures if their dead lovers. After that he cuts off their throat. Whenever he's in town, me and Maddie go to a friend. It's to dangerous to stay here."
"So he's outside of town right now?" Suga asked. I nodded.
"He's soon gonna be back though.

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