70. Un-Love

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Taehyung hated the silence between them. Both the boys have been walking for the past 10 minutes with Jungkook leading the way while the brown head silently walked hugging his own body.

He couldn't understand why was Jungkook being so temperamental with him. Along the way, Taehyung tried to fake a few tumbles and pretend to slip on his foot but he still got no reactions from the raven head boy.

"Fine. If you want to be a diva then I will be one too. After all, its you who cheated and deceived me."

Taehyung bitterly spits his words as he took quick steps to close the distance between him and the mansion which he faintly recognized as Jay's. In the process of overtaking the true blood who was walking ahead of him, Taehyung harshly bumped against Jungkook's shoulder making the head alpha's foot to slip as he fell a little forward landing on his knees.

Jungkook was fuming, he hated the brown head's gut and couldn't believe how dramatic his human mate is sounding and acting. He is still pretty angry with the whole situation and displeased with whatever happened. For now, Jungkook just wishes to get back to his pack as he has a lot of aftermaths to tackle after battling against the Crusaders single-handedly.

"Oh Tae? Where is Jungkook?"

Jimin was waiting by the door when he saw Taehyung walking in the porch with a dark look on his face, arms crossed. He chose to stay silent and ignored the silver head.

"Ok..." Jimin answered himself as he looked ahead again. "There you are. What's wrong?" Jimin asked the raven head who had an equal dark look on his face as several bruises decorated his muscular body.

"We are leaving in 30 mins. Tell him."

Jimin nodded at his alpha's instruction. He knows that they now have proximately 12 hours or lesser to reach Jin. They have yet to explain everything to Taehyung and Jimin can't be sure if Taehyung will use his ace healing power on Jin.

Unfortunately, both Jimin and Jungkook are still clueless about the current state of Jin and Namjoon. Both the wanderers were not within proximity for them to be mind-linked and updated by Hoseok who was growing frantic with Yoongi every passing minute anticipating their head alpha's arrival.

On that note, at the ground of Shadow pack, things were deteriorating in the speed of light.

"Yoongi, Namjoon is not looking good and Jin's entire body has now been covered with wolfsbane. I'm worried that his system has completely shut down."

Hoseok said through a mere whisper as he continued to hold both Jin and Namjoon hands on his own.

Yoongi couldn't say anything. He could see the distraught state Hoseok is getting into. The older's heart ached for his mate. On one hand, Yoongi's mind is completely occupied with the thought about Taehyung gone missing and the impossible mission Jimin was set out to conquer. His little heart can't handle all these attacks in a day.

"Hobi, I'm positive they will be back soon."

"Soon enough to save them from being gone forever?"

Yoongi hesitated. Can he still pull himself to give Hoseok a false hope or a harsh truth? "We will leave it to the Moon Goddess."

Hoseok knew Yoongi can't possibly break his hope but he is not the dumb one to not notice the spiralling down condition of both Jin and Namjoon. Their condition is worsening and they have less than 12 hours in hand to save their friends.


"Tae, we are leaving in 30 mins. Grab any clothes or whatever you need and meet me at the porch." Jimin walked into the kitchen while Jungkook barged into the first room he could and find a pair of decent clothes which fits him.

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