8. Precious

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"Yoongles, hey."

Taehyung lazily dragged his feet, closing the front door behind him as he spotted his brother busy preparing dinner in the kitchen.

"Hey Taebear, how was your first day? You're later than expected."

Yoongi was informed by his little brother that he will be delayed, but he wasn't expecting Taehyung to return home at 6 PM, 3 hours after his last class.

"It's all Jimin's fault."

Taehyung threw his bag on the couch and gently hung his car keys on the hooker by the wall. It's his current prized possession, courtesy of his brother so he is going to treasure it like no other.

"You made a new friend already?" Yoongi asked as his ears perked up with the name which Tae just mentioned.

The worn-out brown head just nodded, sitting on the barstool, chin resting on his palm while he lazily positioned his elbows as a stand on the countertop.

"Tired huh?"

Taehyung nodded again, this time with his eyes closed.

"Alright, you can skip dinner if you want."


Tae's response was as sharp as a razor, making Yoongi stop his action in a halt, taken aback by his loud voice.

"Geez, I can never separate you from food." Yoongi laughed, finishing off the dishes on the stove while Taehyung seemed to be more awake now, with the mention of the food.

Taehyung went ahead to share his first day in new college with his brother who paid all his attention, listening to the brown head. In a way, Yoongi was glad that Taehyung seems to be happy with his first day until the mention of someone named 'Jungkook'.


Yoongi raised his brow as he was finishing the rice in his bowl. Is this the son of Alpha Jeon? Yoongi's train of thoughts flew.

"Yea, Jeon Jungkook. He was supposed to be welcoming me to the college but he did such a crappy job. Do you know Yoongles? He talks like a machine, no emotions. How is he the welcoming committee?"

Taehyung munched on some fruits as he was done with his bowl of rice way earlier than Yoongi.

"So? He didn't tour you around?"

"He did but I sort of left him when he was halfway touring around. He walks so fast like he is practically running. I prefer Jimin, he is nicer and more welcoming than that machine boy."

Yoongi smiled, listening to how playful Taehyung is narrating his experience with his friends. One thing that did not sit well with Yoongi was how Jungkook who was supposed to keep an eye on his brother, practically left him alone.

While Taehyung was back to speaking about his favourite friend Jimin, Yoongi was busy thinking about a way to speak with Mr Jeon about the lack of attention his son displayed on Taehyung.

I can't let anyone hurt you Tae, I need you to be protected. At all time.

Yoongi was listening to his brother's chatters but his mind was playing only one sentence over and over, Taehyung needs to be protected.


On the flip side of the town, gathered around the table were all the inclusive pack members. The Jeons, Jin, Jimin and Hoseok.

"So, how was the day at school today Jungkook?"

Alpha Jeon asked when he saw the boys were busy chatting around but no one seems to update him about the happening. He was sure to warn Jungkook to keep an eye on Taehyung, not sure if his son did what he warned him about.

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