55. Two and One

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Those discarded clothes around two naked males underneath the oak tree became redundant as neither one of them thought about changing the position they were in now. Legs entwined and arms collided with one another, only broken moans and cries resonated in the empty surface of the mother nature where Jungkook gripped onto the brown head above him as his stomach churn in heat.

"Please, don't stop."

Jungkook did not to be told twice. His hand continued to work it's way to Tae's zip and flung it open as his mouth continued to secure the brown head's sweet lips on his own.

"Ah, not too fast." Before the raven head could grip onto Tae's painfully erecting shaft, the male stopped him and panted with a lustful look in his eyes.

The true alpha was caught off guard. He was ready to devour his mate when Taehyung did the unexpectable and used his human strength to flip the alpha over. "Do you still want to continue pup?"

Shouldn't Jungkook deny? It's a shame for any alpha to be the bottom, its even shameful for a head alpha to surrender so vulnerably to their mate. In Taehyung and Jungkook's case, nothing makes sense at all. Not that Jungkook is mated to human-wolf and nor is Taehyung an ordinary human. Everything is out of your textbook context and right at that very moment, receiving the love and pleasure from his mate seemed like the most logical move for our raven head alpha.


"Never done it before?"

Jungkook shakes his head confirming Tae's question. He bit down his lips feeling embarrassed for his lack of experience in sex. He is never the one to sleep or mess around with others. He was faithful to his future mate since the day he came of age for he knew that he would want his first time to be the most special.

"Good, me neither." Taehyung cupped the boy's cheek under him and gave him a longing kiss before turning into a starving man himself.

Clothes were thrown to left and right to land anywhere but on either of them. They were seeing lust and love, although none of them would admit how much they want to love one another more than lust.

"Anytime that you need to stop, you let me know. Ok pup?" Taehyung was courteous enough to put in the disclaimer and warn Jungkook about his consent before moving his attention down south on the true alpha's body.

One swift move and there he was, readily eating out the whimpering human-wolf and pleasuring him at the same time. Foreplay probably works on couple's devouring each other passionately, but for Taehyung and Jungkook, it was long forgotten. Only the ache in each other's body was standing tall for them to ravish one another.

"You make me crazy Jungkook, so crazy!" Taehyung started to lose his conscious thought as the wall he always securely lean onto broke loose. He started to truly speak how he felt at that moment taking Jungkook by surprise.

"Mmm T-tae?"

"Yes Kook?"


"Anything for you pup."

Jungkook closed his eyes in pleasure when he felt a foreign feel down his back. He was ready, he knew it but he wasn't expecting the pain shooting up his bare ass turned into a sickening pleasure the more Taehyung pushed his shaft deep into him until he rested balls deep into his virgin hole.

"You alright Kooks?"

"Mmm...yea...one moment..." Jungkook was still clenching his hands in fist and gritting his teeth, his wolf was whimpering like a mad animal, the raven head's toes curled in pleasure, his mind was blown.

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