27. Crown Alpha

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Come Monday morning, Taehyung was freakishly excited to get himself to college. A bubbling sense of feeling been churning inside his tummy throughout the Sunday where he was spending with his brother waiting for Monday to come.

"Yoongles hurry up! We are gonna be late for school!"

"Geez Taehyung, it's not like we are late for your first day in kindergarten. Plus, it's not even 8 AM. Your class starts at 9!"

"Doesn't matter. Don't you have to show some sign of a good and discipline teacher by going to the office early?"

"Taehyung. The office opens at 9 as well."

"So what's your point Hyung? Now hurry up."

Taehyung shoved his breakfast like he does not need to chew while rushing Yoongi to finish up his. The older didn't know what went wrong with his brother overnight and why has he been jumping around in the morning so early for college.

Don't tell me he is excited to meet his mate? But I thought he is not feeling anything romantic towards that Jeon boy.

Yoongi narrowed his eyes with the thought running in his mind as he rushed around as per Tae's command and was out of the house in less than 10 minutes ahead of their usual routine.

To the brown head's disappointment, he did not find any sign of the raven head he was looking for nor did he find the usual elite faces of the members at the cafeteria table as well. He even ditched Yoongi and went to the field to see if Jungkook might be secretly working out.

To his dismay, there was no sign of the raven head he was looking for.

"Maybe it's too early."

Taehyung sat at the bleachers in the field and rested waiting for the time to pass by. It only got even more saddening and disappointing for the human when time strikes 9 AM with no sign of his friends.

That very morning, Taehyung woke up with a newfound jitter and bliss in his heart. The night before in his sleep, Taehyung had a very beautiful dream and it was all about the raven head. Instantly waking up this morning, Taehyung's heart awkwardly yearned for the sight of the raven head.

Hence he has been secretly rushing around his brother to faster get a glance of the male he was looking out for.

Was Tae in love? No, he would tell you no. Was he having a sudden crush on Jungkook? Maybe.

He just wanted to spend more time with the raven head male and see where this feeling will stir him towards. The night at the treehouse with Jungkook planted some thoughts in Taehyung and the months of spending his time with the raven head only pulled his interest and attraction further dwelling in the true alpha.


Tae's wave of thoughts about his raven head cut short by a voice.


The brown head docked his chin up and looked at a male who was holding a piece of paper and a bag over his shoulder.

"Can I know where is the class for Intro to Graphic Design?"

He must be new.

Taehyung stood up and took the piece of paper from the male who was waiting for his response. He looked new and out of place, just like Taehyung did on his first day.

"It's beside my art class, I can take you there. I'm having my class now."

"Oh, will you? Thanks a lot! I'm new here so I can't understand the map either." The new student took back his paper from Tae and gently bowed in gratitude.

"No worries, I was a newbie a few months back as well. Let's go, I will help ya."

Taehyung took his bag and walked ahead waiting for the new student to catch up on him. He finds the boy's antics rather cute.

"What's your name?" The brown head initiated.

"Me? My name is Jay. How about you?"

"Taehyung. Kim Taehyung."


On the other side of the town, the reason behind the absence of the Shadow members to college was linked back to what Alpha Jeon intended to do - to crown his son as the head alpha.

"Wow, I can't believe Mr Jeon wanted to hand down the seat to you so soon." Jimin adjusted his blazer which he chose to wear over his black turtleneck and inspected his swiped back silver hair. He looked good.

"I know...I had a chat with dad and he thinks I'm ready."

"You are Jungkook, why wouldn't you be?" Jin joined in the room, looking like a true worldwide handsome man.

"I don't know? Maybe coz Taehyung is not here with me?"

"Look at you, two days and you're a lovesick puppy." Namjoon mocked his brother as he snacked on some food which Jin sneaked in for him.

"You blue head monster! Don't tease your brother. You can't even keep your finger off me when we found out we were mates."

Jin flicked Joon's forehead lighting up the ambience in the room with more laughter and jokes flying around trying to ease the nerve in their youngest and soon to be alpha.

Hoseok was enjoying the laughter in the room when his eyes cornered to Jungkook who slumped back on his chair lost in his thoughts, again.

He walked closer to the future alpha and grazed his cheeks gently making the true alpha to look up at him.


"Hey Jungkookie, are you alright?"

Jungkook smiled weakly watching over Hoseok's shoulder as the remaining three people of his group continuously enjoying their banters and having a good time.

"Do you think I will be a good alpha?"

Hoseok's eye softened. He observed how young and vulnerable Jungkook looked underneath his future alpha facade and dark onyx eyes. At that moment, all Hoseok could see was a 21-year-old young man with his huge Bambi eyes staring back at him.

"You will be Jungkook. You're born golden."

"Hyung don't mock me like Jin does all the time."

"You called me Hyung? Omg, this deserves a celebration!" Hoseok waved his arms in the air like he won a lottery.


And the chaotic antics continued until it was time for Jungkook to join his father into the territory meeting accompanied by his trusted members by his side - Namjin and JiSeok.

By the end of the day, Jeon Jungkook is now the Head Alpha of Shadow Pack with no partner by his side. The only missing piece of his soul which cried him to sleep at night feeling the hollow in his heart grew deeper as he yearned for the brown head in the middle of the night.

"I miss you Taehyung."

I didn't write much on the crowning ceremony as it'll be pretty boring so I'm skipping right to the story of JK as the head alpha now.
We still need to see what else Tae can do right?

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