43. Touches

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Jungkook stood still. He couldn't react nor can he move an inch. His whole being froze in place as his heart increased in beat, pumping the adrenalin out of his veins. The raven can sense his mate nearby. Heck, he can sense his mate an inch away. The eucalyptus fragrance was so close to knocking him out of his senses.

"Are you not going to welcome your guest in Jungkook?"

The raven head pivoted on his heels. His eyes bulged out of his eye socket, bedazzled with the image of the brown head at his study room entrance.


The hundreds of pages manuscript dropped flat on his toes making the head alpha yelp in pain.

"Tsk, you're such a baby."

Taehyung chuckled as he moved closer to help Jungkook pick up the book which was sprawled against the floor with bits of old yellow-stained pages scattered on the floor.

"It's ok, lemme get it." Jungkook gritted on his teeth feeling the sharp pain on his toes. He started to pick up the papers as he saw a pair of loafers stood in front of him.

"Again, such a baby. Let me help you too."

Tae started to pick up the papers in his hand as Jungkook started to sweat in anxiousness.

"Are you into ancient myth histories or something? Werewolves? Seriously?" Taehyung flipped the pages in his hands, snickering in a burst of mocking laughter. He wasn't sure why Jungkook would even read this kind of mystical creatures out of fairy tale.

"Give them to me, they are me dad's."

"Oh, so Mr Jeon is into mystical creatures I see." Taehyung didn't make a fuss, he willingly handed the stack of papers back to Jungkook as he stood a few meters away from the raven head who was picking up the last piece of paper on the floor.

"They are not mystical Taehyung."

Hearing this only made Taehyung laugh out loud as his whole body shakes with excitement. "You're so cute Kooks. I didn't take you as someone who will be into such stories like werewolves."

Jungkook wanted to clarify himself further but he knew better to not feel aggravated at Taehyung's obliviousness as his human mate has no clue about the supernatural world they are all a part of.

"Why are you here anyway?"

He kept the important manuscripts tightly tucked between the other books as he walked towards the small living space inside the study room where usually his father will discuss the pack matters with him.

"Urm, nothing specific. I just thought of seeing you?"

"See me? You saw me this morning though."

"What? Can't I miss my friend and wish to spend some quality time?" Taehyung grinned innocently as he flopped himself on the long couch, legs on top of the cushion while Jungkook too the single couch across him.

"Not really, I didn't mean it like that. I'm just...surprised to see you here. I wasn't expecting you to be here."

Jungkook thought he will have the rest of the day all to himself to run some pack errands and do more investigation on the human mate bond including the possible suspicion which he has about the dark days - the Crusaders. He certainly wasn't expecting for his beloved mate to barge in his home out of the blue.

"I missed you. I was expecting you to stay but you left my home while I was asleep. That's rude."

Taehyung fake pouted.

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