44. May I?

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"Tae, would you like me to refill the chips for you?" Jungkook's eyes were glued to the 3rd movie in the Hangover series as the boys decided to make it a movie marathon.

Jungkook was fishing onto the final piece of chips inside the huge bowl he brought up when he heard no response from his human mate.


After a second of waiting, the raven head turned his head to the side to watch Taehyung blissfully travelling in his dream with a pout on his face. The brown head was supporting his cheeks at the back of his right palm while his whole body was sliding lower and lower on the sofa bed they both crashing in.

"Is he asleep? I thought he was watching the movie. No wonder he didn't respond to any of my remarks."

The true alpha mumbled to himself and he wiped his hands clean off the chip crumbs as he placed the empty bowl and dirty tissues aside. He adjusted the huge soft blanket which was covering their bodies and leaned to Taehyung's side.

"Tae?" He softly shakes the brown head and watched his displeasing face.

So someone doesn't like to be woken up from his nap. Freaking cute.

Jungkook giggles when he see Tae pouting further and pulled the blanket along with him and he turned deeper to his right side, away from Jungkook's eyesight.

Taehyung even managed to hide his whole face underneath the mountain of pillows he managed to build a fort with while they ran their movie marathon.

The raven head's eyes soften as he sighed with adoration looking at his little human mate getting comfy under his presence.

"Sleep well bun."

Jungkook leaned towards gently and stole yet another soft kiss on top of Taehyung's soft brown head. His bunny grin was flashing on full display when he notices Tae squirming but stayed asleep.

When he was about to retrace his moves, Jungkook halted a little when he saw a faint glow over lining Taehyung's back shoulder.

"Holy shit."

The raven alpha gasped as his doe eyes widened in astonishment. He can't believe he finally gets to witness what he believed to be a myth. Sometimes so surreal that he can't believe his own eyes.

Taehyung's back shoulder was glowing in soft glows highlighting five circular rims. Inside each of the rims, a different pattern glowed is almost sheer gold and white like it was shimmering. The glow was even more prominent as Taehyung was wearing a thin black t-shirt which can be a see-through piece.

Unknowingly, Jungkook's fingertips brushed gently on top of Tae's shirt. He felt the amazing touch on the tip of his fingers as he jolted them away as soon as it came to contact with Taehyung's back shoulder. It feels like it repelled his touch as the ink glows brightly.

Jungkook's curiosity got the best of him as he was inching closer and closer to Taehyung, unbothered by the possibility of waking up the sleeping brown head boy. He was so close to Tae's back shoulder that he can start to see each of the patterns which outlines themselves inside the circular rims across his shoulder blade.

"Fire, water, earth, air, metal. The five elements."

The raven alpha's voice sounded so delicate in contrast to the racing heart of his own. He can't believe his eyes. Is this the mark on an ace healer? And this ace healer is his mate?

"K-Kooks? W-why are you crying?"


Jungkook blinked his eyes and saw that he was no longer staring at Taehyung's shoulder back, he was facing the most beautiful human he has ever laid his eyes on. His mate.

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