2. Curiosity

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The soft brown head was walking, kicking on pebbles he stumbled on the road without a care in the world with each step he takes as the phone in his back pocket rang.

He took the phone in his hand and pouted in a questioning manner when he saw the caller ID.

Caller ID: Yoongles

It was his elder brother.

He answered the call and soon found out the reason behind that call was to locate his whereabouts as he was taking longer than usual to reach home.

After assuring he was only a few metres away from their home, the boy cheerily ended the call and continued his walk. This time, a lot faster in taking each step to ensure he won't be receiving a second call from his brother.

The soft brown head was guilty as charged when he received a call from his worried brother as he was distracted to paint the scenery of a forest which he stumbled upon. He was returning from his final class of the day and was not aware of the time until the sky darkened, turning the forest into a dark blanket, signalling him to head home.

Although he was rushing his way back, the boy still managed to stop by his favourite ice cream shop and grabbed a cone of strawberry ice cream, causing a little detour. He made a mental note to restrain himself from mentioning this detail to his brother, afraid he might be lectured for eating ice cream again and again.

As he walked to the front door of their cosy little home, just on cue, the front door flew opened by his brother.

"Urm Yoongles? What's wrong?" He noticed his brother carried a stressed-out look on his face, out of the ordinary.

"Taehyung ah, you trust Hyung right?"

Yoongi, his elder brother sat him on the couch and eyed Tae very seriously. In this world, for Taehyung, no one else matters more than his one and only brother so instantly when the question was asked, he nodded eagerly answering his brother's query.

"Tae, I need you to switch to a new college."

The younger one's brow furrowed, in confusion. Did his brother asked him to switch college?

"Tae, I just feel like you will do better in this new college and I can see more options for you there as well. I can finally afford to pay for better college now so I want you to join the new college I found for you."

"But Hyung I just have like 1 more year left to graduate and this current college is good enough for me. I don't mind its not an expensive college in town. I love it here."

Tae clenched his art supplies close to his heart, indirectly indicating that he cherishes his current college and love what he does.

"I know Tae, but I just feel like you can use a fresh new environment. Graduating from a good college will give you more opportunities in the future as well."

The soft brown head couldn't understand why his elder brother is asking him to change his college out of the blue. Taehyung, in fact, has never questioned his brother in regards to any decisions for Yoongi is the sole guardian of him, his only brother.

Growing up, Tae couldn't really remember anything about their parents. According to Yoongi, their father passed before he was born in an accident and their momma passed away within the same year of his birth, due to illness.

The brothers were temporarily raised by their distant uncle until Yoongi was 15 years old where he started working part-time and afford a living for them both. Soon, they moved out and left for this new town, Charlestown, when it happened. Tae was only 9 years old back then.

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