28. Aching For You

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It has been a couple of days since the Shadow Pack members didn't make their way to college. In the recent event of Jungkook's coronation for the alpha status, things have been pretty consuming in terms of time and labour back in the packhouse.

Not only Jungkook's schedule and responsibility shifted a complete 360 degree but also for the rest of the members who stayed by the raven head's side.

Namjoon is now the official advisor of the Head Alpha, Jin has been appointed as the official physician of the pack. Hoseok has rightfully won the battle of the head warrior - to assist their alpha in pack related fights and combats.

Although Jimin carries the status as beta cum a nature of an omega, he was still rightfully elected as Hoseok's assistant in combat due to his impeccable skills in combat.

Overall, the elite members have now all gotten a notch higher in status becoming the new governing team of Shadow Pack - the lead pack within the territory.

Hence, it speaks for their absence at the college which struck odd for a mere human like Taehyung. The brown head didn't know what went wrong and why his bunch of friends have been missing from classes and none of them was contactable.

Yoongi on the other hand suspected that Jungkook might have taken the status as head alpha. The older's suspicion got confirmed on one of the night when he received the call from the ex-head alpha - the older Jeon.


Days passed and Taehyung's worry grew bigger. He tried calling the raven head and Jimin but to no avail as he did not receive a single reply from them both.

"Urgh!" Tae groaned before stuffing his breakfast into his mouth.

"Tae? Are you ok?"

Yoongi knew why was Tae acting out of place but he chose to act oblivion.


"Are you sure? You seem to be out of place these few days. Is everything ok?"


Yoongi furrowed his brows at his brother who seems to enjoy murdering the piece of the pancake by stabbing it over and over on his plate ignoring Yoongi's question and stare.

"Taehyung, look at me."

The younger obliged. He didn't want to make it seems like he is being agitated or worried about his friends, particularly on Jungkook.

"Are you ok? Is something happening which I have no clue about? Is everyone ok at college?"

Taehyung sighed heavily. How would he know if they are ok? If Jungkook is ok when none of them bothers to reply to him or come to classes. Tae buried his frustration on his own and cleared his throat before answering Yoongi.

"Yea, everything is fine. I will get going then. I have extra classes today so I will drive myself Hyung. See ya."

The brown head grabbed his keys and hugged Yoongi goodbye.

As soon as Taehyung was out of the door, Yoongi didn't waste any time. He quickly picked up his phone.

"Hello, Jay? You know what to do."

Yoongi didn't wait for a reply, it was more like a command by the Guardian Pack alpha. He can sense the danger coming sooner than expected now that Jungkook has been crowned as the Shadow Pack's head alpha.


It was another day in the college and another day of Taehyung sitting alone in the silver table at the cafeteria with 6 empty chairs. Even Yoongi excused himself from lunch saying he was busy with his teaching schedule.

Taehyung took his lunch by himself and sat on the table using the space to sprawl out his assignments and diligently worked on it while waiting for his next class. His eyes and attention though betrayed him multiple times as he catches himself diverting to the seat where usually would be filled by a certain raven head.

What the hell is happening and why is Jungkook not answering my calls and texts?

The brown head lost his appetite to eat as he pushed his food aside, eyes back on his laptop.

"May I join you here?"

Taehyung looked out to see the new kid - Jay with a tray of food in his hand looking excited to find him there.

"Um..." Taehyung knew that there is no way the rest of the members will turn up for the day so he thought it's alright to use some company.

"Sure, have a seat."

Taehyung pulled aside his belongings, cleared some space for Jay to sit. What he didn't expect was for the male to go right after Jungkook's seat which Tae didn't like even a bit. That space only belongs to Jungkook.

"Um Jay? Maybe you wanna sit here instead?" Tae pointed at another seat right beside Jungkook's. It belongs to Jimin.

"Sure..." Jay didn't know why Tae was so specific about the seats but he was glad at least he gets to join the brown head for lunch.

"So? How have you been? Settling in well with classes and meeting new friends?"

Taehyung was back to his usual self. The brown head does enjoy making new friends and besides, Jay looks like a very nice person.

"The usuals I guess. Moving schools are nothing new to me. Besides, I think it was great I bumped into you on my first day. You've been a great help!" Jay laughed lightly showing his gratitude towards the brown head.

Both the said males chatted their lunch hour away until it was time for their next classes which so happen to be next to each other again.

To Taehyung's delight, the last class of the day ended faster than expected. It was perfect timing for him to leave the campus ground as planned. To be honest, he doesn't have any extra classes. He just needed an excuse to drive himself so that he can make his way to meet his friends who have been missing for days without any news.

Yoongi knew his little brother's plan but he didn't want to ambush the brown head with the truth. For now, Yoongi just needed to keep an eye on Taehyung and make sure he is safe.

As planned, Taehyung quickly buckled up in his car and drove off to find his friends. There is something strange brewing in his heart, a sense of longing and curiosity that he couldn't fight any longer.

For Tae, it just merely means that he misses his friends and he is worried about them. In reality, it was just the mate bond and the string of fate pulling Taehyung right now towards the raven head in the name of friends.

Jeon Jungkook, you little ass better have an explanation where you have been these days.

Taehyung had one goal in mind and that is to see Jungkook.

Taehyung is most probably slowly falling for his crush without knowing the mechanism behind it.

I still recall having a crush and constantly searched for him in the crowd in classes. Having crushes are so adorable I swear.

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