1. Alpha

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Present time - The year 2020

Jungkook's POV
Why is it Monday morning already?

God! I swear adulting can be super hard sometimes. I can't believe I am turning 21 and I am complaining about my adult life already.

I lazily tossed myself to the side of my bed and checked on my phone as I always do first thing in the morning.

Great! I just received extra schedules for the day to make up on my missing sessions for Maths last week. I quickly buzzed Jimin and asked him if he got the same schedule for replacement.

Thank God! He did. At least I won't be stranded at the class all by myself.

I went ahead to scrub myself clean and dressed up before picking the car keys to fetch Jimin on the way to college.

As usual, mom made excellent breakfast for us that I almost wiped out more than half of the food leaving nothing but a piece of sandwich for my brother.

Oh, are you wondering about my background and personal details, etc? Curious aren't you? Well here you go, you can read it until I fetch Jimin.

Name: Jeon Jungkook
Rank: True Alpha
Wolfie Name: JK
Strength/Power: Speed
Pack: Shadow Pack

I do have a brother, his name is Namjoon. He is ranked as Alpha. He was not born to my biological parents, he was adopted into my family as both his parents (my uncle and his wife) died in combat.

As far as I can stretch my childhood memories, Namjoon Hyung has always been a part of it.

He loves me like his own blood brother and I am thankful to have him to guide me through all these crazy Alpha shit that my father has been pushing down on me.

Being born to two Alphas, I am ranked as the True Alpha, who usually leads the pack as soon as the current leader hands down at the time when the successor is deemed qualified.

Being true blood also means, I was born with a gift. In this case, I have the speed that no other wolves can match against me. This helps me in fights and battles as I am quick on my reflexes and attacks too.

Hence, I have been trained since a very young age to fulfill my duties for my pack when the time comes.


It didn't take me long to arrive at Jimin's home. As we are all from the same pack, our houses are in close proximity anyways.

I honked a couple of times to signal him I'm here. As on cue, the blond hair male just started running out of his door towards me happily clenching onto his bag pack.

"Hello, Kookie! You're fast today!" Jimin hopped into the car beside me and quickly gave me a warm hug.

"Pfft when was I never fast? We live like a few miles away and you're always lazy to walk."

"What??? I could have been kidnapped you know if I walk the streets looking this good." Jimin batted his eyelashes at me.

"Oh come on Jimin, our pack ground is the safest in this territory, don't bullshit me on getting kidnapped." I laughed off.

"Wait till I tell Hosoekie Hyung about you. He will screw you up for endangering my life!" Jimin exclaimed dramatically.

I just continued to laugh and drove off to the college.

Hoseok and Jimin's relationship is pretty complicated if you ask me. But again, it's not that difficult to comprehend.

Hoseok is a Warrior Beta in our Shadow Pack. He is one of the strongest and most loyal wolf we have ever had in a very long time. He often works with Namjoon hyung to govern the safety of the pack.

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